Saturday, June 18, 2016

"Touch Me Lord And Heal My Longing"

                            Humming bird welcome, but no take yet. 6-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Do you see this bird sharing my lawn chair? I am sitting just a few feet away. 6-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I watch for the return of the humming birds every day, but so far I haven’t seen one yet. They don’t know what they’re missing in this little red feeder. I do enjoy the little helicopter birds as they drink from the tiny holes on the feeder. They eat while stationed in the air. I’ve never seen one land. Their wings are always moving. I guess this 100 degree weather is too hot for them. I do hope to see some soon. My Camera will be on them when they appear. The little bird on the lawn chair looks so awkwardly fixed. It’s hard to tell what he is trying to do. The chair I’m sitting in is close to the one where he landed. He clung to the back of the chair a few minutes then flew away. Could have been he had babies close by who were learning to fly, and he was guarding them. I understand the father birds are the ones who protect their young until they are strong enough to take care of themselves. After all this is Father’s Day week-end, and maybe the father bird just wanted attention. No offence to all the wonderful fathers out there. I wish you all a Happy Father’s Day. I still feel close to my father even though he’s been gone for forty three years.

This Saturday is another one of those days when I just want to go somewhere and relax. Unfortunately I have no place, or anyone to go with. I made a trip last week-end to my home town which is 160 miles away, so I was too tired to make that same trip this week-end to see my sister who was going to be there from Albuquerque. So sorry that our plans changed over night other wise, I would have been there.  Distance can be a big disadvantage sometimes. It would be nice to live in a place where there are more interesting things to do than what Perryton has to offer. I am still working to make that happen one of these days. I see no reason to live if all we do is sit and watch the clock. I do love life, and I love doing exciting things, but when it comes to giving up all wonderful memories, and all my cherished personal belongings, that’s even sadder. If, and when this happens I think I would cry the rest of my life. Does that sound a bit like insanity? Help me pray for a miracle that will thrill me so that nothing I cling to now will even be missed. I believe it’s going to happen soon. I can’t make it happen, nor neither can my children make it happen, but God can solve the problem. Until then I will trust in Him, and I know He will direct my path. I will always be thankful for what God has done for me. He is truly the Rock of my salvation. In Him there is no mistake. That’s why I will wait for His positive answer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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