Friday, June 24, 2016

"We Must Carry Our Own Cross"

My hibiscus plant is opening up three flowers ar a time now. They only stay on a few hours and fall off. More immediately take their place. 6-24-2016 Perryton, Texas
The daisy is also finally bloomed out. It took two or three weeks to open up after the bud came on it. 6-24-2016 Perryton, Texas

We had a nice shower last night. After several days of triple digit temperature the rain was really appreciated. Things growing in the flower garden already look better. A little wind is blowing today, and I enjoyed sitting out under the apple tree for awhile. We  really need more rain since everything that hadn’t been watered was dying fast. It’s best not to water when the heat is so severe. In addition to a high water bill, the grass just doesn’t seem to get enough. The farmers have their wheat out now so I am hoping for a nice big rain. We had had a good amount of moister this past year, and the wheat farmers are excited about a bountiful crop. They certainly were due one.

Every day I thank God for a comfortable, peaceful environment. We don’t know how long it will continue as the news gets more disturbing every day. I have learned many years ago that we cannot control the world, but we can be a part of the ones who do. God first, with His leaders carrying out His plans. We must pray for those leaders continuously even though we might not know for sure who they are. I believe we can, most of the time, identify them by keeping our eyes and ears open to what they say and do. Again let me say if we make a wrong choice we have just driven another nail in our coffin. What do we say to God then? Well I thought----. Too late so many people realize they have made a mistake. “If any lack wisdom let him ask of God.” James 1:5. How then, can we find an excuse for choosing the wrong person to lead our churches, and our country? In times such as we are living in today, It would pay to spend more time searching the news media thoroughly, and not just one or two networks. I heard today a statement made by the North Koreans that upset me like I had not been upset before. The statement was this. “We have a missile strong enough to kill all the American bastards.” I believe they were literally talking about bastards, and not just using that noun as a curse word. Many Americans cannot tell you what a bastard is. I can tell you that that phrase the North Koreans made could wipe out many millions of Americans. Will God ever let this come to pass? I have to say I hope not, but I would not be positive because God does not close His eyes to what He taught His people to do, but they have gone their own way according to the bible. We have been taught by some that sin is sin, but I fully believe sin is punishable according to it’s degree. We have the Muslins, and the Jews today because of Abraham’s sin. God loves both nationalities, but He is punishing both because Abraham failed to wait upon God’s promise, and had a child out of wedlock. Secondly Abraham refused to give his inheritance to his first born as was the command of God. The Muslins have been fighting for that stolen right every since. God told them He would multiply them in number as much as the sands of the sea, but they would live by the sword. Can anyone say that is not happening today?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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