Sunday, October 24, 2021

"Serious Church Believers"

“Serious Church Believers” Happy invitation to everyone to a special Senior Citizens Zombie lunch this Friday, October 29. at the Senior Citizen's Center, Perryton. Texas. I came home this morning from church and was reading my local paper when I saw this menu for next Friday. Our Senior Director, Darla Allred, has already invited you, but I wanted to invite you also. I almost didn't eat lunch today before I read the paper, but I was hungry so I read it before I ate. I was glad I did after I saw this menu for next Friday at the Center. ROASTED OMBIE EYEBALLS, TOXIC WASTE SPIDER DEVILED .EGGS, VOMIT DIP, AND CHIPS, CAT LITTER BOX CAKE, WITCHES BREW. SALAD ON THE SIDE .Come dressed as you please, either normal or spooky. I'm not telling what I will look like. A good service at church “maketh a cherry heart.” I left church happy this morning, and I am still enjoying the blessing I received there. In this troubled time we need to cling to every laugh possible. Our Senior Director does a good job of keeping the Seniors laughing. And our Pastors, Cody, and Clydene Pittman, does a good job keeping our faith positive. We shall reap a good harvest if we faint not. What exaltly are we planting? Fear, and doubt, or joy, and peace? Warning signs are important, but if we take them seriously we will not be wrecked. Look for warning signs in your bible, not on the evil power seekers. How many times have we told ourselves, church is not the same anymore,. It doesn't do any good for me to go. I think I will stop going and just stay home. If we would all be honest we would say that's just what Satan wants us to say. He has always wanted to shut God's Temple of Worship down. He got kicked out, and he has been mad at God every since. My bible tells me God will never allow Satan to be in control of His Great World. This should make us all shout out the victory. Let us all fight to keep our churches open. We are no more safe at home than in our church. In fact I would be more fearful out of church, because God said our bodies are the temple of the Lord..These bodies make up the original Temple in Jerusalem. These bodies are a part of that original church. Although we may not be Jewess born, we were grafted into the Jewess tribes of Jacob. That makes us a Jew by adoption. I believe this is a true picture of who we are today instead of Gentiles. I am only giving my version of who we are, but I feel like this is what God showed me. I would like to hear other views because we all are taught differently. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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