Sunday, June 26, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Laugh It Off And Cry Later"

Jean's Comment's: "Laugh It Off And Cry Later":            These blackberries caused me to blow my diet today. 6-26-2016 Perryton, Texas. I have been on a low carb diet for several wee...

"Laugh It Off And Cry Later"

           These blackberries caused me to blow my diet today. 6-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have been on a low carb diet for several weeks and was doing very well with it. I had finished with my zero carb breakfast, and had gone out in the yard to water the flowers. I noticed two large, ripe blackberries and quickly picked them since they looked so good. I went to the water hose, washed the berries real good then stuck them in my mouth. They were delicious, but at that moment I remembered they were not on my diet. I’m glad I ate them anyway. There are so many blackberries this year till I think I will have to can some of them. They can later be used for jelly, and pies. I spent a couple of hours watering and sitting in the shade enjoying the cool breeze. We are still in triple digit  temperature, and I have to water a lot. Usually twice a day. I couldn’t be more pleased with the way my flowers have grown and bloomed. The rabbits ate some of my young plants at first, but I think I have stopped their nibbling now. They don’t like the animal repellent I sprayed around.

When I came inside it was time to fix a quick lunch. I watched the news while I ate, and was amazed at the predicted influence that the breaking away from the UK by the British has had on America. It seems as though Donald Trump is a major tool in getting this world wide “up-set” working smoothly again. He is being spoken of in almost every country in the UK. As well as every news media in the United States. It’s like he is working around the clock trying to stop kayos from happening. Anyone who says this election by the American people is normal, and nothing to be alarmed about, has to be totally insane. It’s a jumbo change for the entire world. Whether good or bad makes no difference, it’s happening. I would encourage every one who thought they were politically smart enough to stop Donald Trump, to quit the foolishness, and climb on board the Trump train and declare our independence from the United Nations just like Brittan did. We will not be dictated to any longer. Not by democrats, not by the present president, nor by any foreign nation on earth. America is the Isaac of the old world. She will not be defeated even though she has not been perfect. Judgment is coming, and hardship will be handed to many, but those whom have stayed the course will be spared. What a surprise many are going to have when they finally wake up to the fact that God’s word is true, and cannot be challenged. No good work then will have any bearing on what the Judge has rendered. Too many will still be trying to put the blame on someone else instead of their own rotten desires, and evil attempts, to take God out of every law in the land. America, brace yourselves for a rough and rocky road ahead. Every American will be judged by their own actions, and many will not understand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 24, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "We Must Carry Our Own Cross"

Jean's Comment's: "We Must Carry Our Own Cross": My hibiscus plant is opening up three flowers ar a time now. They only stay on a few hours and fall off. More immediately take their place...

"We Must Carry Our Own Cross"

My hibiscus plant is opening up three flowers ar a time now. They only stay on a few hours and fall off. More immediately take their place. 6-24-2016 Perryton, Texas
The daisy is also finally bloomed out. It took two or three weeks to open up after the bud came on it. 6-24-2016 Perryton, Texas

We had a nice shower last night. After several days of triple digit temperature the rain was really appreciated. Things growing in the flower garden already look better. A little wind is blowing today, and I enjoyed sitting out under the apple tree for awhile. We  really need more rain since everything that hadn’t been watered was dying fast. It’s best not to water when the heat is so severe. In addition to a high water bill, the grass just doesn’t seem to get enough. The farmers have their wheat out now so I am hoping for a nice big rain. We had had a good amount of moister this past year, and the wheat farmers are excited about a bountiful crop. They certainly were due one.

