Monday, February 7, 2022

“What A little Child Shall Lead Them” Yesterday I posted on my blog the wisdom of Noah who built the Ark. He used a dove to let him know when it was safe to go out of the Ark. Maybe Noah could give our scientist of today a lesson or two. However, is it the lack of knowledge our modern day scientist scramble with today, or is it a greater knowledge on how to depopulate the world? The latter is definitely what is happening. My own prediction is within a short time the world population will be less by billions than it is now. I read in the bible that before the end of time one-third of the world's population will be destroyed at one time. Revelation 9, verse 15. I do believe we are close to that great, and notable day. I do not expect another “Noah,” miracle to happen. But in other ways I believe God is still giving wisdom to humble, God fearing, believing, Christians who could be used even like the little dove of Noah's time. When God says one-third of the world's population will be destroyed at one time, only a fool would not believe it. God already knows how many fools will be destroyed. He already knows how He will make it happen. The scientist of today have already been given the formula. I believer that is why the evil, liar's who have already been caught time, and time again deceiving the people, are getting away with it. God's plan will happen regardless of the attempts to stop it. Why, you may ask, would God do such a terrible thing. Because He is not going to always allow people to abuse His Holy Spirit by living ungodly lives forever. The disgrace people have caused God will soon be paid for. When people say to me. Oh we are living in a different time now. Everyone is doing it. I say to them but that is why we are living in a different time with murderers, being rewarded for killing good people. Yes, times are different, but Who helped it become so evil? The very ones who were taught against those, “everyone is doing it things.” I believe that includes those who accepted the “everyone is doing it ways.” Those who taught their children not to live ungodly lives, but somehow accepted it when their children ignored that teaching. We can still love our children, but if they choose to disown us because we will not accept their ungodly ways, then we must let them be ruled by The Almighty Father. We are no longer a loving parent to them. It was their choice to leave us. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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