Tuesday, December 31, 2019

"Jesus Is The Light Of The World"

The last day of 2019 and this is what I will remember all through the new year. 12-31-2019 Perryton, TX
It was so nice to wake up in my own bed this morning and seeing the sun wake up with me. I was not able to see the sunrise the two weeks I was gone because of tall trees and buildings. Home is the place I love most. However, I do appreciate the privilege, and the invitation along with loving kindness shown to me while I was gone. No greater blessing could one ask for. It always takes me a few days to get back in the groove after coming home from a lengthy trip, but I do finally get back. I must say again this Christmas vacation was a great one, and I thank everyone who helped make it that way. I am hoping for a very happy and blessed New Year also. I wish everyone else the same. I'm not making any New Year resolutions, but if I can just have another year as blessed as the past one I will be happy. Let me be clear though, I will try harder to be a better person. I realize I have lost some of my first love for Jesus. I may say I haven't but my actions say I have. That must change this year; age is no excuse. I also know I cannot do it by myself, I must trust God for that need in my life. I think I can already feel the change coming. After all our love for Jesus is the most important thing in our lives.

There will be no dinner at the Center tomorrow because it's the first day of the new year, but come Friday I plan to go, and keep going as much as possible. I have missed those dear friends more than I thought I would. I let too many other things get in the way during Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I missed a lot, and I know I missed a lot of Senior news. I am already learning of some bad things that happened while I was gone, and now I need to hear the good. I need most of all to stay prepared for any bad news that may come to me. Sometimes it may be a personal thing that could knock me off my rocker. I pray not, but wisdom is never too weak to think nothing bad can happen to us, or ours. I admire a mother friend of mine who lost a son unexpectedly, I believe on Christmas day. Not an accident, but gone just the same. He supposedly had pneumonia, and had been sick a few days, but wouldn't go to the doctor. This mother was talking to him about accepting the Lord. She believed he did, and is now able to rejoice instead of grieve. What a wonderful Christian mother she is. She was prepared, thank God. I am still grieving for her, but she would not want that of me. God help me to have that kind of courage.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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