Monday, October 11, 2021

“No Question For God” I want to thank all my readers for being patient with me while I was absent from blogging posts. I have had an awful bad month to deal with from losing two of my precious loved ones, and several close friends. I am back home as of yesterday from a funeral service for a spacial nephew who died suddenly from an unexpected heart attack. His death happened one week after we laid one of my loving sons away. By the continuing grace of God I will be back to normal soon. He never fails to give me strength to keep pressing on. I can't tell you how many tears and grief pains I have endured, but it was far too many for a quick recovery. I would like to remain positive, but I believe in speaking the truth only. I do not feel positive about our loving country. I can only say I feel positive about all the Christians who are trusting God with all their heart because the Word says those are the ones whom God will never leave nor forsake. But I also believe we will be tester, and tried, for our faith in Jesus. There may be times when we will feel forsaken like Jesus felt when He was fixing to be crucified, but it had to be the worse kind of pain one can feel in order for God's love to be spread all over the world. That same love must be spread by you and I. Jesus did not die in vain. There is a praise song that says, “God Turns Graveyards Into Rose Gardens.” He turns seas into valleys, and He turns death into everlasting life. Let us never entertain a doubt but what this will happen. Let us comfort one another with out stretched open arms of love. Since I've been home just one day I have experienced a new outlook on life. The sun has began to shine again in my life. I don't know for how long, but I am rejoicing for now. I just told several today that God worked a miracle for me this morning. A big burden has been lifted. And to tell the truth I was shocked. I just didn't think it would happen. That is how low I was when I returned home. I guess I was feeling unworthy, but God knows our heart. I can never understand God's mercy, and his Almighty Power. I am now going to my kitchen and whip up some home-made rolls, and a loaf of bread. Before yesterday I thought I would never make another loaf of bread. I just wanted to continue to grieve. What happened? You guessed it. God changed my mind. He made me hungry for home-made buns, and bread. “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you may die.” Thank You Jesus. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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