Every day I thank God for a comfortable, peaceful environment. We don’t know how long it will continue as the news gets more disturbing every day. I have learned many years ago that we cannot control the world, but we can be a part of the ones who do. God first, with His leaders carrying out His plans. We must pray for those leaders continuously even though we might not know for sure who they are. I believe we can, most of the time, identify them by keeping our eyes and ears open to what they say and do. Again let me say if we make a wrong choice we have just driven another nail in our coffin. What do we say to God then? Well I thought----. Too late so many people realize they have made a mistake. “If any lack wisdom let him ask of God.” James 1:5. How then, can we find an excuse for choosing the wrong person to lead our churches, and our country? In times such as we are living in today, It would pay to spend more time searching the news media thoroughly, and not just one or two networks. I heard today a statement made by the North Koreans that upset me like I had not been upset before. The statement was this. “We have a missile strong enough to kill all the American bastards.” I believe they were literally talking about bastards, and not just using that noun as a curse word. Many Americans cannot tell you what a bastard is. I can tell you that that phrase the North Koreans made could wipe out many millions of Americans. Will God ever let this come to pass? I have to say I hope not, but I would not be positive because God does not close His eyes to what He taught His people to do, but they have gone their own way according to the bible. We have been taught by some that sin is sin, but I fully believe sin is punishable according to it’s degree. We have the Muslins, and the Jews today because of Abraham’s sin. God loves both nationalities, but He is punishing both because Abraham failed to wait upon God’s promise, and had a child out of wedlock. Secondly Abraham refused to give his inheritance to his first born as was the command of God. The Muslins have been fighting for that stolen right every since. God told them He would multiply them in number as much as the sands of the sea, but they would live by the sword. Can anyone say that is not happening today?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Get Out And Work For Donald Trump"

Jean's Comment's: "Get Out And Work For Donald Trump": Donald Trump giving his speech on the economy today. Great speech. 6-22-2016 Perryton, Texas I don’t believe I ever heard a better spee...

"Get Out And Work For Donald Trump"

Donald Trump giving his speech on the economy today. Great speech. 6-22-2016 Perryton, Texas

I don’t believe I ever heard a better speech than the one Donald Trump gave today on his deeply concerned condition of the United States of America. He was right on when he said there is no way Hillary Clinton could ever help our economy when she is a big part of the reason it’s rigged today. The evil hands of power-seeking, money craving, and down right crazy people like her are the reason America is now controlled by Muslims, with communist countries fixed to take them over when the last standing fighting American is slaughtered. Donald Trump is extremely knowledgeable on the condition of America, how it got in the wrecked, and totally non-repairable  condition, and who is the blame for putting it there. He is also extremely knowledgeable on how to replace America with a better than ever before country that all Americans can be proud of. He is the Einstein of today. The American people as a whole know that, and have spoke in plain words to that effect. When a presidential nominee gets thousands more votes than any other in history, I believe it represents a majority. Still the dumb few in the candidate’s own party are causing great alarm to the peoples choice. Who is to blame for these few brain-washed GOP losers? The same evil source that found it’s way into the Democrat’s minds. It’s going to take a storm right out of heaven to blow away that evil force. It’s coming, and very soon. Is it too late for deceived people to recover their sanity? Not if they really want to admit they have been deceived, and hurry fast to run away from the deadly giant waiting to slay them. Turn to Donald Trump, the only one with God’s help who can help us. We could all just give up and say I’m ready to get out of this evil world, but I believe God would hold it against us if we did. We must be fighters for the good of our Lord and Jesus Christ. Not for ourselves, but for God do we fight to the end.

Everyone if they have any reasoning at all know that President Obama and Hillary Clinton have turned American into a Muslin controlled nation. It makes no sense to me why they want that strange religion to replace our nation’s  founder’s choice of a Christian religion. I can only believe it’s because of power, and money they receive in exchange. They too have been turned over to a reprobate mind and have no idea of how much they will be paying in the end. God’s people will be saved in the end no matter how forcible the enemy gets. Please take this message seriously, and pray, not once, not twice, but continuously before making that terrible mistake of choosing the wrong leader. Yes making the wrong choice is not doing anything at all to help our country out of the crisis it’s now in. You must make a choice to do something, and pray sincerely that you have the will of God in your heart.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers That Were Not Pretty Yesterday"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers That Were Not Pretty Yesterday":  Grapes are hanging in clusters. lots of jelly can be made this year. 6-19-2016 Perryton, Texas. Miss honey bee is doing a good job car...

"Flowers That Were Not Pretty Yesterday"

 Grapes are hanging in clusters. lots of jelly can be made this year. 6-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Miss honey bee is doing a good job caring for the flowers. She's expecting a share of their sweetness. 6-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I will be making grape jelly before long. I have lots of grapes this year. I haven’t run out of grape jelly yet from years before, but don’t have much left. The flowers are starting to look pretty. I do have a varied bunch of flowers this year. Some I can’t even identify. I have devoted a lot of time to them, and neglected some other things that I shouldn’t have. It will all turn around for me shortly.

