Saturday, February 12, 2022

“Beware Of Danger Signs” More, and more each day I'm seeing happen what I feared would happen since the beginning of the Corona Virus . I didn't claim to know every little detail, but I knew there would be no end to the awful effects of this virus. God said in the beginning when the Israelite's continued to worship idols, and do all the other acts of sin possible, that He would destroy them all . He said He would send wars letting people die by swords. He would send famine's, and diseases. We have seen terrible wars, and starvation for years, but the diseases we have dealt with in the past have been as quick to end as the wars, and starvation that reached the extreme of normal. I believed it was revealed to me that this COVID 19 disease was a man made weapon with intentions to destroy people for many years to come. I announced this revelation in the first part of it's discovery. Many died from this disease before it was officially announced. Many more died while a vaccine was being created. Then after the COVID 19 shots were being given people still were dying. The theory being that not as many were dying, and those who had taken the shot were less apt to die. The evil workers of iniquity were desperate to gain power over God's faithful people, and came up with the idea of scaring people in order to control them. They shut down the economy, and started making masks by the millions. They closed schools, and were working around the clock to come up with more scare tactics. It was some time later before I gave in to taking the shot. Only then did I give in because I knew we would be forced to before it ended, and I was sure my God said go ahead and He would take care of me. I was working for the state in Home Health Care, so I was required to get the shot. Five hours after I got the second shot I wound up in the Emergency Room at the Hospital. I was told I was having a heart attack, and was sent to Amarillo to have a stint put in. Twenty one years prior to that time I had had four heart by-passes, and had never had anything happen to me physically since. I worked in the yard, and went like a house a fire every since my by-pass surgery. It will have been one year ago this April since I had the stint put in, and have battled with heart trouble every since. I can only do a little bit of walking at a time without resting. I am one of many who I know personally that are having problems like never before the shots were given them. God is taking care of me, but if he hadn't of been I believe I would have been buried by now. My future predictions is every person who has had those shots will continue to die much sooner than before. My spiritual reason is because God is allowing this to happen because He said He would destroy all ungodly people, and He keeps His Word. He is in control, and if you still think He is not part of this epidemic, you better thing again. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

“Beware Of Danger Signs” More, and more each day I'm seeing happen what I feared would happen since the beginning of the Corona Virus . I didn't claim to know every little detail, but I knew there would be no end to the awful effects of this virus. God said in the beginning when the Israelite's continued to worship idols, and do all the other acts of sin possible, that He would destroy them all . He said He would send wars letting people die by swords. He would send famine's, and diseases. We have seen terrible wars, and starvation for years, but the diseases we have dealt with in the past have been as quick to end as the wars, and starvation that reached the extreme of normal. I believed it was revealed to me that this COVID 19 disease was a man made weapon with intentions to destroy people for many years to come. I announced this revelation in the first part of it's discovery. Many died from this disease before it was officially announced. Many more died while a vaccine was being created. Then after the COVID 19 shots were being given people still were dying. The theory being that not as many were dying, and those who had taken the shot were less apt to die. The evil workers of iniquity were desperate to gain power over God's faithful people, and came up with the idea of scaring people in order to control them. They shut down the economy, and started making masks by the millions. They closed schools, and were working around the clock to come up with more scare tactics. It was some time later before I gave in to taking the shot. Only then did I give in because I knew we would be forced to before it ended, and I was sure my God said go ahead and He would take care of me. I was working for the state in Home Health Care, so I was required to get the shot. Five hours after I got the second shot I wound up in the Emergency Room at the Hospital. I was told I was having a heart attack, and was sent to Amarillo to have a stint put in. Twenty one years prior to that time I had had four heart by-passes, and had never had anything happen to me physically since. I worked in the yard, and went like a house a fire every since my by-pass surgery. It will have been one year ago this April since I had the stint put in, and have battled with heart trouble every since. I can only do a little bit of walking at a time without resting. I am one of many who I know personally that are having problems like never before the shots were given them. God is taking care of me, but if he hadn't of been I believe I would have been buried by now. My future predictions is every person who has had those shots will continue to die much sooner than before. My spiritual reason is because God is allowing this to happen because He said He would destroy all ungodly people, and He keeps His Word. He is in control, and if you still think He is not part of this epidemic, you better thing again. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

“Old Things Pass Away All Things Become New” Where do I sit while I wait for the Pearly Gates to open for me? In my home without friend or foe to accompany me? In the church where God has been shut out? In the social gatherings where the wise have been made fools? In the educational meetings where the representatives of parent's children have denied a right to parents anymore? In the voting centers where our votes are selected by scanners who make sure they get their candidates in? In the courts where some of the judges are either transgender or have children who are? In the workplace where if you are not willing to be controlled by unknown jabs then you are fired? Are you telling me we are not living in a New World Order which has been in the making for quite some time? The wise have been made fools by trying to be nice to everyone, not calling out their evil ideas. Therefore we weary Pilgrims are not so proud anymore of our graceful journey to Freedom Land. Could there possible be another Pilgrim Journey in the future to an even more blessed Land of Freedom? I believe it therefore, I can be content to live in my own skin until such time. I will not be changing anything in my life to provoke my Heavenly Father. He will give me strength to travel on. I realize I am older and don't have as much time to be tormented by evil demons as do our younger generation who will suffer much longer. I cannot say specifically who is to blame for this dangerous world we now live in, because certainly The Almighty God is still in control. He definitely is a just God, so I will accept my unhappy feelings when they fall on me, or my loved ones. There is a time for everything even the mistakes of the innocent must be corrected. That Great Judge will decide who was innocent, and who were foolish to think they had the right to do what they wanted to. The punishment will be nothing but justified. I believe He will even lower the sentence upon good behavior. Where do you think our courts, and law system got their knowledge of how to make a court case? Only the bible provided that. I call out to all sleeping Christians wake up and start teaching again the Word of God. If God can't depend on you, then who will be His helpers to reform the foolish? Make yourself available I pray. I may not be accepted by everyone, but if I can but help anyone I am a winner, God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

“No Scars In Heaven” Even death does not cease a mothers love for her child. The story has been told many times about the son who loved his mother more than he loved himself. One day he fell in love with a beautiful young Indian Princess, and married her. His new bride was extremely jealous of his mother, and told him unless he killed his mother she would leave him. He chose his Princess bride over his loving mother, and killed her. Sometime later the son fell, and hurt himself slightly. His mother appeared to him and asked, “are you hurt?” My heart is touched every time I hear this story. But I can identify with that dead mother. A child cannot kill a mother's love if she truly loved that child the way God made mothers to be. But what an awful price mothers sometimes have to pay. 1 Peter 4-7-8. But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves; for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. I loved my father and mother dearly. Although I was not not that perfect child that every parent wishes to have, I did respect my parents. I shared my blessings with them until they died. Today I think of them, and recall my childhood upbringing every day I live. If I could call them back I would do more for them, because I see more clearly now where I failed them in so many ways. But I do not have to live with the guilt of calling them ugly names, and blaming them for my own mistakes. The bible tells us to “Honor Thy Father, and Thy Mother.” To those who think there is no judgment day coming this message will not mean a thing to you. But I say you cannot believe the bible, and not believe a judgment day is not coming. To those of us who are still willing to take the abuse of evil people without hitting back, we shall overcome all fear on that day. However, if we try to make others pay for their mistreatment to us, we may be in the same guilt phase as they who cursed us. Love is the greatest of all commandants. Do we have enough of it? Have we caused someone else to miss the most important thing in life, love thy neighbor as thyself? Wounds do heal, but scars never disappear. So to all of those who are hurting at this time, remember the Cross that Jesus died upon is still as real as it was then. Close your eyes, and see the Son of God hanging there, then say to yourself, I can bear my cross just like Jesus did. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 7, 2022

