Friday, October 15, 2021

“Rise And Shine” One of the reasons I know God is “unimaginable Love” is when I see Him take part of my heart when He takes one of my precious loved ones. No one has ever loved me like Jesus because He has showed me over, and over again just how much He cares. I know, without a doubt, it was as hard for God to take my son and nephew away from me as it was for me to give them up. I heard about the lady who lost a son, and asked God where was you when my son died? God answered her and said “I was at the the same place I was when My Son died.” Is this not proof that God is grieved when our loved ones die? But the Amazing Grace that God has waiting for us is Amazing indeed. I am growing stronger every day, but I'm sure I am living with another part of my heart missing. Soon this body will be gone also, and my work on earth will have been complete. I wouldn't dare try to tell you everything that will happen after death, but I will say Jesus said our tears will forever be wiped away. I will not say everyone is going to heaven contrary to what many believe, but those whom have accepted Jesus as their Savior, and repented of their sin, will surly be there. I trust God for all decisions He makes. He is a just God, and has no favorites, but He is also a God of His Word. I will keep praising Him, just like He asked us to do. He will lead us through every dark tunnel we are forced to enter. I enjoyed being with friends again today for lunch at the Center. What a great place to go and share our troubles while laughing at our silly little worries. Togetherness puts these worthless worries to rest. It is with this refill of God's blessing that we can cope till we meet again. The food that the cooks prepare is always something to look forward to. I don't believe any person who has ever been there has ever eaten and left without a laugh or two. It's like two for the money. However, with all of this being said I have to warn you with every good thing we meet up with the enemy will come full force and try to stop it. That evil one wants to keep us low, and without hope. It does take a fighter to keep the faith, and turn your back on that enemy. He sometimes appears as a sheep in wolves clothing. Do not be deceived. You are no better than anyone else no matter how much this evil one tries to make you think so. Neither is anyone else better than you. This is God's Word repeated. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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