My cup is running over today with joy, and I can’t say why. I had such a bad day yesterday till it probably didn’t take much for me to be happy today. I got news that a special person in my life had gone to the hospital after having two heart attacks. The report was she probably won’t be going home. Not for sure what that means, but I was able to accept this willingly. I cannot explain that either. If that had happened yesterday I probably would have been overwhelmed. I had another call that disturbed me today, but that too was turned into a positive feeling. I just feel as though I have conquered the world. If only I could hold onto this feeling, it would be heaven on earth. I had to fight hard yesterday to keep my sanity, but I came out a big winner. Today being Father’s Day instead of crying when I saw all the posted special fathers that have been in my life, but are now gone, I smiled with joy. Oh! For a lot more of these wonderful days.

My Heavenly Father knows how much I love Him because I tell Him every day. He sent me a “thank you” today, and I will keep telling Him how much I love Him. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me, that is not for long.” We all know our own heart, and God knows it too. I believe we should walk away from false accusations instead of starting a quarrel with someone. It takes a lot of Jesus in our lives to do that, but He is our example. He did it many times. We cannot go wrong by ignoring false accusations, because the Judge of the universe will render accordingly. That bad day that made you hurt so much will soon pass away, and the day will come that will fill your heart to overflowing with joy. The more we ignore our accuser the more they have to suffer in the future. That makes me sad, because I do not like to see anyone suffer, but I am not the judge. I just have to say like Stephen did when he was stoned to death. “Lord lay not this charge to their blame.” I believe Stephen was saying, “Lord I forgive them even if it means my life.” That does away with the idea of, “self defense.” I’m afraid more and more many of us are going to have to make that choice.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Touch Me Lord And Heal My Longing"

Jean's Comment's: "Touch Me Lord And Heal My Longing":                             Humming bird welcome, but no take yet. 6-18-2016 Perryton, Texas. Do you see this bird sharing my lawn chair...

"Touch Me Lord And Heal My Longing"

                            Humming bird welcome, but no take yet. 6-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Do you see this bird sharing my lawn chair? I am sitting just a few feet away. 6-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I watch for the return of the humming birds every day, but so far I haven’t seen one yet. They don’t know what they’re missing in this little red feeder. I do enjoy the little helicopter birds as they drink from the tiny holes on the feeder. They eat while stationed in the air. I’ve never seen one land. Their wings are always moving. I guess this 100 degree weather is too hot for them. I do hope to see some soon. My Camera will be on them when they appear. The little bird on the lawn chair looks so awkwardly fixed. It’s hard to tell what he is trying to do. The chair I’m sitting in is close to the one where he landed. He clung to the back of the chair a few minutes then flew away. Could have been he had babies close by who were learning to fly, and he was guarding them. I understand the father birds are the ones who protect their young until they are strong enough to take care of themselves. After all this is Father’s Day week-end, and maybe the father bird just wanted attention. No offence to all the wonderful fathers out there. I wish you all a Happy Father’s Day. I still feel close to my father even though he’s been gone for forty three years.

This Saturday is another one of those days when I just want to go somewhere and relax. Unfortunately I have no place, or anyone to go with. I made a trip last week-end to my home town which is 160 miles away, so I was too tired to make that same trip this week-end to see my sister who was going to be there from Albuquerque. So sorry that our plans changed over night other wise, I would have been there.  Distance can be a big disadvantage sometimes. It would be nice to live in a place where there are more interesting things to do than what Perryton has to offer. I am still working to make that happen one of these days. I see no reason to live if all we do is sit and watch the clock. I do love life, and I love doing exciting things, but when it comes to giving up all wonderful memories, and all my cherished personal belongings, that’s even sadder. If, and when this happens I think I would cry the rest of my life. Does that sound a bit like insanity? Help me pray for a miracle that will thrill me so that nothing I cling to now will even be missed. I believe it’s going to happen soon. I can’t make it happen, nor neither can my children make it happen, but God can solve the problem. Until then I will trust in Him, and I know He will direct my path. I will always be thankful for what God has done for me. He is truly the Rock of my salvation. In Him there is no mistake. That’s why I will wait for His positive answer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 17, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Blood Is Sure To Be On Many Hands"

Jean's Comment's: "Blood Is Sure To Be On Many Hands": Sun going down on one side of the world, and moon coming up on other side of the world. 6-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.          This white m...

"Blood Is Sure To Be On Many Hands"

Sun going down on one side of the world, and moon coming up on other side of the world. 6-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.
         This white moon will turn bright yellow when it gets dark. 6-17-2017 Perryton, Texas.

