Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"Why Does Ice Storms Happen"

                        Neighbors still have limbs on their yard. 1-24-2017 Perryton, Texas.
           Another neighbor's limbs. Limbs are still everywhere. 1-24-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I have all the limbs off my yard, but several neighbors still have theirs piled up. There are a lot of stripped trees around this city. Even though my limbs are gone I still will have a lot of raking up smaller pieces when the weather gets warmer. If anyone is reading my blog for the first time we here in Perryton had a terrible ice storm about ten days ago, and many big limbs broke lose from the trees and caused streets to be blocked as well as many yards were piled high with limbs. Much work has yet to be done before the city will look decent again. In some places the entire tree broke near the base of the ground. We are thankful that it wasn’t worse. I’m anxious for spring to arrive even though it will mean a lot of yard work for me.

I’m staying busy with my painting, but watch the news a lot also. I have never in my life been so involved with the welfare of our country. I don’t want to leave the television for very long at a time. I am completely at ease with having a new president, but that’s not to say we are not still in a civil war in the US. It’s very plain that our country is divided with little hope of it getting better. The good side of America may not be the best, but the bad side is the worst of the worst. I don’t think women can stoop any lower than what they have while marching in these anti-Trump parades. I think most men would be ashamed to march with them even if it were a mixed gender parade. It is no wonder that this country is in shambles. Sin and shame have taken center stage since the liberal, brainwashed, freaks have gained control. I believe we the people have a chance now to redeem part of our integrity, but I fear many lives will end before it happens.

I used to fear to speak out publicly because there was so many evil people just waiting to cut your throat, but I got to the place where I felt that I had to or else be held accountable by God. I have been almost daily for two years on the internet denouncing sin that I felt could not possibly be mistaken for minor. I am not a judge, but I am charged by God to be a witness to His word. Therefore I used the bible to condemn sin that I saw so aggressively being practiced. I would not say I am out of the woods, but so far I have not been personally attacked. I took a stand for good, and went all the way with it. I believe I have been protected so far, and if God wills I will keep on denying evil and trust Him more. No one is a good soldier if they are too scared to face the enemy. Millions have died, but they died an honorable death. Think about it. Are you closing your eyes to awfully bad stuff so you can say I didn’t see it? God forbid. There is no place to hide when your name is called into question.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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