Wednesday, October 20, 2021

“A Bad Day A Good Day” My message today is a “somewhat take it or leave it,” according to the Gospel of St. Luke. Chapter 1, verse 1-4. Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, 2, Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; 3, It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, 4, That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed. What is St. Luke saying to the church, which I am a part of? Here is my personal understanding of this scripture. Yesterday my day started good. I was picked up by a transit bus on time for a doctor's appointment in Amarillo. The only other time I had ridden on this bus was a very pleasant trip, both there and back. This time I arrived for my appointment on time. Thirty minutes later I was finished with my appointment, and called for a pickup to come back home. I waited thirty minutes but no service, nor a call back to give me a delay time. I called the dispatcher and asked how much longer I would have to wait. He answered, I don't know. I asked can you find out. He answered hold on and I will try. I held the phone for ten minutes without another word. I hung up called again. This time I got a recording that said our office hours are such and such call back later. Here I was 130 miles from home without any other way home. I tried the dispatcher again. He told me my driver was in a town 60 miles away broken down. She had called a mechanic and that it would be about thirty more minutes. I said to him, I don't think she is broken down, because the trip over there had been perfectly normal. I knew if she had broken down, and had called a mechanic that it was not possible for her to be there in thirty minutes. She would have to drive sixty miles after the trouble was fixed. The dispatcher had told me there wasn't any one else to pick me up. I asked the dispatcher if she wasn't there in thirty minutes what could I do. He answered with “ I can't answer that.” The dispatcher was very hateful to me, so I called my son in Sherman, Texas, four hundred miles from me. I thought he might help me to get some results. The dispatcher told my son I had called him a liar, and some other untrue things about me. Then he proceeded to tell him about working short handed, and he was all alone in the office. The dispatcher did tell me he was the only one there, but he is not a driver, and I just needed a ride. He did not tell me they were short some drivers. When my son called me back he was upset with me because I had called the dispatcher a liar. I said, I did not call him a liar, but my son was fully believing everything the dispatcher said about me. Finally he told me the bus was fixed and it would be about another hour before it got there to get me. It did arrive, but there was two men on the bus, one in a motorized wheelchair who had to see his doctor at 4:30 . We dropped him off and waited another hour and one half for him to be ready to get back on the bus. While we were waiting for the last doctor's appointment to be finished I asked the driver if she had been broken down. She said no she just couldn't get the door from the wheelchair lift to close. She said it needed to be pushed up, but evidently she did not know that. It was at the wheelchair patient's home 60 miles away that the driver couldn't get the door to close. The driver was very apologetic to me, and handed me a little silver angel book marker which she had hand crocheted. I thanked her and offered to let her spend the night with me when she delivered me at 8 o'clock She was going to have to drive another 100 miles to get home. She said her husband was waiting for her so she must go on.. Now to finish the meaning of St. Luke's Gospel chapter 1, verse 1-4.' When we don't understand why things are going 100 percent against us, just remember first hand witnesses, and ministers, have already set the proper instructions in order, and we do not need to argue with the false witnesses. Proof that victims have already been justified. The good part of the day ended with an Angel giving me an angel gift that she had ready for such victims as I. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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