The lawn boy finished mowing just before the sun started down. It was so nice I had to take a picture, then I looked the other direction and I saw a white moon. How great God is to let us see both at the same time. I was so pleased with such a nice job the lawn boy did. This was my first time to use him. He came late because I’m sure he works at another job. I gave him more than what he charged. He was a hard worker. I am very impressed with a lot of Hispanics in this town. All they want is a chance to work and get a good education. I will help them all I can.

I have spent most of the day watching news on television. It becomes more clear each day that our country has handed over the key to ISIS. After eight years the democratic administration has given the worst enemy we ever had clearance to control our country. Some may not have realized that at first, but how could anybody be so blind. No doubt in my mind unless God works a miracle we will be living under Shariah law in a few years. It is already in force in some places of the United States. This law condemns almost any thing we Americans believe in. Death is the sentence handed down to most who are charged with breaking the Shariah law. I cannot understand why more people, especially the republican party, don’t rise up and fight for the GOP nominee, Donald Trump. There are millions who are doing just that, but enough jealous GOP losers who won’t consider other peoples desires in picking a republican nominee, are causing the worst kind of destruction America will ever face. The nominee, Donald Trump,  who has worked harder than anyone ever has in winning the peoples confidence, is facing more hate and even causing blood shed because of it, simply because the GOP has been traumatized  by this present administration. They do not see the one and only who can beat this terrible, evil giant, if they will get out of his way. I do believe all the hate being demonstrated is not caused by the democrats. The haters who are in the, so called, know it all republicans party, have done the most damage.  I have been a republican all my life, and don’t intend to change now, but I will stand up for what I believe is right no matter what. It is not right for my fellow republicans to go against the peoples choice for a United States President. The ones who are fighting Mr. Trump the hardest are the ones who did nothing for our country. They are losers and don’t want to admit it. If I have any say at all I would declare war on these trouble makers who are helping the democrats to finish the job of losing our great country. Millions of us are going to remain true to Donald Trump no matter what. We have our faith anchored in God, and He won’t let us down. Let me stress this belief I have, you will not win, but you can cause many people to lose along with you. Only those who made the right choice, even though they didn’t win, will forever be the prize winners.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Cindy Loved Flowers"

Jean's Comment's: "Cindy Loved Flowers": Flowers that love the sun. They will continue to bloom all down the fence line. 6-16-2016 Perryton, Texas. Today is very hot, but ther...

"Cindy Loved Flowers"

Flowers that love the sun. They will continue to bloom all down the fence line. 6-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today is very hot, but there is a nice breeze. The flowers have to be watered daily. I have lots more to set out, but not while it’s this hot. I am pleased with how well they are growing, and starting to bloom nicely. I gave up my task of mowing the lawn. It just got harder to do every time. I now have a lawn service who will be doing the mowing. There goes a big part of my exercise that I needed badly. I will not do any kind of exercise that is not needed by me. I will only do the kind that needs me. Believe me I have plenty of that kind.

Day after tomorrow will be the funeral service for a good friend whom I grew up with in Colony, Oklahoma. She and her husband with their daughter started the Clinton Jamboree over thirty years ago. They provided  Western Country music in Nashville Tennessee style. Truly western without the extra nonsense. Their program included good humorous jokes, and a food bar that was out of this world. The Jamboree was very successful, and busses were arriving regularly at every meeting with senior citizens who never gave up their love for good Western Country music. Each event performed by the Jamboree included several old time religious songs that truly energized  the crowd. The husband of this friend passed away three years ago, leaving a hole in her heart that never healed. She was forced by uncontrolled emotions to enter into a nursing home. I’m so glad that she now can be with her husband again. The daughter has been keeping the Jamboree alive, but the father and mother are truly missed. There is a large funeral planned for Saturday, June, 18, at the Clinton Jamboree.  I attended the funeral for the husband of this friend, which was a friend also. The Jamboree building was packed, and instead of crying everyone was rejoicing. The music was making everyone want to shout. The end song while everyone passed by and viewed the body was, “When The Saints Go Marching In.” I will miss Cindy’s wonderful jokes about what she was expecting heaven to be like, and the songs that no one could sing as good as she. I don’t believe no woman on earth ever worked harder to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. She climbed tall ladders decorating the ceilings of the large auditorium like only Cindy could do. It was a beautiful place. Nothing fancy, but decorated to the hilt. I told her daughter the last time I was there that she was so much like her mother. She paused a moment while I finished my statement. Your mother was the craziest friend I ever had, and I loved her so much for being that  way. The daughter looked at me and said, “the nuts don’t fall far from the tree.” God bless you Elwinna, and Cindy, I will remember you as long as I live.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Little But Mighty Is He"

Jean's Comment's: "Little But Mighty Is He": My striking snake plant holder has been moved to the new flower garden. The head with mouth open is the holder for the planter. Because of...

