Saturday, December 14, 2019

"Fun Things Don't Come Easy"

Packing season last for 4 days, and I use every day of it. Hope I don't forget something. 12-14-2019 Perryton, TX
I have spent most of today packing, and getting ready for a two week Christmas vacation. It's not one of my favorite things to do, although I love taking vacations. I had some mending to do as well as washing and pressing some of my clothing. Then I spend hours looking for some of my jeans that I wear a lot, After going through six closets time, and time again I still have not found them. I have two white sweaters that have been missing for a year, so I have decided I must have left them in a motel. Also a pair of my favorite boots missing for a long time. It is a hassle to keep up with everything when you are using two or three pieces of luggage besides all the little bags with things not considered clothing, but things of necessity. Then there's the carry around coats or sweaters that I might need when going to the casino. Is it any wonder I lose stuff? I always get things done, but it takes me much longer than I used to take. One thing for sure I'm not over working my old body. I now have an excuse for taking my time to do things. I call it my golden pay-back for all the years I did hustle, and bustle to get all the things done I had to do. My loving children are more than thankful for a mother who raised them to work hard, and reach for the moon. They are still reaching, but no doubt they will hang it before they get to old to reach. I love seeing my children blessed so much.

I will be leaving next Wednesday morning for Norman, Oklahoma. I will spend two nights there before my son will be coming to pick me up and tale me to his house in Sherman, Texas till New Year's Eve. Those days with my son, and his family are going to be an exciting time. They have a lot to share with their loved ones because God has been so good to them. My plans now are to spend New Year;s Eve in Clinton, Oklahoma on my way back home. I have spent New Year's Eve there for several years except for one or two. They always have a roaring time at the Lucky Star Casino there. To some of my family, Radonda, Jerry, or any others, I would like to see you there. My number is 806 202 0329. I expect to be there around five New Year's Eve. I am ready to say good-bye to 2019 and hello to 2020. I have had a good past year, but am expecting even a better one next year. Hope everyone can say the same. I know some have lost precious loved ones, but think about how blessed they are now that they have entered into a better place never to suffer again. We must think positive or we would not be able to keep up the pace of living on until our time to be called home. God is with us every day if we will let Him be.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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