Friday, June 3, 2016

"The Lily Of The Valley Is Here"

One of my own home-made tables to hold the lily plant. It was to heavy too hang. 6-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.
I am glad to say I have done a lot of work in the flower garden today. I went to Liberal, Kansas yesterday and found several nice plants marked a way down. There was this peace lily that I fell in love with. Lilies are delicate, and need special attention so I built a wooden table this morning to sit the planter on after I transplanted it. If you will double click you can see the beautiful purple lily. I put some running vines around it so the planter will be dressed up with greenery. Fun, fun, but tired, tired, also. I already had the scraps I built the table with, and I bought the wrought iron stand it’s sitting on. “Dear Lord let it live a long time” Someone needs to shut the gate on my ideas. My daughter just told me I must to stop doing all these things. I told her I needed the exercise, and I really enjoy what I’m doing. I wish My children didn’t worry about me so much, but I’m sure they wish I didn’t worry about them so much. I can’t wait for another day to get back in the yard and finish setting out plants. Another month or so I should have a lovely flower garden to show for my hard work. However, I will remain busy just keeping the weeds and grass cut down and watering. I invite anyone, anytime to come and see my flowers. I also love fellowship, and sharing a sandwich or other goodies with friends.

When I’m not in the yard or painting I am watching news. Things are happening so fast that are changing our, long lived, and blessed America till I can’t hardly keep up with it. I feel gloriously isolated from most of the deep painful, and ugly insults that one must take in order to be a fighter for America. I am so glad I am just a plain Jane who can work in the yard and enjoy my life. I do have the responsibility of praying every night for our country, and those who are fighting so hard to destroy the evil that has penetrated the bible message we’ve known for so long, and made it sound like trash. One person’s prayers in their bedroom at night can heap a mountain of strength upon the mighty fighter of God and country. I am proud to claim part of that humble faith. The following day I sit down to see how much of my sincere prayer has been answered. It can be amazing, but only to those who are amazing themselves. Not everyone can claim dedication to their country, and make it believable to many. One cannot just talk the talk, they must walk the walk, as you’ve heard a million times before. I’m so thankful for Governor Mike Huckabee who is supporting Donald Trump because Mr. Trump said his favorite book was the bible. God Bless Governor Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump. They are amazing!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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