"Little But Mighty Is He"

My striking snake plant holder has been moved to the new flower garden. The head with mouth open is the holder for the planter. Because of shade it does not show up well. This natural log plant holder was given to me by my son, Chuck, several years ago. He found it at Wolf Creek . 6-15-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I am still diligently working with filling in all the space in the large flower garden I added to my back yard. I moved a plant holder to the new garden this morning which had been lying along the edge of the old flower garden for many years. This impressive plant holder appears to be the skeleton of a large snake in a striking position with mouth open wide enough to hold a large planter. It is an old log that is almost like petrified. It is a much loved artifact in my artistic flower garden. This garden is a second hobby for me, in addition to my oil painting. I enjoy working in both arenas. Living alone would be unbearable without a hobby or two. You might often see me on my hands and knees with a long, sharp knife digging out small grass and weeds. Like anything else that’s worth looking at it’s work, but worth the effort. Sometimes I feel like I am a flower nurse caring for sick flowers and helping them to get well again. Chuck keeps me supplied with all different kinds of plant food, and spray. He diagnoses, and I follow his orders. We both love the heck out of bringing things to life and watching them grow to maturity. This may include small animals and fowl. At this time Chuck is raising two chinchilla‘s  simply because they are rarely found anymore in the wilderness. I do not enjoy messing with any kind of animal life. I did when I was younger but not now.

More to the update of the evil time in this world, all I can say is it gets worse by the day. I am so thankful that we have a very intelligent GOP presidential candidate who is uncovering crap that is a mile high. He has got everyone on the run who are the responsible ones for losing our Great America. Yes, I’ll repeat we have already lost America, and unless Donald Trump can become the Trojan Horse there is no hope for recovery. Over 50% of the leaders of our country whom we, the voters though were honest, and put in office to protect us, are, and are being found out more each day, to be  nothing but traitors. These highly elected officials are scared to death now since they have been exposed to the people. They are showing anger to the highest degree. Too late, hypocrite’s you have been selling out our country for years to a strange and deadly type of religious believe. Your days are numbered now. I believe God has raised up Donald Trump to take on all the past and present corruption, and will do just what he says, “Make America Great Again.” No man has ever fought harder for our nation than what Donald already has, not to mention that he will keep on fighting, and never give up. His life is on the line, and he knows it, but he will fight as long as he has breath. He is not fighting to gain money. He already had billions, but he is fighting for mine and your lives. He could see the hand writing on the wall quite some time ago. He is now making it available for others to see. I hope you will join the, “Trump for President 2016 team.” 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Sweet Melody Of Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "A Sweet Melody Of Beauty": Blue bachelor buttons and white roses are boasting their beauty to me. I like them both. 6-14-2016 Perryton, Texas. I love so much to ta...

"A Sweet Melody Of Beauty"

Blue bachelor buttons and white roses are boasting their beauty to me. I like them both. 6-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I love so much to take a morning walk through my yard and enjoy all the beautiful flowers. There was a time in my life many years ago when flowers meant nothing to me, but like so many other unappreciated things in my life God taught me how to enjoy beautiful things of nature. He also taught me how to create beauty by using a brush and paint. How thankful I am for the blessing of talent to enjoy so many things life has to offer. Give me life, but give me a beautiful life. May I send you a sweet smell from my roses? I try hard to do that by writing, and posting pictures of my flowers. I trust you enjoy them with me.