“What A little Child Shall Lead Them” Yesterday I posted on my blog the wisdom of Noah who built the Ark. He used a dove to let him know when it was safe to go out of the Ark. Maybe Noah could give our scientist of today a lesson or two. However, is it the lack of knowledge our modern day scientist scramble with today, or is it a greater knowledge on how to depopulate the world? The latter is definitely what is happening. My own prediction is within a short time the world population will be less by billions than it is now. I read in the bible that before the end of time one-third of the world's population will be destroyed at one time. Revelation 9, verse 15. I do believe we are close to that great, and notable day. I do not expect another “Noah,” miracle to happen. But in other ways I believe God is still giving wisdom to humble, God fearing, believing, Christians who could be used even like the little dove of Noah's time. When God says one-third of the world's population will be destroyed at one time, only a fool would not believe it. God already knows how many fools will be destroyed. He already knows how He will make it happen. The scientist of today have already been given the formula. I believer that is why the evil, liar's who have already been caught time, and time again deceiving the people, are getting away with it. God's plan will happen regardless of the attempts to stop it. Why, you may ask, would God do such a terrible thing. Because He is not going to always allow people to abuse His Holy Spirit by living ungodly lives forever. The disgrace people have caused God will soon be paid for. When people say to me. Oh we are living in a different time now. Everyone is doing it. I say to them but that is why we are living in a different time with murderers, being rewarded for killing good people. Yes, times are different, but Who helped it become so evil? The very ones who were taught against those, “everyone is doing it things.” I believe that includes those who accepted the “everyone is doing it ways.” Those who taught their children not to live ungodly lives, but somehow accepted it when their children ignored that teaching. We can still love our children, but if they choose to disown us because we will not accept their ungodly ways, then we must let them be ruled by The Almighty Father. We are no longer a loving parent to them. It was their choice to leave us. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 6, 2022

“What About A Bird messenger” Does the wisdom of Noah in Old Testament days apply to Saints of God in New Testament times? I say to you yes it does, and even more. When God stopped the rain the water began to go down, and after one hundred and fifty days the boat came to rest on the top of a mountain in the Ararat range. After forty days more Noah opened a window and sent out a raven. It did not come back but kept flying around until the water was completely gone. Then Noah sent out a dove to see if the water had gone down. The dove flew back to the boat, and Noah reached out and took it in. He waited another seven days then sent the same dove out again. It returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in it's beak. Noah knew that the water had gone down more, so he waited another seven days and sent the same dove out again. This time the dove did not return, Genesis 8-12. God said to Noah go out with your family, and the animals so they can reproduce and cover the earth. May I ask how long has it been since you have heard a sermon preached on Noah, and The Ark? I dare say most of our younger generation have never heard a sermon preached on it. Yes they have see movies, or read story books which only give a fairy-tale-like version of it, but have never heard the Holy Spirit's version of it. Who can we blame for our children, and grandchildren living the life of a way faring son? They do hear about the forgiveness of the father to his way-faring son, but how about the awful circumstances that happened while away faring? There are circumstances to every mistake that one makes. We live with our past even though The Heavenly Father forgives us. The evil seed that has been growing for hundreds of years are overtaking the good seeds by one hundred to one. Why were good seeds stopped being planted? Mom, and Dad, can you answer that? The liberal left that's being dealt with today is an example of upbringing by evil parents. Who will answer for the deadly sins of modern behaved believers that so many proudly possess? Sure we get criticized for being old fashioned, even called delusional, but does that give us an excuse to avoid God's command to us? There is no common ground, either it's God's way or no way. I'm not saying I, or anyone else is always right, but surly there are still enough Godly people left to teach the bible in it's entirety. God is not just a God of love, He is a Judge of the whole world. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 5, 2022

“The Dove Delivered A Message” 1 John, 4-14. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent his son to be the Saviour of the world. 15, Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16, And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Psalms 26,-12. JUDGE me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide. 2, Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. 3. For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth. I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. 5. I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked. 6. I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, O Lord: 7. That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all wondrous works. 8. Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. 9. Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men: 10. In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. 11. But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful into me. 12. My feet standeth in an even place: in the congregations will I bless the Lord. It is my pleasure today to write another message from God by King David. I may have a lot of unfinished homework that I did not turn in, but it is not to late to play catch-up. The inspired Word of God is always effective in some way or another. We will not fail the test if we put our heart into it. If we have been given an assignment we best do it with all our heart, and soul.. God's Word does not return unto Him void. If for some reason this message did not reach the intended representant It has still been delivered. The messenger is not failing to do what they were assigned to do. Like the author of the song, “Amazing Grace,” I believe in writing what is on your heart. That song writer had been left without one member of his family, after an terrific accident, but he still wrote about God's amazing grace. If I should be put in such a place as that songwriter, I will still sing Amazing Grace. I trust my message will detour anything of disaster that might lie ahead for who ever may be needing it. Sowing seeds of faith is a Christian's job. Lord please help my harvest to be bountiful. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 4, 2022

“A Serious Matter” Today has made me more positive that spring is not far away. I awoke this morning to 6 below 0 weather, but by 10 a m it was already 10 above. The snow began to melt, and I was a new person by noon. At this time 3 o'clock p m, the temperature is 36 degree. The sun has shown brightly all day. However, on my way home from work today I saw piles of snow 15 to 20 feet high, It will take some time for all of that to melt. We do have a great group of snow plow workers here, and they are always quick to clean the streets. I stocked up again on groceries, but the shelves were near all empty. Others must have beat me to the store. I think there were more stocker's putting up goods as fast as they could, than customers grabbing it off the shelf. I think America is outgrowing her demand to serve her people well. As far as I can see things looks pretty rough. The Almighty God is our only hope. I have no doubt but what He will handle the situation well. I still sing myself to sleep every night. How I love those good old songs we sang as a child. I know many of them by heart. They tell a story that modern chatter can not compare. Give me that old time religion. Is anyone besides me trying to find bible answers to what is going on in the would today? World wide people are wearing face masks, and I am so disturbed about it. I have never read anything in the bible about such a thing as this ever coming to pass. Yet this is too big to not pay attention to it. Have we gotten so far away from God that He is not using prophesy to talk to His people anymore? To me this is something that The Holy Spirit should be focusing on at every Church meeting. Where are the messengers of God anymore? Why are they silent? I'm not one to believe in going on the news media and listening to preachers whom are not getting their prophesy correct. I believe this should come from the local church. I also know that many spirit filled Saints in the local churches are not always proper in prophesying God's message, but the body of Jesus believers usually can tell the difference. I do believe God's will would be for people to be more open in waiting for Him to speak to them. I will be the first to admit that I would rather God use someone else to demonstrate His powerful presence. But I have been the anointed one before when I had no intentions of it in the least. It is an awesome feeling, but one must be called for that purpose. I really don't feel like I have been that reluctant, but have not felt that calling in many years. What if we all gave more awareness of the need to be informed. I am just in wonder, and hope someone else wonders too. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 3, 2022

“Boys Buried Alive” Sure enough it happened. I have a large snowdrift in my front yard, and three little boys just now ran jumping into it, and burying up clear to their heads. I was on the phone, and couldn't take a picture, but it was so funny. The snow is like powder, and is blowing like crazy. It hasn't been over 10 degree all day. I am too old to appreciate this kind of weather anymore. However, I know it is appreciated by most everyone. The ground has been too dry to push the shovel into to make a hole deep enough to plant some tulips. When this snow melts we should be seeing some green grass soon. Then the yard work begins. It takes lots of hard work to keep two big yards mowed, trimmed, and watered. I have to hire most of it done. Even then there is much work that I have to do myself. Flower beds can be a lot of trouble. Weeds just grow with the flowers, and have to be pulled out daily. I love tending the flowers, but cannot do much at one time anymore. The chopping out wild grass, and pulling up volunteer flower growth is too much for my weak heart to handle. Then the large, heavy rocks that have always been a part of my flower garden are getting heaver every year. So what, I'm ready to try it again especially since my daughter-in-law and son did so much to prepare things for spring weather when they were here Christmas. It happened to be summer-like weather, and they did a lot of cleaning up. The weather was too bad for me to take food to my son's house today. He told me not to try and get over there. Now it looks as though it may be as bad tomorrow as it was today. My food bank is o k, but I don't know about his. It all depends on how long this bad weather lasts. I thank God for warm homes, and never failing electricity. Television, and computers, I Phones, and good neighbors are priceless during these times. I have two new books that were given me as presents, but since my eyes are so bad I can't enjoy reading anymore. I do manage to read one chapter of the bible every night, but that is about all. I have put off cataract surgery about as long as I can. Living in a far distance from eye surgery doctors makes it very inconvenient to get done. I do very well with everything except reading much at a time. Like my poor hearing I have learned to live with my poor eyesight. It's not that bad for my age. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

