Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is The Light Of The World"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is The Light Of The World": The last day of 2019 and this is what I will remember all through the new year. 12-31-2019 Perryton, TX   It was so nice to wake up in...

"Jesus Is The Light Of The World"

The last day of 2019 and this is what I will remember all through the new year. 12-31-2019 Perryton, TX
It was so nice to wake up in my own bed this morning and seeing the sun wake up with me. I was not able to see the sunrise the two weeks I was gone because of tall trees and buildings. Home is the place I love most. However, I do appreciate the privilege, and the invitation along with loving kindness shown to me while I was gone. No greater blessing could one ask for. It always takes me a few days to get back in the groove after coming home from a lengthy trip, but I do finally get back. I must say again this Christmas vacation was a great one, and I thank everyone who helped make it that way. I am hoping for a very happy and blessed New Year also. I wish everyone else the same. I'm not making any New Year resolutions, but if I can just have another year as blessed as the past one I will be happy. Let me be clear though, I will try harder to be a better person. I realize I have lost some of my first love for Jesus. I may say I haven't but my actions say I have. That must change this year; age is no excuse. I also know I cannot do it by myself, I must trust God for that need in my life. I think I can already feel the change coming. After all our love for Jesus is the most important thing in our lives.

There will be no dinner at the Center tomorrow because it's the first day of the new year, but come Friday I plan to go, and keep going as much as possible. I have missed those dear friends more than I thought I would. I let too many other things get in the way during Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I missed a lot, and I know I missed a lot of Senior news. I am already learning of some bad things that happened while I was gone, and now I need to hear the good. I need most of all to stay prepared for any bad news that may come to me. Sometimes it may be a personal thing that could knock me off my rocker. I pray not, but wisdom is never too weak to think nothing bad can happen to us, or ours. I admire a mother friend of mine who lost a son unexpectedly, I believe on Christmas day. Not an accident, but gone just the same. He supposedly had pneumonia, and had been sick a few days, but wouldn't go to the doctor. This mother was talking to him about accepting the Lord. She believed he did, and is now able to rejoice instead of grieve. What a wonderful Christian mother she is. She was prepared, thank God. I am still grieving for her, but she would not want that of me. God help me to have that kind of courage.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A 2019 Christmas has been my best ever"

Jean's Comment's: "A 2019 Christmas has been my best ever":         One of my many Christmas gifts from family and friends. 12-30-2019 Perryton, TX   I returned to my Heaven on earth yesterda...

"A 2019 Christmas has been my best ever"

        One of my many Christmas gifts from family and friends. 12-30-2019 Perryton, TX

I returned to my Heaven on earth yesterday at 2:30 p m. I was gone 12 days, but had enough fun, and excitement to last me a year. I was with my son, and family Christmas night when the gifts were opened. I was greatly blessed with this keyboard and holder for my I-pad. I also opened many other gifts from family and friends. Obviously I had a wonderful Christmas. During my time there I was treated to a great fish dinner at one of the most patronized eating places in Denison, Texas. It served the most delicious fish, and baked potato with scrumptious cold slaw, and hush puppies that I had ever eaten. The large place was crowded with dinners. I long to go there again. The family also ate lunch at a well attended family Cafe in Denison. Both of these places made me need carry-out boxes. Such a large serving of everything.