What a relaxing day this has been. I have felt very confident that several things that I have been earnestly praying for is about to happen. I am rejoicing while I patiently wait for good news. With all the news on television that is alarming the entire world, I am convinced that God is in control. It’s bad of course, but we have always known that these terrible things were going to happen. Anyone who was raised in a Christian home, or have found Christ, even after years of being a stranger to Him, knew that bad things were coming. Those who know Him also know that their life has been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. We can weep, and pray for those who are deeply involved in sin, but we cannot let their misery become our misery. I doubt that many people living in America have not had the privilege of hearing about Jesus. If they don’t believe it’s their own neck to pay. I truly believe that those who do the worse kind of sins have written their own bible. They don’t find anything in their own bibles to condemn their bad life style so they think they are fully covered by highly influential people. Liberals, they are called, who only want to be politically correct. They need the votes of all other liberals in order to stay in office. I know the Holy Bible teaches us to love everybody, but it also teaches us to obey it’s laws. We cannot refuse to place blame on those who ignore God’s laws. We are not the judge, but when the courts find people guilty of crime we must believe and let them bear their punishment. Those who don’t want to uphold the law of the land, and do away with our constitution, are those who will be crying while being punished. Their time is coming as sure as they live. The bible does also tell us that Christians will judge Angels. 1 Corinthians 6:3.That means, according to my way of thinking, we will be judging by the rules laid out to us in the bible. Oh my, sounds scary, but before we will be allowed to do that we must first pass a qualification test which will already be prepared. God is not stupid.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp    

Monday, June 13, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "My Gloryland Home"

Jean's Comment's: "My Gloryland Home": The Hibiscus is one of my favorite flowers. They come and go quickly. Another will take this ones place in the morning. 6-13-2016 Perryton...

"My Gloryland Home"

The Hibiscus is one of my favorite flowers. They come and go quickly. Another will take this ones place in the morning. 6-13-2016 Perryton, Texas

Home again, and all rested up. I made a quick trip to my home town of Weatherford, Oklahoma. I was looking for a place to park an RV. I want to spend more time there close to family and friends, and to also be closer to my doctor. I am finding it to be a harder decision than I had thought. I will need more time to think about it. To tell the truth nothing is easy any more since I have been widowed. I am sure I will never find that happiness I had for many years. I am happy, but too alone. Some days I think I have solved the problem, then suddenly I feel like the problem can never be solved. Faith, hope, and charity are my constant companions. They go with me where ever I go. The problem is they go with me, I don’t go with them. I have enough respect for these companions till I don’t want to upset them. Sometimes I don’t feel like a very good leader. My greatest desire is to please God. Lord help me to remember that. “They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” I wonder if I missed Him for it seems like I’ve been waiting a long time. Then I have to be reminded I have more strength  than a teenager. I can’t say that about mental strength. I have no trouble feeling, but I can’t see far enough into the future. I pray that God will give me better spiritual eyesight.

I somehow believe the real problem is not my own, but one that involves the entire world. We are living in perilous times, and nothing is going to get better. I believe what we have to hope for now is determination to face the Trojan times. If I stay home every day for the rest of my life things are not going to be sweeter for me. Nor if I leave for short periods of time, things are still not going to be sweeter for me. Evil has come to live with us no matter where we make our home. There is no place to flee from it. I will continue every day to thank God for the safe and secure place I have at this time, and also thank Him for protecting my children and grandchildren. If ever I become bored, or long for excitement, please God forgive me and pick me up. I will do whatever I can to spread His good news around the world. Nothing could be more rewarding than that.

I will be posting this blog tonight declaring that I am one of the many on the winning side. Can anything be more exciting than that? I am living in Glory Land already. I just didn’t realize it. After a long tiring day a good nights rest can do wonders. Hope to be back with you tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Read The Shape Of The Son-Sunshine"

Jean's Comment's: "Read The Shape Of The Son-Sunshine":                            The sunrise was beautiful this morning. 6-9-2016 Perryton, Texas. Nothing can be more interesting than viewin...

"Read The Shape Of The Son-Sunshine"

                           The sunrise was beautiful this morning. 6-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Nothing can be more interesting than viewing art in the sky. Beauty mixed with imagination can raise a certain urge to dive into the future with both arms reaching for the splash of excitement. When the time comes for a dream to be fulfilled God always leads the way, sometimes with ways that were never expected. The human mind is somewhat like a washing machine. It agitates for long periods before emptying out the dirty water and rinsing  with some clean. Then it spins until the substance is almost dry while coming to a stop.

I feel like I have thoroughly been agitated, rinsed, spun dry, and am now ready for the heat. Somehow I feel sure that my long awaited dream is about to be filled. It’s like I have the dust cleaned out of my eyes, and now I can see ahead. It’s too soon to go into detail just yet, but I feel sure I will be making a big change in my life soon. I am so hopeful that the process to my long awaited dream is almost finished. I don’t feel as if some magic has happened so I must proceed  with caution. If this is not the real deal, then I will be forced to say that my faith has been weathered. I am not, nor will I ever be ready to say that. Beat me, spin me, rinse me, and spin again and again, I will always come out ready to dry and be worn again.

I feel like I have just gone back fifty years in my life, and am ready to re-live those years with much pleasure and excitement. Can anyone ask for more than that?  The first book I published was a memoir of my life, “When The Angle Came,” by Myrtle Jean Sharp. To those who asked me to sign the book they bought I always included the words “hold onto your dreams.” Even if we get agitated, spun, rinsed, and spun again, “hold onto those dreams.” After the cleaning process we will be ready for the dream of our life to happen. We cannot clean ourselves, but we can allow ourselves to be put to the cleaning. We just have to admit that we are needing a cleaning.

In the bible Sarah was ninety years old when she begat Isaac. She had been promised a son by God many years earlier. I can’t say she had a dream, she had a promise, but she gave up on God’s promise and allowed a bondwoman to bear the son she was suppose to have. It took ninety years for her to be cleansed then she had that son. Needless to say that mistake she made caused the world to still be in the washer agitating, and spinning, but will never stop. We of today have a dream, and a promise. Never let that dream go, or never let that promise fade from your mind.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Take Time to Use your Brain"

Jean's Comment's: "Take Time to Use your Brain": Several tools were used to get this wrought iron planter stand out of the ground. The contrary stand is lying across the chair after I fin...

"Take Time to Use your Brain"

Several tools were used to get this wrought iron planter stand out of the ground. The contrary stand is lying across the chair after I finally got it out. 6-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Have you ever heard of people who spent more time thinking about a project than they did working on it? Well here is one who does just that. I sit out this morning to pull a planter stand out of the ground only to discover it was not budging. I was able to see it had two legs driven down in the ground. I assumed they were just four or five inches long. I then sat down to think about it.  Oh, a long handle screwdriver might work, I thought. Off I go to the shed to get one, but it didn’t do a thing to help. When I forced it under the legs and pried up, it just buried in the ground. I sat down to think some more. Off to the shed I go again. I then found a long crowbar, and began to push it under the legs of the stand. The stand was amidst several large, heavy rocks which made it impossible to get the crowbar under the legs of the stand. Each time I made an attempt to loosen the legs I would then push and pull till I could see they hadn’t budged a bit. Sitting down again somehow I thought maybe the ax might help. It has a blade on one side and a hammer on the other. Every time I got an idea I could hear my dad say, “Oh, shucks, that’s not the way to do that.” Then he so simply solved the problem that others were have trouble with. The ax didn’t help either so I sat back down to think some more. I’m not one to give up easy so I was not giving up. Here I go again more determined than ever to get that stand out of the ground. It was not that important, but I was that stubborn. I guess I had been thinking at least one hour when I decided to try one more thing. The rocks, I had decided, was not going to be moved by me, but like a flash of magic I slipped the curved end of the crowbar under the legs of the stand and the big rock sitting close gave me just enough height to push down, and up came the legs. I had been using the straight end of the crowbar and it slipped off every tine. The curved end couldn’t slip off. The legs of the stand turned out to be 12” long. No wonder I couldn’t get them to budge.

Once again I was reminded of the old saying, “where there is a will there is a way.” The little thing such as pulling up a plant stand is equal to the desire of moving a brick wall out of your path of success. You start by tearing down one brick at a time. The hole will get bigger each time you make an effort. Don’t ever give up, and think yourself defenseless. No matter how many times you have to sit down and think about it, the solution is very near. Make up your mind what you want, and take action to make it happen. Don’t take another option, stay with the first plan. It was your first idea, and let it remain the first.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 3, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Lily Of The Valley Is Here"

Jean's Comment's: "The Lily Of The Valley Is Here": One of my own home-made tables to hold the lily plant. It was to heavy too hang. 6-2-2016 Perryton, Texas. I am glad to say I have done a ...

"The Lily Of The Valley Is Here"

One of my own home-made tables to hold the lily plant. It was to heavy too hang. 6-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I am glad to say I have done a lot of work in the flower garden today. I went to Liberal, Kansas yesterday and found several nice plants marked a way down. There was this peace lily that I fell in love with. Lilies are delicate, and need special attention so I built a wooden table this morning to sit the planter on after I transplanted it. If you will double click you can see the beautiful purple lily. I put some running vines around it so the planter will be dressed up with greenery. Fun, fun, but tired, tired, also. I already had the scraps I built the table with, and I bought the wrought iron stand it’s sitting on. “Dear Lord let it live a long time” Someone needs to shut the gate on my ideas. My daughter just told me I must to stop doing all these things. I told her I needed the exercise, and I really enjoy what I’m doing. I wish My children didn’t worry about me so much, but I’m sure they wish I didn’t worry about them so much. I can’t wait for another day to get back in the yard and finish setting out plants. Another month or so I should have a lovely flower garden to show for my hard work. However, I will remain busy just keeping the weeds and grass cut down and watering. I invite anyone, anytime to come and see my flowers. I also love fellowship, and sharing a sandwich or other goodies with friends.

When I’m not in the yard or painting I am watching news. Things are happening so fast that are changing our, long lived, and blessed America till I can’t hardly keep up with it. I feel gloriously isolated from most of the deep painful, and ugly insults that one must take in order to be a fighter for America. I am so glad I am just a plain Jane who can work in the yard and enjoy my life. I do have the responsibility of praying every night for our country, and those who are fighting so hard to destroy the evil that has penetrated the bible message we’ve known for so long, and made it sound like trash. One person’s prayers in their bedroom at night can heap a mountain of strength upon the mighty fighter of God and country. I am proud to claim part of that humble faith. The following day I sit down to see how much of my sincere prayer has been answered. It can be amazing, but only to those who are amazing themselves. Not everyone can claim dedication to their country, and make it believable to many. One cannot just talk the talk, they must walk the walk, as you’ve heard a million times before. I’m so thankful for Governor Mike Huckabee who is supporting Donald Trump because Mr. Trump said his favorite book was the bible. God Bless Governor Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump. They are amazing!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Jean's Comment's: The Closer To The Roses The Better They Small"

Jean's Comment's: The Closer To The Roses The Better They Small":                These roses are in my flower bed right off my front porch. 6-1-2016 Perryton, Texas           A walkway is between the ro...

The Closer To The Roses The Better They Small"

               These roses are in my flower bed right off my front porch. 6-1-2016 Perryton, Texas
          A walkway is between the roses and my porch steps. 6-1-22016 Perryton, Texas.

The roses around my house are doing so well I can’t hardly believe. It’s so nice to sit and focus on the beauty of gorgeous roses. I can’t help but take a lot of pictures because I don’t know how long before a hard rain or hail will demolish them. The sun is poking through the clouds once and awhile this morning. The sky is rolling with clouds. I plan to stay inside today and paint. I have a lot of catching up to do on my portrait of Melania Trump. I had hoped to be finished with it by now, but I have been obsessed with my new flower garden. The major part of it is done, and now I can work on both projects quite well.

I just hung up the phone from talking with a friend in another city for over an hour. I lost my train of thought, and will have to try and get it back. I have had two or three thoughts running through my mind that I wanted to address this morning. Both are mentally related with my conversations to other people. Sometimes I feel like I have failed to get the point of what someone was wanting to get across to me, but not in plain outspoken words. Later after the conversation ended, maybe days later, I get a wake-up call as to what I really missed. Then there is the hindrance of possibly not following through with the intended reason for getting the call in the first place. Some will balk if, and when, they realize that they do not have full control of your interest. With some dear people near my heart, there just isn’t enough room for more than they while soliciting a hopeful personal conservation, although they didn’t prefer me to know it was one on one. The world is full of confused, and misused people. There also remains a heap of wise, and discern-gifted people who often are overlooked. To sum it up too often people offer you a choice between their way or no way. Which means they will not consider the fact that they are not perfect with their own ideas. The apple pie is always better with a dip of ice cream, but the pie is still good without the ice cream. With some it is no ice cream, no pie. The real loser is the, “take all or none.” I believe that some day self-righteous people will come to the place that they will fall as hard as a bombed building. Oh! For a little more of understanding to those whom are so elevated self-wise, that they think they can look down from on high forever. All of those need to sneak down, if no other way they can lower themselves to the ground, and smell the roses. There are still some good, and intelligent people who have never elevated themselves. Christ was elevated tied to a cross, but was known to be the lowliest of all human beings. Where are we headed?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp