Wednesday, February 2, 2022

“What Will Your Answer Be” It's been very cold all day today. The highest it's been today is 16 degree with it starting to drop lower now. We got some snow last night, but not much. I canceled my trip to the grocery store, and cooked a big pot of ham hock, and beans. I also made a pot of chili. I have to make sure my son, Chuck, has enough to eat in case the weather stays bad several days. I can make it to his house tomorrow, but no where else will I be going. The chocolate chip cookies I made yesterday will be the only dessert we will have. A pan of cornbread is all I like having everything ready to go. Oops, I just remembered I don't have any eggs. That's alright because I have cornbread in the freezer. So glad there's always a back-up plan. I read where church services have been canceled for this evening. I think that is a good idea. I just rescheduled a Dr's. Appoint in Amarillo. In time we will be enjoying nice weather again. Like I have known about this bad weather coming since yesterday, and embraced for it, I am also doing my best to embrace for another drastic war with Russia. Unless God is not willing for it to happen, we are sure to be engaged in such a deadly war very soon. In my opinion God is not near through punishing the disgusting people who have ignored Him like a dead rattlesnake. I believe this is a long time punishment phase that our Merciful God has put off far too long. He is angry now to the limit. No one knows the future, but according to the Holy Bible, God is not going to let evil people continue to go unpunished. How could anyone say God has not be merciful enough when this Country has made Sodom, and Gomorrah look like Sainthood? So many sleazy, corrupt, smart-aleck idiots have put God to the test. They deserve what they will be getting. I feel sorry for them, but I am agreeing with God when He says enough is enough. Murders, child molesters, same sex lovers, body ink injected trash marks, gender changers, unmarried sex performers, and the list goes no and on. I am sorry to disagree with those who say everything is alright because Jesus came to earth to do away with sin, so everything is now just fine. I hope I have never been guilty of making anyone believe that. I would rather be hated by idiots, than loved by them. I am sure that these kind of remarks are targets of kill, but I truly believe all Christians have a duty to spread the Gospel of Christ. He did not approve with any of the things I have mentioned, plus a lot more I didn't mention. Look out for a great awaking. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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