Friday, February 4, 2022

“A Serious Matter” Today has made me more positive that spring is not far away. I awoke this morning to 6 below 0 weather, but by 10 a m it was already 10 above. The snow began to melt, and I was a new person by noon. At this time 3 o'clock p m, the temperature is 36 degree. The sun has shown brightly all day. However, on my way home from work today I saw piles of snow 15 to 20 feet high, It will take some time for all of that to melt. We do have a great group of snow plow workers here, and they are always quick to clean the streets. I stocked up again on groceries, but the shelves were near all empty. Others must have beat me to the store. I think there were more stocker's putting up goods as fast as they could, than customers grabbing it off the shelf. I think America is outgrowing her demand to serve her people well. As far as I can see things looks pretty rough. The Almighty God is our only hope. I have no doubt but what He will handle the situation well. I still sing myself to sleep every night. How I love those good old songs we sang as a child. I know many of them by heart. They tell a story that modern chatter can not compare. Give me that old time religion. Is anyone besides me trying to find bible answers to what is going on in the would today? World wide people are wearing face masks, and I am so disturbed about it. I have never read anything in the bible about such a thing as this ever coming to pass. Yet this is too big to not pay attention to it. Have we gotten so far away from God that He is not using prophesy to talk to His people anymore? To me this is something that The Holy Spirit should be focusing on at every Church meeting. Where are the messengers of God anymore? Why are they silent? I'm not one to believe in going on the news media and listening to preachers whom are not getting their prophesy correct. I believe this should come from the local church. I also know that many spirit filled Saints in the local churches are not always proper in prophesying God's message, but the body of Jesus believers usually can tell the difference. I do believe God's will would be for people to be more open in waiting for Him to speak to them. I will be the first to admit that I would rather God use someone else to demonstrate His powerful presence. But I have been the anointed one before when I had no intentions of it in the least. It is an awesome feeling, but one must be called for that purpose. I really don't feel like I have been that reluctant, but have not felt that calling in many years. What if we all gave more awareness of the need to be informed. I am just in wonder, and hope someone else wonders too. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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