Monday, December 30, 2019

"A 2019 Christmas has been my best ever"

        One of my many Christmas gifts from family and friends. 12-30-2019 Perryton, TX

I returned to my Heaven on earth yesterday at 2:30 p m. I was gone 12 days, but had enough fun, and excitement to last me a year. I was with my son, and family Christmas night when the gifts were opened. I was greatly blessed with this keyboard and holder for my I-pad. I also opened many other gifts from family and friends. Obviously I had a wonderful Christmas. During my time there I was treated to a great fish dinner at one of the most patronized eating places in Denison, Texas. It served the most delicious fish, and baked potato with scrumptious cold slaw, and hush puppies that I had ever eaten. The large place was crowded with dinners. I long to go there again. The family also ate lunch at a well attended family Cafe in Denison. Both of these places made me need carry-out boxes. Such a large serving of everything.

A very touching, lengthy event we attended was the Candle Light Service at a large Methodist church in Sherman, Texas. This event happened the Sunday evening before Christmas. The sanctuary was at full capacity which is to say several hundred worshipers took part. The service was somewhat different than the ones I attend at my First Christmas Church, but the reason for the season was the same. People were there to celebrate Christ's birthday. This morning I had to be reminded just how fortunate we were at this big crowded church after I heard the horrible news of a church in Fort Worth, Texas just a short distance from where we were worshiping, being attacked by a gunman yesterday. The shooter killed two people, and injured more before being shot and killed by a patron who had a gun with him. All Christians are now being attacked by Christ haters, just like our President Trump is being attacked for trying to protect the Christians. This Great America that was founded by Christian, super powerful men that dedicated their whole life for His cause, has been slothful, and mockers of their effort, far too long. “What-so-ever a nation sows that must it reap.” The good has to suffer along with the bad, because that is how our God wisely created the world. We will understand that decision later on. Changes are being made daily. and nothing the people can do can stop them. We must depend upon the Word of God to guide us through these perilous times. He was our Savior in the beginning, and He will be our Savior to the ending. Not man, not technology, not scientist, or any drug ever will take the place of God. “Stay sober, and face the consequences of our own mistakes.” Not word for word, but the meaning from God's own Word. He will lead us through if we fully trust Him, and not man. Our life still has meaning or we would not still be here. May you all have a Happy and Blessed New Year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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