Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"My First Painting Of 2017"

Receding glaciers left these rocks behind in what is now New York City's Central Park. I just finished this painting today. 1-3-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I returned home yesterday from my New Years Eve trip to be with my sisters and a good friend in Clinton, Oklahoma. We had a great time and no one wanted to leave to go home. We ate our black eyed peas on New Year’s day with cornbread I had taken from home. We did have good luck, although I can’t say we brought a lot of money home. Money can’t buy the fun and relaxation we shared during our two days together. I think I am the only one of the four who came home a few dollars short, but I feel like I received more in the long run. I came home ready to get back to my painting, and finished this painting I was very ready to put in a frame today. I think I got a full charge while I was gone. My sisters both received a quit a bit of love- gift money from our friend who loves to give gifts to others. I have had my share in the past. What a wonderful friend we have. She and I were raised up together and have know the good ole days of poor times with boo-coo’s of love for free. In recent days this friend has been blessed with good business success, and an inheritance from a special friend she met and enjoyed friendship with for many years before he died with cancer. She provided him with all the special needs he needed, and stayed by his side till he passed. My sisters both saw a special love within this friend the like of which they had never seen before.

I must tell you just how much we all believe God takes care of us no matter where we may be. This friend was having good luck at the casino, and she always carries a lot of money with her. Doing a lot of excitement from hitting a jack pot three times on the same machine she walked off and left her playing card in a machine. When she missed it she ran back where she knew she left it. A man was playing the machine. “Did I leave my card here” she asked? “You sure did he replied, and your billfold too.” She hadn’t missed her wallet and was almost speechless when she saw it in the man’s hand. She never tells anyone how much she gives away, but knowing her I know she gave that man a big reward. She probably had more than $10,000 in the wallet. We definitely believe God takes care of us since He has proved Himself to us many of times. I have had several such instances happen to me as well as has my sisters. Yes, I mean all of which were in a casino. I know there are some bad people that go to casinos, but I can say there are far more honest and decent people by far than bad ones. That includes the workers and attendants who manage the casinos. I seriously doubt you will find any more bad people percentage wise in a casino than what you find in the churches. Our lives are what we make of them no matter where we go. I am thankful that my Heavenly Father allows me to have fun and enjoy myself as long as I do unto others what I would have them do unto me. He even gives us health to enjoy our lives to the fullest. No one is ever pain-free, but He is a merciful God to say the least. When He is through with us here on earth He will gracefully take us home to be with Him.

Happy New Year to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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