Thursday, June 9, 2016

"Read The Shape Of The Son-Sunshine"

                           The sunrise was beautiful this morning. 6-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Nothing can be more interesting than viewing art in the sky. Beauty mixed with imagination can raise a certain urge to dive into the future with both arms reaching for the splash of excitement. When the time comes for a dream to be fulfilled God always leads the way, sometimes with ways that were never expected. The human mind is somewhat like a washing machine. It agitates for long periods before emptying out the dirty water and rinsing  with some clean. Then it spins until the substance is almost dry while coming to a stop.

I feel like I have thoroughly been agitated, rinsed, spun dry, and am now ready for the heat. Somehow I feel sure that my long awaited dream is about to be filled. It’s like I have the dust cleaned out of my eyes, and now I can see ahead. It’s too soon to go into detail just yet, but I feel sure I will be making a big change in my life soon. I am so hopeful that the process to my long awaited dream is almost finished. I don’t feel as if some magic has happened so I must proceed  with caution. If this is not the real deal, then I will be forced to say that my faith has been weathered. I am not, nor will I ever be ready to say that. Beat me, spin me, rinse me, and spin again and again, I will always come out ready to dry and be worn again.

I feel like I have just gone back fifty years in my life, and am ready to re-live those years with much pleasure and excitement. Can anyone ask for more than that?  The first book I published was a memoir of my life, “When The Angle Came,” by Myrtle Jean Sharp. To those who asked me to sign the book they bought I always included the words “hold onto your dreams.” Even if we get agitated, spun, rinsed, and spun again, “hold onto those dreams.” After the cleaning process we will be ready for the dream of our life to happen. We cannot clean ourselves, but we can allow ourselves to be put to the cleaning. We just have to admit that we are needing a cleaning.

In the bible Sarah was ninety years old when she begat Isaac. She had been promised a son by God many years earlier. I can’t say she had a dream, she had a promise, but she gave up on God’s promise and allowed a bondwoman to bear the son she was suppose to have. It took ninety years for her to be cleansed then she had that son. Needless to say that mistake she made caused the world to still be in the washer agitating, and spinning, but will never stop. We of today have a dream, and a promise. Never let that dream go, or never let that promise fade from your mind.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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