A very touching, lengthy event we attended was the Candle Light Service at a large Methodist church in Sherman, Texas. This event happened the Sunday evening before Christmas. The sanctuary was at full capacity which is to say several hundred worshipers took part. The service was somewhat different than the ones I attend at my First Christmas Church, but the reason for the season was the same. People were there to celebrate Christ's birthday. This morning I had to be reminded just how fortunate we were at this big crowded church after I heard the horrible news of a church in Fort Worth, Texas just a short distance from where we were worshiping, being attacked by a gunman yesterday. The shooter killed two people, and injured more before being shot and killed by a patron who had a gun with him. All Christians are now being attacked by Christ haters, just like our President Trump is being attacked for trying to protect the Christians. This Great America that was founded by Christian, super powerful men that dedicated their whole life for His cause, has been slothful, and mockers of their effort, far too long. “What-so-ever a nation sows that must it reap.” The good has to suffer along with the bad, because that is how our God wisely created the world. We will understand that decision later on. Changes are being made daily. and nothing the people can do can stop them. We must depend upon the Word of God to guide us through these perilous times. He was our Savior in the beginning, and He will be our Savior to the ending. Not man, not technology, not scientist, or any drug ever will take the place of God. “Stay sober, and face the consequences of our own mistakes.” Not word for word, but the meaning from God's own Word. He will lead us through if we fully trust Him, and not man. Our life still has meaning or we would not still be here. May you all have a Happy and Blessed New Year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas at Kent and Angela’s house

Dinner at my son’s house on Christmas Day.  Wonderful steak dinner. 

My Test Blog

This is the first test blog I am testing with my new IPad I won in Guymon, OK.  It is taking me a little bit to learn all of the new technology.  I do like the idea that I can take pictures with my IPad and directly load them to my new blog posts.  Hurray!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas 2019

These pictures are from my son and daughter-in-law’s house in Sherman, TX during Christmas 2019.  

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Fun Things Don't Come Easy"

Jean's Comment's: "Fun Things Don't Come Easy": Packing season last for 4 days, and I use every day of it. Hope I don't forget something. 12-14-2019 Perryton, TX I have spent mo...

"Fun Things Don't Come Easy"

Packing season last for 4 days, and I use every day of it. Hope I don't forget something. 12-14-2019 Perryton, TX
I have spent most of today packing, and getting ready for a two week Christmas vacation. It's not one of my favorite things to do, although I love taking vacations. I had some mending to do as well as washing and pressing some of my clothing. Then I spend hours looking for some of my jeans that I wear a lot, After going through six closets time, and time again I still have not found them. I have two white sweaters that have been missing for a year, so I have decided I must have left them in a motel. Also a pair of my favorite boots missing for a long time. It is a hassle to keep up with everything when you are using two or three pieces of luggage besides all the little bags with things not considered clothing, but things of necessity. Then there's the carry around coats or sweaters that I might need when going to the casino. Is it any wonder I lose stuff? I always get things done, but it takes me much longer than I used to take. One thing for sure I'm not over working my old body. I now have an excuse for taking my time to do things. I call it my golden pay-back for all the years I did hustle, and bustle to get all the things done I had to do. My loving children are more than thankful for a mother who raised them to work hard, and reach for the moon. They are still reaching, but no doubt they will hang it before they get to old to reach. I love seeing my children blessed so much.

I will be leaving next Wednesday morning for Norman, Oklahoma. I will spend two nights there before my son will be coming to pick me up and tale me to his house in Sherman, Texas till New Year's Eve. Those days with my son, and his family are going to be an exciting time. They have a lot to share with their loved ones because God has been so good to them. My plans now are to spend New Year;s Eve in Clinton, Oklahoma on my way back home. I have spent New Year's Eve there for several years except for one or two. They always have a roaring time at the Lucky Star Casino there. To some of my family, Radonda, Jerry, or any others, I would like to see you there. My number is 806 202 0329. I expect to be there around five New Year's Eve. I am ready to say good-bye to 2019 and hello to 2020. I have had a good past year, but am expecting even a better one next year. Hope everyone can say the same. I know some have lost precious loved ones, but think about how blessed they are now that they have entered into a better place never to suffer again. We must think positive or we would not be able to keep up the pace of living on until our time to be called home. God is with us every day if we will let Him be.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Why Did God Create Demons"

Jean's Comment's: "Why Did God Create Demons": I missed it at first but not before it left us. 7:30 a.m. and I happened to look out my kitchen window just in time. "How Beautiful H...

"Why Did God Create Demons"

I missed it at first but not before it left us. 7:30 a.m. and I happened to look out my kitchen window just in time. "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be." 12-12-2019 Perryton, TX
I did not stay up late last night to see the full moon, but I was up this morning at 7:30 and took this picture of it just as it was going down. It was an awesome moon, and it gave me inspiration for the day as I was preparing to watch the disheartening debate of the articles of impeachment against our President. I never thought I would ever see such unwarranted abuse given to an American President who has within three years brought the country back to decency, and respect. Almighty God has taken center stage in this disgraceful debacle of the Democrat party. He, the Creator of all things has had enough, I believe, and is about to turn the tables on this no-good party. In the mean time every Christian American needs to stay on their knees praying for our President to keep the faith, and stay strong, and protected. I don't know how much longer God is going to allow this ridiculous, non-sense to go on, but I dare say when He does lower the hammer it is going to come down hard. Let them rave on, because they are showing more, and more stupidity every day. We, the Christians, will not be defeated by these evil demons. God's Word is true, and He has always come to the rescue of His people. However, that does not mean we can ignore the fact that our country is under attack by this evil enemy. We absolutely must join forces with all Christians, and prove our faith in Him, Any who refuse to be counted with the Christian believers will not be excused from doing nothing. The Lord said, “either you are with me or against me.” No one can ride the fence regardless of your desire to stay neutral for any reason. Thank God for the strength He gives those who dare to speak out for Him. This Civil war, although it has not officially been declared yet, is as obvious as the noise on your face. It is the war of good against evil. God has put us to the test, and I think it's about time.

So I have been involved all day long in watching the debate, even though it is just a constant repeat. I, along with millions of others are so fed up with stupidity till we are turning off the television, and spending that time praying. We know what it's all about, and no need to keep hoping that the evil demons somehow change their spirit. I feel completely at peace to turn them over to God for judgment. There does come a time whether it's friends, family, or other, we must give them up. God will give us peace over the awful hurt we go through. I am already feeling that peace after years of hoping, and praying for a change of life for many. We just have to trust God because He is the last straw so to speak.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Sleeping On Time That Guides My Day"

Jean's Comment's: "Sleeping On Time That Guides My Day": Time to get up. Lots of comments are fixing to be heard about the impeachment hearings. 12-8-2019 Perryton. TX   Sunday morning 7 o&#...

"Sleeping On Time That Guides My Day"

Time to get up. Lots of comments are fixing to be heard about the impeachment hearings. 12-8-2019 Perryton. TX
Sunday morning 7 o'clock time to get up and start another day. Just one more night, and I get to watch the impeachment hearings again, and wait for the IG report to be published. It's going to be exciting, and I'm out of popcorn. Will just have to do a lot of drinking coffee, tea, and lemonade. Except that will make me have to go to the bathroom more, and I don't want to leave the television only when the hearings take a break. These hearings have been the most exciting drama I've heard in years. Whoever thought this one up is a genus idiot, but it makes for a good movie. One of a kind indeed. However, it may continue to be playing for a long time yet. It's like every day they think of something new to keep it going. I'm sure glad it's free or I would be broke by now. I have made a lot of predictions about this series of events, and I'm so anxious to see If I have gotten any of them right. God help us if I haven't been right about most of them. So now the clock is counting down, and I really don't want to go to bed tonight. I sleep with my cell phone under my pillow so I can watch the time closely. I'm afraid I might miss read the red numbers on the clock that sits on my chest of drawers several feet away. I definitely don't want to over sleep.

The fact is I've been up today for several hours, but I did take this picture of the time before I crawled out of bed this morning. I ate breakfast, made dinner, and worked some on my fun project before I started writing this blog. I just need to have it posted by 6 o'clock p. m. I still have a couple of hours to finish. Since this is Sunday there is not much to write about. All the news has been directed to the past week of political ups and downs. I'm tired of that, and ready to hear some new stuff. I think I am going to be upset over Lindsay Graham's draw back on making those lying, evil, democrats face up to their crimes. I understood him to say today he just wanted the President to be exonerated, and then go on with the business of running our country. He said the ridiculous stuff that has been going on is tearing our country apart. Well true Senator Graham, but the damage has already been done. Are you willing to forget that, and let those idiots continue to fight our elected President? Sir, I'm beginning to think you are one of the RINO's. “Republican in name only.” We may have to vote you out also. You have already lost the confidence of many republicans. Be careful there sir, your time is coming if you let the people down who voted for you. We need to hold every one of these traitors accountable for what they've done to our country. You better see that it is done.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Picture For The Cat Catcher"

Jean's Comment's: "A Picture For The Cat Catcher":                              The determined cat who just won't give up. 12-7-2019 Perryton, TX My temper has been tested a lot lat...

"A Picture For The Cat Catcher"

                             The determined cat who just won't give up. 12-7-2019 Perryton, TX
My temper has been tested a lot lately. Today this cat came back in my yard after I forbid her to never come back. I fear she will have babies in my storage house, and I can't close her out for fear she may already have some there. I hadn't noticed a small hole that I had put a little board over had fallen off, and when I noticed it this cat came flying out of the room. I knew if I closed her out, and she had babies in there they would die and stink badly. I yelled at her and I'm sure she knew what I meant. She ran like a streak of lightening out of my yard. I was about ready to close off the hole again when my son-in-law opened the door to get a rake, and that cat came flying out again. He though it looked like she may be a new mother, so again I decided to wait a few more days to close up the hole. I do not want a litter of cats to have to deal with because I have been through that before, neither do I want dead kittens in my storage room, especially if I am the cause of their death. Today when I stepped out my front door the mother cat was nestled up against the house trying to hide from me. She probably thought the guy who didn't yell at her had moved here, and she could be free to stay in sight. Again I let her know I still lived here. I am sure not to ever leave a bite of food for her to eat. Some neighbor is feeding her because she is very fat. Why don't she stay in their yard instead of mine? I've made up my mind to close her out babies or not. If you are wondering why I don't look for kittens, that room is stacked to the ceiling with everything you can imagine. I would have to hire someone to unload, and reload it if I did that. My only thought to solve the problem is to call animal control, and let them catch her and take her away. I had to do this once before at my son's house. He had cats under his house on top of his house, seriously, and all over the place. When he went into the hospital I called animal control, and it took them several days to catch all the cats, but I haven't seen one once, and that's been several years ago. All of those cats got started from one cat. It's not that I don't like cats, but I don't want to be their keeper. In the mean time I will pray for patience, and wisdom to deal with the problem.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 6, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Prediction By Me Myrtle Jean Sharp"

Jean's Comment's: "A Prediction By Me Myrtle Jean Sharp": An older picture, but the same positive attitude. Your's tryly Myrtle Jean Sharp 12-6-2019 Perryton, TX   If you are looking at ...

"A Prediction By Me Myrtle Jean Sharp"

An older picture, but the same positive attitude. Your's tryly Myrtle Jean Sharp 12-6-2019 Perryton, TX

If you are looking at my photo at this time you can see just how positive I feel that President Trump will be exonerated from this unjustified impeachment accusation. God does not start a war against evil then let His President down. The battle is raging, yes indeed. The President is being crucified, and the people are taking stones coming from every direction, but in the end America will be set free from all the filth that brought it down. I just don't think I am wrong in declaring this victory already. I do not know how long it will take, but I do know every last demon of hate, and jealously will be piled up in heaps. God's Word does not lie. I see President Trump growing stronger by the day. I have been a strong supporter of him from the first day I heard his announcement for a candidate to the presidency. I never felt fearful that he would not win. Several of my family, and friends can swear to that. Because of his great ability to make America shine like the Eastern Star, the evil doers of the land are fighting for their sin to stay covered up. It is not going to happen. I personally have been attacked by evil, only not in the natural, but in the spirit. At least three times I have been awakened by an evil spirit that tried to weaken my faith. My bible tells me that all Christ followers have experienced such. It is in times like this that our faith increases if we are true believers of God. It make take a few days, but the positive attitude will come back. I have never been more positive, although I cannot say I will not be tested again. My hope, and faith is that I will be faithful to the end, just like our President is doing. Jesus paid the price, and I believe the just shall live by faith.

This next week is going to be an exciting time of seeing a fight in action like never before. I'm not saying it will all be over, but I am saying the demons are ready to kill except they cannot make it stick. I fear for some who are at this time on our President's side, but will not hold true to their first convictions. They too are guilty of things that they don't want uncovered. That is the reason some of which should have been on President Trump's side pulled away in the very beginning. Fear of this God chosen man made them join forces against him. If only people would have believed the bible when it stated that “your sins will find you out.” We are seeing that happen every day now, and I am praising God for his promises. I too am a sinner saved by grace, but thank God I found the truth before I ventured too far out in that sin. Somehow I hope everyone manages to stay in the court room while this murder trial is going on. You can always find me there.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Sunlight In My Soul"

Jean's Comment's: "Sunlight In My Soul": My good morning welcome voice. I love to hear it when I hit the floor every morning. 12-3-2019 Perryton, TX   Early in the morning t...

"Sunlight In My Soul"

My good morning welcome voice. I love to hear it when I hit the floor every morning. 12-3-2019 Perryton, TX

Early in the morning this is what the eastern skies look like from my front porch. The sun is almost in sight, but it's beautiful rays of light don't wait on the sun's face. A sight like this gets me ready for a blessed, and happy day. My night of darkness was too much to not want some sunshine as early as possible. I can walk in the light, but not in darkness. At the end of each day I recall all of the blessings I have received. I thank God for them all. A new day seems to prepare me for another, and another. I cannot think of not having another blessed day, and that in it's self is a blessing. However, I will admit that early in the evening the recliner is my best part of the day. It rests my tired body, and allows me to be entertained for hours while watching television. I cannot say that all through the day, and even the night, I do not think about those who are less blessed than I. I will always lift them up in my prayers. I will also do anything I can physically to make them more cheerful. I believe our God demands that of us. It always makes me feel proud when I can help someone along their troublesome way. Sometimes it doesn't take much to give a handicapped person a lot of encouragement. Just to let them know you are thinking of them will bring loads of joy to their heart.

I did a good bit of muscle work today cleaning my son's house, and I feel so good even with an aching back. My day was not wasted, and was even appreciated. Others see our good works, and glorify our Father in Heaven. That is those who are not receiving the benefits of our labor, ha ha. My son has very good neighbors in that they offer to help me anyway they can. Plus they do so often show that they mean it. Thank God for Godly neighbors. I have found that I can also be of help to them without much effort. That is the way the Great Creator fashioned this big world. Only those who have never believed in Him are the ones most greedy, and think only of themselves. They are to be pitied, because they know not what they do. This is according to the Christian, Stephen, of the bible as he spoke unto God. Stephen was stoned to death by those unbelievers, but Stephen died praying this prayer to God. How short are we falling from Stephens act? More than I like to be made aware of. I'm not saying only those like Stephen are going to heaven. I believe God made warriors to fight for His perfect creation, and we are now involved in that battle. The mountain height of evil has got to be fought, because the Heavens will not be open to let it in. It must be destroyed here on earth, because God has already prepared a place for all evil doers. It's called HELL. God Bless our President Trump, and all of his followers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 2, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Is It Slave Blood Nay Just Poor Timing"

Jean's Comment's: "Is It Slave Blood Nay Just Poor Timing": A bit of blood is nothing compared with the good feeling I have of getting these tall asparagus stalks cut down. 12-2-2019 Perryton, TX ...

"Is It Slave Blood Nay Just Poor Timing"

A bit of blood is nothing compared with the good feeling I have of getting these tall asparagus stalks cut down. 12-2-2019 Perryton, TX
Not without a little blood shed, but I did manage to get the tall, dead asparagus stalks cut down. Nothing more than a cholesterol check. If I had of put on gloves I would not be having to give myself another manicure tonight. But I was in a hurry to get these tall stalks cut down. It will do till next spring then I will finish the job. I piled the cut stalks on top of the bed so the freeze won't kill the roots this winter. I'm gaining on this laziness every day. Although I do have to fight it because it seems so nice to recline and watch television. I do know that is a trick of the enemy also so I'm not giving into that either. One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking of You. My favorite song. I'm amazed that I'm caught up on all of my essential duties at this time. Of course I can always find something else to do. I'm a little anxious to get this year over with and start a new one.

I did miss the luncheon at the Center today. I just wasn't ready for more bird in any shape or form. I made Chuck, and I a tater tot casserole that my daughter had bought the ingredients for, and given me the recipe. It was delicious, and it made a very large pan full. I can afford to gain a few more pounds since I only gained one through Thanksgiving. I must not forget Christmas coming up. I will be eating someone else's cooking, and that is always a weight without control problem for me.

This week is packed full of political news both good, and bad. In one week the IG report will be out, and it is suppose to be hell on earth when it hits the news, I believe we will be finding out just how much the American Justice System has deteriorated. If nothing happens to punish those who criminalized our law, then I say that is the last straw for America. We all will be living in hell on earth the rest of our lives, even more than we already are. The Father of this creation will no longer allow the evil doers to continue to trash His creation. The last battle, I believe, will begin right away. It will be the worst ever to be fought. I am thinking that the evil doers will never give up until death takes them. A sad thought, but some just won't ever give up their greed for money, and power, For those who don't believe what I'm saying read the Epistle of James chapter 5. This is for the Christians, and not for the Old Testament law under Moses. It speaks in plain words for the damned who have been guilty of what we are facing today. I see no place for redemption for those guilty of such crimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Carving The Turkey"

Jean's Comment's: "Carving The Turkey":                Roasted turkey, and dressing for Thanksgiving dinner. 12-1-2019 Perryton, TX   After today no more turkey and dressin...

"Carving The Turkey"

               Roasted turkey, and dressing for Thanksgiving dinner. 12-1-2019 Perryton, TX

After today no more turkey and dressing. I'm taking the bones to the alley for the cats to eat. We did enjoy three days of the rich dressing made from the turkey broth. The baked turkey was juicy, and cooked to the perfectly done stage. With all the other side dishes we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. With all the food, and the company of my children I am ready to shout for glory. In just two weeks I will again be celebrating yet another big holiday with some more of my children. An exciting time to look forward to. This year is ending for me with much pleasure. More so than I've had in several years. I am expecting a lot of good things to happen in the New Year of 2020. I hope I can help someone else to be happy also. In these days, and times, many people are struggling with life, since our country has been under attack for so long. I must say God will never leave, nor forsake us as He has promised in His Word. He even tells us “we have not because we ask not.” What more could we ask for? “Ask and ye shall receive.” I ask my Heavenly Father every night for peace, joy, and happiness, and that He so freely gives me. We all are on our way to a blessed resting place that Jesus has prepared for us. May we never doubt that.

Since I'm so full uf turkey, and the like, I am not excited about going to the Center tomorrow to eat chicken, and noodles. I had planned to go and share all my Thanksgiving blessings until I read in the paper what we would be having for lunch. I will decide by morning if I will go on and share anyway. Good times are not just about good food, although it sure helps. I just hate to pay my money for an hour or so just to shoot the breeze. However, sometimes it's worth it. I really thought the chickens should be left to roost for awhile, and bring out the beans, and cornbread. The truth is I should be skipping a few meals completely for awhile. I am overstocked, but not ready to stop adding on.

I am anxious for the big week to start up tomorrow. Again we will be glued to the television as if the world was about to end. Something has just got to end this ridiculous impeachment thing, and let our President do his job. The time has come for all nonsense to end. The guilty have been fighting to hide their guilt long enough. It's time to make them pay for their crimes. But for awhile yet the fight will continue, and when God has had enough the battle will end in the Christians favor. I plan to watch till the battle is over.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp