Friday, January 6, 2017

"A Glowing Snow"

OH! What a beautiful morning. Sun shinning bright on 3" of snow last night. 1-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.
      Soft, white, snow covered out city last night. So beautiful. 1-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I need to hunt up my sun glasses this morning before going out. The bright glow from the snow is blinding. We received about 3”. A real blessing to the wheat farmers. The lawns also will be happy when the warm weather arrives. How thankful I am for Mother Nature and her love to all humanity. I will be staying inside today painting and watching all the exciting news. I have plans for tomorrow to attend a single’s dinner and I hope the snow will be melted off by then. I just can’t take too much shut-in time. Get up and go are my favorite words these days.

It was a pleasure talking to my oldest sister this morning from her retirement apartment in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We finished a call we didn’t complete last night. It took three attempts to satisfy our aging memories. How blessed I am to still have all three of my sisters in good health, except for slow memories sometimes. My three brothers have all passed on, and I miss them so much. I treasure their memories and speak to my sisters about them often. It’s almost like they are still living, but I just don’t see them as often. I feel the same way about my parents and all my other loved ones who have departed this evil world. I pray that my mind will hang onto my faith that tells me we shall all be together again in a perfect place of peace and joy that will never end.

I feel completely regenerated since we have elected a new president for 2017. Nothing seems to get me down anymore. I have so much confidence in this President-elect till I don’t even think he needs my advise. That’s saying a lot about me. I can now go on about my business, and not have to worry about the world’s business. I give my God credit for all of this happiness, and will praise him forever. I may have to be tied down because I have been bouncing around like a ball. I don’t want to stop having fun. Am I living in my second childhood or something? If so I hope I live it as long as I did the first one. That would make me the oldest person to live since old testament days. I could do a lot more paintings, and maybe reach the one hundredth result. I’m thinking about getting wicked with the brush and seeing what happens. I have never followed my art instructor’s advise and painted without bounders. I hope to do that starting soon. He told our class that an astute artist could interpret a painting even though the artist themselves was not able to make the impression clear. That is the interpreter could read the frame of mind the artist was in at the time of the painting. It worked with me once, and I’ve never tried it again. He interpreted it slightly different than I had hoped he would. I became afraid of painting something that would make a liar of me. Maybe I don’t know myself as well as I think I do. A friend of mine did a portrait painting and the instructor told her she was being too honest, whatever that means. So goes my career of painting.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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