Saturday, December 7, 2019

"A Picture For The Cat Catcher"

                             The determined cat who just won't give up. 12-7-2019 Perryton, TX
My temper has been tested a lot lately. Today this cat came back in my yard after I forbid her to never come back. I fear she will have babies in my storage house, and I can't close her out for fear she may already have some there. I hadn't noticed a small hole that I had put a little board over had fallen off, and when I noticed it this cat came flying out of the room. I knew if I closed her out, and she had babies in there they would die and stink badly. I yelled at her and I'm sure she knew what I meant. She ran like a streak of lightening out of my yard. I was about ready to close off the hole again when my son-in-law opened the door to get a rake, and that cat came flying out again. He though it looked like she may be a new mother, so again I decided to wait a few more days to close up the hole. I do not want a litter of cats to have to deal with because I have been through that before, neither do I want dead kittens in my storage room, especially if I am the cause of their death. Today when I stepped out my front door the mother cat was nestled up against the house trying to hide from me. She probably thought the guy who didn't yell at her had moved here, and she could be free to stay in sight. Again I let her know I still lived here. I am sure not to ever leave a bite of food for her to eat. Some neighbor is feeding her because she is very fat. Why don't she stay in their yard instead of mine? I've made up my mind to close her out babies or not. If you are wondering why I don't look for kittens, that room is stacked to the ceiling with everything you can imagine. I would have to hire someone to unload, and reload it if I did that. My only thought to solve the problem is to call animal control, and let them catch her and take her away. I had to do this once before at my son's house. He had cats under his house on top of his house, seriously, and all over the place. When he went into the hospital I called animal control, and it took them several days to catch all the cats, but I haven't seen one once, and that's been several years ago. All of those cats got started from one cat. It's not that I don't like cats, but I don't want to be their keeper. In the mean time I will pray for patience, and wisdom to deal with the problem.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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