Monday, October 25, 2021

"Wealth Cannot Buy Happiness"

“Wealth Cannot Buy Happiness” How blessed this day has been for me. I am beginning to feel normal again. After the loss of my middle beloved son; Then one week after we buried him, a special nephew died suddenly with a heart attack. He was 55 and had no previous heart problems what so ever. My world turned to darkness quickly. I seemed to not want to do anything but cry. Nothing interested me any more. I have lost several loving family members in the past, which I still grieve from time to time, but this time they all piled in on me at the same time. I thought my own life was about to end. Then like a light switch had been turned on I began to laugh again. Just what is life that we laugh one day, and cry the next? Only God can answer that. Today I ate lunch with friends at the Center, and we all laughed at my crazy plans to celebrate Halloween next Friday, October 29th. It doesn't seem as though everyone can get back to the fun times we had before covid 19. That virus also has played a big part in our present, and future fun times. No one could never have worked harder than our Director, and staff to keep the loving spirit, and a brighter future for the 200 plus members who make up this awesome place. We are all trying to keep the attendance up, and the bills paid, but it is far from being back to normal. The several members we have lost due to the virus, and other causes has really hit us hard. But as I am bouncing back I know everyone else will also. I could stop sounding positive right now, and start writing some of the very bad things I believe we will still have to deal with as a country gone bye-bye. But I will not continue to look on the dark side, and do all I can physically, and spiritually to bring back the shouts of freedom. As a child my parents never let us kids know when they were worried. I thought my dad had the world under his control. He always had a good reason for us not having all of the nice things some of the others had. He told us we had a choice between riches on earth or riches in Heaven. Of course we chose riches in Heaven. And we lived a happy life like we were already rich. I still believe my treasures are laid up in heaven. Let us eat, drink, laugh, and have fun till we are called away to our eternal riches. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 24, 2021

"Serious Church Believers"

“Serious Church Believers” Happy invitation to everyone to a special Senior Citizens Zombie lunch this Friday, October 29. at the Senior Citizen's Center, Perryton. Texas. I came home this morning from church and was reading my local paper when I saw this menu for next Friday. Our Senior Director, Darla Allred, has already invited you, but I wanted to invite you also. I almost didn't eat lunch today before I read the paper, but I was hungry so I read it before I ate. I was glad I did after I saw this menu for next Friday at the Center. ROASTED OMBIE EYEBALLS, TOXIC WASTE SPIDER DEVILED .EGGS, VOMIT DIP, AND CHIPS, CAT LITTER BOX CAKE, WITCHES BREW. SALAD ON THE SIDE .Come dressed as you please, either normal or spooky. I'm not telling what I will look like. A good service at church “maketh a cherry heart.” I left church happy this morning, and I am still enjoying the blessing I received there. In this troubled time we need to cling to every laugh possible. Our Senior Director does a good job of keeping the Seniors laughing. And our Pastors, Cody, and Clydene Pittman, does a good job keeping our faith positive. We shall reap a good harvest if we faint not. What exaltly are we planting? Fear, and doubt, or joy, and peace? Warning signs are important, but if we take them seriously we will not be wrecked. Look for warning signs in your bible, not on the evil power seekers. How many times have we told ourselves, church is not the same anymore,. It doesn't do any good for me to go. I think I will stop going and just stay home. If we would all be honest we would say that's just what Satan wants us to say. He has always wanted to shut God's Temple of Worship down. He got kicked out, and he has been mad at God every since. My bible tells me God will never allow Satan to be in control of His Great World. This should make us all shout out the victory. Let us all fight to keep our churches open. We are no more safe at home than in our church. In fact I would be more fearful out of church, because God said our bodies are the temple of the Lord..These bodies make up the original Temple in Jerusalem. These bodies are a part of that original church. Although we may not be Jewess born, we were grafted into the Jewess tribes of Jacob. That makes us a Jew by adoption. I believe this is a true picture of who we are today instead of Gentiles. I am only giving my version of who we are, but I feel like this is what God showed me. I would like to hear other views because we all are taught differently. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 22, 2021

"The Book of Patience"

