Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"A Sweet Melody Of Beauty"

Blue bachelor buttons and white roses are boasting their beauty to me. I like them both. 6-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I love so much to take a morning walk through my yard and enjoy all the beautiful flowers. There was a time in my life many years ago when flowers meant nothing to me, but like so many other unappreciated things in my life God taught me how to enjoy beautiful things of nature. He also taught me how to create beauty by using a brush and paint. How thankful I am for the blessing of talent to enjoy so many things life has to offer. Give me life, but give me a beautiful life. May I send you a sweet smell from my roses? I try hard to do that by writing, and posting pictures of my flowers. I trust you enjoy them with me.

What a relaxing day this has been. I have felt very confident that several things that I have been earnestly praying for is about to happen. I am rejoicing while I patiently wait for good news. With all the news on television that is alarming the entire world, I am convinced that God is in control. It’s bad of course, but we have always known that these terrible things were going to happen. Anyone who was raised in a Christian home, or have found Christ, even after years of being a stranger to Him, knew that bad things were coming. Those who know Him also know that their life has been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. We can weep, and pray for those who are deeply involved in sin, but we cannot let their misery become our misery. I doubt that many people living in America have not had the privilege of hearing about Jesus. If they don’t believe it’s their own neck to pay. I truly believe that those who do the worse kind of sins have written their own bible. They don’t find anything in their own bibles to condemn their bad life style so they think they are fully covered by highly influential people. Liberals, they are called, who only want to be politically correct. They need the votes of all other liberals in order to stay in office. I know the Holy Bible teaches us to love everybody, but it also teaches us to obey it’s laws. We cannot refuse to place blame on those who ignore God’s laws. We are not the judge, but when the courts find people guilty of crime we must believe and let them bear their punishment. Those who don’t want to uphold the law of the land, and do away with our constitution, are those who will be crying while being punished. Their time is coming as sure as they live. The bible does also tell us that Christians will judge Angels. 1 Corinthians 6:3.That means, according to my way of thinking, we will be judging by the rules laid out to us in the bible. Oh my, sounds scary, but before we will be allowed to do that we must first pass a qualification test which will already be prepared. God is not stupid.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp    

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