“What Will Your Answer Be” It's been very cold all day today. The highest it's been today is 16 degree with it starting to drop lower now. We got some snow last night, but not much. I canceled my trip to the grocery store, and cooked a big pot of ham hock, and beans. I also made a pot of chili. I have to make sure my son, Chuck, has enough to eat in case the weather stays bad several days. I can make it to his house tomorrow, but no where else will I be going. The chocolate chip cookies I made yesterday will be the only dessert we will have. A pan of cornbread is all I like having everything ready to go. Oops, I just remembered I don't have any eggs. That's alright because I have cornbread in the freezer. So glad there's always a back-up plan. I read where church services have been canceled for this evening. I think that is a good idea. I just rescheduled a Dr's. Appoint in Amarillo. In time we will be enjoying nice weather again. Like I have known about this bad weather coming since yesterday, and embraced for it, I am also doing my best to embrace for another drastic war with Russia. Unless God is not willing for it to happen, we are sure to be engaged in such a deadly war very soon. In my opinion God is not near through punishing the disgusting people who have ignored Him like a dead rattlesnake. I believe this is a long time punishment phase that our Merciful God has put off far too long. He is angry now to the limit. No one knows the future, but according to the Holy Bible, God is not going to let evil people continue to go unpunished. How could anyone say God has not be merciful enough when this Country has made Sodom, and Gomorrah look like Sainthood? So many sleazy, corrupt, smart-aleck idiots have put God to the test. They deserve what they will be getting. I feel sorry for them, but I am agreeing with God when He says enough is enough. Murders, child molesters, same sex lovers, body ink injected trash marks, gender changers, unmarried sex performers, and the list goes no and on. I am sorry to disagree with those who say everything is alright because Jesus came to earth to do away with sin, so everything is now just fine. I hope I have never been guilty of making anyone believe that. I would rather be hated by idiots, than loved by them. I am sure that these kind of remarks are targets of kill, but I truly believe all Christians have a duty to spread the Gospel of Christ. He did not approve with any of the things I have mentioned, plus a lot more I didn't mention. Look out for a great awaking. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

“It's All About Tomorrow” Here I sit in my warm cozy home waiting for the snow to start. The weather man predicted hazardous weather conditions, with several inches of snow. We need some moister, but I prefer rain. Ice and sleet are suppose to be coming our way soon. I plan to stay inside till all is clear, and warmer. I had to help my son today get his place cleaned up, and food to last several days. The weather was fine till I got back home. After checking on a friend in another town, it was past time for me to write my blog. I do not have a lot to talk about, but do have a lot to be thankful for. My friend had been sick for three days, but was feeling well today. As soon as I finish this blog I will be making a big batch of chocolate chip cookies. Eating goodies and drinking hot chocolate, and coffee is what I do best when I'm home bound. Truly it was a blessing to have had four nice days of 64 degree weather before today. We are so fortunate in this part of the country to have mostly mild winters. I am satisfied with the mixture we have of nice, and not so nice. Tomorrow would have been my husband and I 72 anniversary. On February 2, 1950 we were married in Elk City, Oklahoma. He has been departed from me for nine years, but still lives in my heart. Until he drew his last breath he was telling me how much he loved me. Those words are etched on my heart. I do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. I feel sure that someday we will understand what life on earth was all about. I trust I am fulfilling the plan God had for me. That is my hearts desire. Sometimes we grope around like in darkness, not knowing what to do, but soon the light starts shinning on us again. It is then that we know we are still on the right path. Jesus is the Light of the World. In Him there is no darkness. I love to tell His story. So now I'm off to the kitchen to make my earthly. daily bread. The flesh, and blood body must eat, drink, and be merry. When the spirit leaves this body you can do with it what you wish. Again I say TRUST IN THE LORD. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp