Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Closer To The Roses The Better They Small"

               These roses are in my flower bed right off my front porch. 6-1-2016 Perryton, Texas
          A walkway is between the roses and my porch steps. 6-1-22016 Perryton, Texas.

The roses around my house are doing so well I can’t hardly believe. It’s so nice to sit and focus on the beauty of gorgeous roses. I can’t help but take a lot of pictures because I don’t know how long before a hard rain or hail will demolish them. The sun is poking through the clouds once and awhile this morning. The sky is rolling with clouds. I plan to stay inside today and paint. I have a lot of catching up to do on my portrait of Melania Trump. I had hoped to be finished with it by now, but I have been obsessed with my new flower garden. The major part of it is done, and now I can work on both projects quite well.

I just hung up the phone from talking with a friend in another city for over an hour. I lost my train of thought, and will have to try and get it back. I have had two or three thoughts running through my mind that I wanted to address this morning. Both are mentally related with my conversations to other people. Sometimes I feel like I have failed to get the point of what someone was wanting to get across to me, but not in plain outspoken words. Later after the conversation ended, maybe days later, I get a wake-up call as to what I really missed. Then there is the hindrance of possibly not following through with the intended reason for getting the call in the first place. Some will balk if, and when, they realize that they do not have full control of your interest. With some dear people near my heart, there just isn’t enough room for more than they while soliciting a hopeful personal conservation, although they didn’t prefer me to know it was one on one. The world is full of confused, and misused people. There also remains a heap of wise, and discern-gifted people who often are overlooked. To sum it up too often people offer you a choice between their way or no way. Which means they will not consider the fact that they are not perfect with their own ideas. The apple pie is always better with a dip of ice cream, but the pie is still good without the ice cream. With some it is no ice cream, no pie. The real loser is the, “take all or none.” I believe that some day self-righteous people will come to the place that they will fall as hard as a bombed building. Oh! For a little more of understanding to those whom are so elevated self-wise, that they think they can look down from on high forever. All of those need to sneak down, if no other way they can lower themselves to the ground, and smell the roses. There are still some good, and intelligent people who have never elevated themselves. Christ was elevated tied to a cross, but was known to be the lowliest of all human beings. Where are we headed?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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