Sunday, December 8, 2019

"Sleeping On Time That Guides My Day"

Time to get up. Lots of comments are fixing to be heard about the impeachment hearings. 12-8-2019 Perryton. TX
Sunday morning 7 o'clock time to get up and start another day. Just one more night, and I get to watch the impeachment hearings again, and wait for the IG report to be published. It's going to be exciting, and I'm out of popcorn. Will just have to do a lot of drinking coffee, tea, and lemonade. Except that will make me have to go to the bathroom more, and I don't want to leave the television only when the hearings take a break. These hearings have been the most exciting drama I've heard in years. Whoever thought this one up is a genus idiot, but it makes for a good movie. One of a kind indeed. However, it may continue to be playing for a long time yet. It's like every day they think of something new to keep it going. I'm sure glad it's free or I would be broke by now. I have made a lot of predictions about this series of events, and I'm so anxious to see If I have gotten any of them right. God help us if I haven't been right about most of them. So now the clock is counting down, and I really don't want to go to bed tonight. I sleep with my cell phone under my pillow so I can watch the time closely. I'm afraid I might miss read the red numbers on the clock that sits on my chest of drawers several feet away. I definitely don't want to over sleep.

The fact is I've been up today for several hours, but I did take this picture of the time before I crawled out of bed this morning. I ate breakfast, made dinner, and worked some on my fun project before I started writing this blog. I just need to have it posted by 6 o'clock p. m. I still have a couple of hours to finish. Since this is Sunday there is not much to write about. All the news has been directed to the past week of political ups and downs. I'm tired of that, and ready to hear some new stuff. I think I am going to be upset over Lindsay Graham's draw back on making those lying, evil, democrats face up to their crimes. I understood him to say today he just wanted the President to be exonerated, and then go on with the business of running our country. He said the ridiculous stuff that has been going on is tearing our country apart. Well true Senator Graham, but the damage has already been done. Are you willing to forget that, and let those idiots continue to fight our elected President? Sir, I'm beginning to think you are one of the RINO's. “Republican in name only.” We may have to vote you out also. You have already lost the confidence of many republicans. Be careful there sir, your time is coming if you let the people down who voted for you. We need to hold every one of these traitors accountable for what they've done to our country. You better see that it is done.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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