Tuesday, December 3, 2019

"Sunlight In My Soul"

My good morning welcome voice. I love to hear it when I hit the floor every morning. 12-3-2019 Perryton, TX

Early in the morning this is what the eastern skies look like from my front porch. The sun is almost in sight, but it's beautiful rays of light don't wait on the sun's face. A sight like this gets me ready for a blessed, and happy day. My night of darkness was too much to not want some sunshine as early as possible. I can walk in the light, but not in darkness. At the end of each day I recall all of the blessings I have received. I thank God for them all. A new day seems to prepare me for another, and another. I cannot think of not having another blessed day, and that in it's self is a blessing. However, I will admit that early in the evening the recliner is my best part of the day. It rests my tired body, and allows me to be entertained for hours while watching television. I cannot say that all through the day, and even the night, I do not think about those who are less blessed than I. I will always lift them up in my prayers. I will also do anything I can physically to make them more cheerful. I believe our God demands that of us. It always makes me feel proud when I can help someone along their troublesome way. Sometimes it doesn't take much to give a handicapped person a lot of encouragement. Just to let them know you are thinking of them will bring loads of joy to their heart.

I did a good bit of muscle work today cleaning my son's house, and I feel so good even with an aching back. My day was not wasted, and was even appreciated. Others see our good works, and glorify our Father in Heaven. That is those who are not receiving the benefits of our labor, ha ha. My son has very good neighbors in that they offer to help me anyway they can. Plus they do so often show that they mean it. Thank God for Godly neighbors. I have found that I can also be of help to them without much effort. That is the way the Great Creator fashioned this big world. Only those who have never believed in Him are the ones most greedy, and think only of themselves. They are to be pitied, because they know not what they do. This is according to the Christian, Stephen, of the bible as he spoke unto God. Stephen was stoned to death by those unbelievers, but Stephen died praying this prayer to God. How short are we falling from Stephens act? More than I like to be made aware of. I'm not saying only those like Stephen are going to heaven. I believe God made warriors to fight for His perfect creation, and we are now involved in that battle. The mountain height of evil has got to be fought, because the Heavens will not be open to let it in. It must be destroyed here on earth, because God has already prepared a place for all evil doers. It's called HELL. God Bless our President Trump, and all of his followers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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