Friday, October 22, 2021

"The Book of Patience"

“The Book Of Patience” Every day it seems as though nothing will ever be done to hold the horrific, evil, persons accountable for their continuing acts of disastrous sin against the Godly, who are dying by the thousands for God's sake. America is my main concern about this fateful time we are now living in. In the book of Job the 17th chapter, an example of Satan's determination to destroy one of God's most Holy Servant's will bear this out. God allowed Satan to do whatever he wanted to do against Job except kill him, in order to prove to God that Job would give up his fight against evil. Several times during Job's tribulation period it seemed as though Satan would win even to the point of Job accepting death, and a dark thereafter. Bilbad, one of Jobs friend's, pleads with Job in the 18th chapter to quit sounding like he was surrendering, and listen to him. With the help of three of Job's friends Job held out till the end, but he suffered beyond anything a normal person could possible endure. I recommend that you read this story from the “Good News Bible.” Today's English Version. But in order for you to understand the message of this extremely important story you will need to read the entire book of Job. The book of patience as many call it. Many of us may be thinking we are doomed, and have completely lost our Great Christian Country, but I haven't given up yet. I may , like Job, sound like I have, but I have read the bible too much to believe God has given up on us. The evil will be punished in God's time. The Godly will be rewarded for their faithfulness if not in this life, in the life to come. We must bear our cross however heavy it might become. Since we are human flesh, like Jesus, we will be flesh when our grave time comes. However I have faith to believe God will hurt just as much as we who are dying from the flesh, but living in the Spirit still. I will never say I can be as strong as Job, or Jesus Christ, but I do have faith to believe what God promised me in the beginning with my walk with him. He will never leave me not forsake me. The wisest Man on earth, King Solomon, said for us to live, and enjoy ourselves because there will be nothing left of us once we return to dust. He was speaking of a life fashioned like Jesus would be teaching us when He came to earth. If we live to keep the 10 commandants I believe we will be admitted into the Kingdom of God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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