Wednesday, February 9, 2022

“Old Things Pass Away All Things Become New” Where do I sit while I wait for the Pearly Gates to open for me? In my home without friend or foe to accompany me? In the church where God has been shut out? In the social gatherings where the wise have been made fools? In the educational meetings where the representatives of parent's children have denied a right to parents anymore? In the voting centers where our votes are selected by scanners who make sure they get their candidates in? In the courts where some of the judges are either transgender or have children who are? In the workplace where if you are not willing to be controlled by unknown jabs then you are fired? Are you telling me we are not living in a New World Order which has been in the making for quite some time? The wise have been made fools by trying to be nice to everyone, not calling out their evil ideas. Therefore we weary Pilgrims are not so proud anymore of our graceful journey to Freedom Land. Could there possible be another Pilgrim Journey in the future to an even more blessed Land of Freedom? I believe it therefore, I can be content to live in my own skin until such time. I will not be changing anything in my life to provoke my Heavenly Father. He will give me strength to travel on. I realize I am older and don't have as much time to be tormented by evil demons as do our younger generation who will suffer much longer. I cannot say specifically who is to blame for this dangerous world we now live in, because certainly The Almighty God is still in control. He definitely is a just God, so I will accept my unhappy feelings when they fall on me, or my loved ones. There is a time for everything even the mistakes of the innocent must be corrected. That Great Judge will decide who was innocent, and who were foolish to think they had the right to do what they wanted to. The punishment will be nothing but justified. I believe He will even lower the sentence upon good behavior. Where do you think our courts, and law system got their knowledge of how to make a court case? Only the bible provided that. I call out to all sleeping Christians wake up and start teaching again the Word of God. If God can't depend on you, then who will be His helpers to reform the foolish? Make yourself available I pray. I may not be accepted by everyone, but if I can but help anyone I am a winner, God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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