Sunday, June 26, 2016

"Laugh It Off And Cry Later"

           These blackberries caused me to blow my diet today. 6-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have been on a low carb diet for several weeks and was doing very well with it. I had finished with my zero carb breakfast, and had gone out in the yard to water the flowers. I noticed two large, ripe blackberries and quickly picked them since they looked so good. I went to the water hose, washed the berries real good then stuck them in my mouth. They were delicious, but at that moment I remembered they were not on my diet. I’m glad I ate them anyway. There are so many blackberries this year till I think I will have to can some of them. They can later be used for jelly, and pies. I spent a couple of hours watering and sitting in the shade enjoying the cool breeze. We are still in triple digit  temperature, and I have to water a lot. Usually twice a day. I couldn’t be more pleased with the way my flowers have grown and bloomed. The rabbits ate some of my young plants at first, but I think I have stopped their nibbling now. They don’t like the animal repellent I sprayed around.

When I came inside it was time to fix a quick lunch. I watched the news while I ate, and was amazed at the predicted influence that the breaking away from the UK by the British has had on America. It seems as though Donald Trump is a major tool in getting this world wide “up-set” working smoothly again. He is being spoken of in almost every country in the UK. As well as every news media in the United States. It’s like he is working around the clock trying to stop kayos from happening. Anyone who says this election by the American people is normal, and nothing to be alarmed about, has to be totally insane. It’s a jumbo change for the entire world. Whether good or bad makes no difference, it’s happening. I would encourage every one who thought they were politically smart enough to stop Donald Trump, to quit the foolishness, and climb on board the Trump train and declare our independence from the United Nations just like Brittan did. We will not be dictated to any longer. Not by democrats, not by the present president, nor by any foreign nation on earth. America is the Isaac of the old world. She will not be defeated even though she has not been perfect. Judgment is coming, and hardship will be handed to many, but those whom have stayed the course will be spared. What a surprise many are going to have when they finally wake up to the fact that God’s word is true, and cannot be challenged. No good work then will have any bearing on what the Judge has rendered. Too many will still be trying to put the blame on someone else instead of their own rotten desires, and evil attempts, to take God out of every law in the land. America, brace yourselves for a rough and rocky road ahead. Every American will be judged by their own actions, and many will not understand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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