Monday, December 2, 2019

"Is It Slave Blood Nay Just Poor Timing"

A bit of blood is nothing compared with the good feeling I have of getting these tall asparagus stalks cut down. 12-2-2019 Perryton, TX
Not without a little blood shed, but I did manage to get the tall, dead asparagus stalks cut down. Nothing more than a cholesterol check. If I had of put on gloves I would not be having to give myself another manicure tonight. But I was in a hurry to get these tall stalks cut down. It will do till next spring then I will finish the job. I piled the cut stalks on top of the bed so the freeze won't kill the roots this winter. I'm gaining on this laziness every day. Although I do have to fight it because it seems so nice to recline and watch television. I do know that is a trick of the enemy also so I'm not giving into that either. One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking of You. My favorite song. I'm amazed that I'm caught up on all of my essential duties at this time. Of course I can always find something else to do. I'm a little anxious to get this year over with and start a new one.

I did miss the luncheon at the Center today. I just wasn't ready for more bird in any shape or form. I made Chuck, and I a tater tot casserole that my daughter had bought the ingredients for, and given me the recipe. It was delicious, and it made a very large pan full. I can afford to gain a few more pounds since I only gained one through Thanksgiving. I must not forget Christmas coming up. I will be eating someone else's cooking, and that is always a weight without control problem for me.

This week is packed full of political news both good, and bad. In one week the IG report will be out, and it is suppose to be hell on earth when it hits the news, I believe we will be finding out just how much the American Justice System has deteriorated. If nothing happens to punish those who criminalized our law, then I say that is the last straw for America. We all will be living in hell on earth the rest of our lives, even more than we already are. The Father of this creation will no longer allow the evil doers to continue to trash His creation. The last battle, I believe, will begin right away. It will be the worst ever to be fought. I am thinking that the evil doers will never give up until death takes them. A sad thought, but some just won't ever give up their greed for money, and power, For those who don't believe what I'm saying read the Epistle of James chapter 5. This is for the Christians, and not for the Old Testament law under Moses. It speaks in plain words for the damned who have been guilty of what we are facing today. I see no place for redemption for those guilty of such crimes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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