Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"The Friendly Exotic Animals"

                     Three alpacas graze in pasture near my home. 1-11-2017 Perryton, Texas.
This is another breed of Llamas, but I failed to get its name. He is in the alpacas herd. 1-11-20017
Perryton, Texas.

As promised I am reporting on the animal find I ran across yesterday. I went back to the location and rang five doorbells before I found someone to give me information. It happened to be a guy who was raised up with my son, Chuck. He knew a lot about the animals, but I can’t write it all down. He told me something about the strange-looking one that I didn’t find out its identity. He told me it was a cross between a Llama and a donkey. I also need to make a correction from yesterday’s blog. I wrote that the distance from my house to the animal’s pasture was four blocks. Its more like ½ of a mile, but still within the city limits.

My surprise today was meeting a childhood friend of my son’s. While growing up he and his two brothers spent a lot of time with my two sons, Chuck, and Rick. They lived across the street from us. I was glad to visit with he and his wife for a few minutes. A super nice couple living in a nice comfortable home. I was ringing doorbells a little before 5’oclock so I guess both parties of the house were still at work. The location is one of the better homes in Perryton. It smells of oil field success. So proud of some of Perryton’s pride. With our new President elect we expect the oil business to boom again soon.

I spent several hours painting today. I will be posting another portrait of myself in a few days. This one is the exact identity of my 84 year old face. The only other portrait of me was painted when I was a fifty year old. Thirty four years difference in the two. My next project will be a large portrait of Donald Trump. I am anxious to get started on it. It will be my biggest portrait of all the others. I want this one to be the real, distinguished President, Donald Trump. I will put my everything into it.

I will be traveling to Amarillo tomorrow to take Chuck for a procedure that requires someone to drive him home. It will take most of the day, and I am anxious to get it over with. We will be driving through deer country for several miles in the dark. I so often see dead deer along that road when I am traveling it. I am told the car lights blind the deer and they jump out in front of the cars. I will be driving very slowly. Hopefully we will be back home before night. If not we will stay in a motel. I have every reason to be thankful for the good health both Chuck and I have been privileged to enjoy. God does take care of we both. The weather is supposed to be good tomorrow, but the report is bad weather Friday. Again we are blessed with good weather.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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