Thursday, January 26, 2017

"Ugly Piles Of Trash"

Broken limbs at my son, Chuck, house. The white house with red trim is his. 1-26-2017 Perryton TX
                                   An all day job to clean them up. 1-26-2017 Perryton, TX
Waiting for the crew to clean up Chuck's limbs broken off by ice storm. 1-26-2017 Perryton, TX

The ice storm from two weeks ago has many homes still waiting to be cleaned up from broken limbs. I was fortunate to get mine cleaned up in a week. Almost everyone who had a tree in their yard had, or still has, broken limbs piled up. It looks like a bomb hit every tree, but left the houses standing. Most of the trees that have broken limbs are going to have to be sawed off and shaped up. Some limbs are still hanging by a thread. In all the sixty years I have lived in Perryton I have never seen anything like this. Trees that used to look beautiful are now looking shabby and completely without shape. May we all get over it and hope for a better winter next year. I did eat my black-eyed peas on New Year’s day.

Today has been one of the most trying days that I have had in a long time. I won’t go into detail, but it was like I was loaded for bear. Everything that upset me, and there  were several, I let go with both barrels. I was shooting at the evil all around our nation, not to mention other nations, but was limiting it to my own small world. At the end of the day I did get an apology or two, and gave one back. Tonight I feel like I have been visited by several angels who came to my rescue. Sometimes we have to take a stand and defend ourselves or else we will be run over and left for dead. Today I did defend myself several times. I am very much alive tonight.

At this time I don’t intend to put my double barrel on the shelf any time soon. I am tired of being the nice person who is too stupid to defend themselves. I had always believed you could kill a person with love. I don’t accept that idea any more. I believe we must start to hold people accountable for their actions when they cause harm and attack our integrity. Of course it’s always nice to feel sweet and act even sweeter, but when the thing is getting completely out of bound it’s time to take a stand. So sorry that I waited far too long to learn this lesson. Now I am regretting my failure to take that stand and help a nation to survive. Nation meaning smaller areas of where life is shared by Christians who have been piled upon by evil forces. We so often ran instead of firing back. I can say I have been a winner in latter days after I heard the call to fight back.

I am so impressed with the way our new President, Donald Trump, is firing back and not running from anyone. He is leading a huge army to victory that has been trying to win with love and compassion. It is now time to fight or grab our rubber nipple and go to sleep. Are we ever going to grow up? Only if we take the stand against surrendering to everyone’s orders to “do it their way.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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