Tuesday, February 1, 2022

“It's All About Tomorrow” Here I sit in my warm cozy home waiting for the snow to start. The weather man predicted hazardous weather conditions, with several inches of snow. We need some moister, but I prefer rain. Ice and sleet are suppose to be coming our way soon. I plan to stay inside till all is clear, and warmer. I had to help my son today get his place cleaned up, and food to last several days. The weather was fine till I got back home. After checking on a friend in another town, it was past time for me to write my blog. I do not have a lot to talk about, but do have a lot to be thankful for. My friend had been sick for three days, but was feeling well today. As soon as I finish this blog I will be making a big batch of chocolate chip cookies. Eating goodies and drinking hot chocolate, and coffee is what I do best when I'm home bound. Truly it was a blessing to have had four nice days of 64 degree weather before today. We are so fortunate in this part of the country to have mostly mild winters. I am satisfied with the mixture we have of nice, and not so nice. Tomorrow would have been my husband and I 72 anniversary. On February 2, 1950 we were married in Elk City, Oklahoma. He has been departed from me for nine years, but still lives in my heart. Until he drew his last breath he was telling me how much he loved me. Those words are etched on my heart. I do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. I feel sure that someday we will understand what life on earth was all about. I trust I am fulfilling the plan God had for me. That is my hearts desire. Sometimes we grope around like in darkness, not knowing what to do, but soon the light starts shinning on us again. It is then that we know we are still on the right path. Jesus is the Light of the World. In Him there is no darkness. I love to tell His story. So now I'm off to the kitchen to make my earthly. daily bread. The flesh, and blood body must eat, drink, and be merry. When the spirit leaves this body you can do with it what you wish. Again I say TRUST IN THE LORD. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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