“The Book Of Patience” Every day it seems as though nothing will ever be done to hold the horrific, evil, persons accountable for their continuing acts of disastrous sin against the Godly, who are dying by the thousands for God's sake. America is my main concern about this fateful time we are now living in. In the book of Job the 17th chapter, an example of Satan's determination to destroy one of God's most Holy Servant's will bear this out. God allowed Satan to do whatever he wanted to do against Job except kill him, in order to prove to God that Job would give up his fight against evil. Several times during Job's tribulation period it seemed as though Satan would win even to the point of Job accepting death, and a dark thereafter. Bilbad, one of Jobs friend's, pleads with Job in the 18th chapter to quit sounding like he was surrendering, and listen to him. With the help of three of Job's friends Job held out till the end, but he suffered beyond anything a normal person could possible endure. I recommend that you read this story from the “Good News Bible.” Today's English Version. But in order for you to understand the message of this extremely important story you will need to read the entire book of Job. The book of patience as many call it. Many of us may be thinking we are doomed, and have completely lost our Great Christian Country, but I haven't given up yet. I may , like Job, sound like I have, but I have read the bible too much to believe God has given up on us. The evil will be punished in God's time. The Godly will be rewarded for their faithfulness if not in this life, in the life to come. We must bear our cross however heavy it might become. Since we are human flesh, like Jesus, we will be flesh when our grave time comes. However I have faith to believe God will hurt just as much as we who are dying from the flesh, but living in the Spirit still. I will never say I can be as strong as Job, or Jesus Christ, but I do have faith to believe what God promised me in the beginning with my walk with him. He will never leave me not forsake me. The wisest Man on earth, King Solomon, said for us to live, and enjoy ourselves because there will be nothing left of us once we return to dust. He was speaking of a life fashioned like Jesus would be teaching us when He came to earth. If we live to keep the 10 commandants I believe we will be admitted into the Kingdom of God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

“A Bad Day A Good Day” My message today is a “somewhat take it or leave it,” according to the Gospel of St. Luke. Chapter 1, verse 1-4. Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, 2, Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; 3, It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, 4, That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed. What is St. Luke saying to the church, which I am a part of? Here is my personal understanding of this scripture. Yesterday my day started good. I was picked up by a transit bus on time for a doctor's appointment in Amarillo. The only other time I had ridden on this bus was a very pleasant trip, both there and back. This time I arrived for my appointment on time. Thirty minutes later I was finished with my appointment, and called for a pickup to come back home. I waited thirty minutes but no service, nor a call back to give me a delay time. I called the dispatcher and asked how much longer I would have to wait. He answered, I don't know. I asked can you find out. He answered hold on and I will try. I held the phone for ten minutes without another word. I hung up called again. This time I got a recording that said our office hours are such and such call back later. Here I was 130 miles from home without any other way home. I tried the dispatcher again. He told me my driver was in a town 60 miles away broken down. She had called a mechanic and that it would be about thirty more minutes. I said to him, I don't think she is broken down, because the trip over there had been perfectly normal. I knew if she had broken down, and had called a mechanic that it was not possible for her to be there in thirty minutes. She would have to drive sixty miles after the trouble was fixed. The dispatcher had told me there wasn't any one else to pick me up. I asked the dispatcher if she wasn't there in thirty minutes what could I do. He answered with “ I can't answer that.” The dispatcher was very hateful to me, so I called my son in Sherman, Texas, four hundred miles from me. I thought he might help me to get some results. The dispatcher told my son I had called him a liar, and some other untrue things about me. Then he proceeded to tell him about working short handed, and he was all alone in the office. The dispatcher did tell me he was the only one there, but he is not a driver, and I just needed a ride. He did not tell me they were short some drivers. When my son called me back he was upset with me because I had called the dispatcher a liar. I said, I did not call him a liar, but my son was fully believing everything the dispatcher said about me. Finally he told me the bus was fixed and it would be about another hour before it got there to get me. It did arrive, but there was two men on the bus, one in a motorized wheelchair who had to see his doctor at 4:30 . We dropped him off and waited another hour and one half for him to be ready to get back on the bus. While we were waiting for the last doctor's appointment to be finished I asked the driver if she had been broken down. She said no she just couldn't get the door from the wheelchair lift to close. She said it needed to be pushed up, but evidently she did not know that. It was at the wheelchair patient's home 60 miles away that the driver couldn't get the door to close. The driver was very apologetic to me, and handed me a little silver angel book marker which she had hand crocheted. I thanked her and offered to let her spend the night with me when she delivered me at 8 o'clock She was going to have to drive another 100 miles to get home. She said her husband was waiting for her so she must go on.. Now to finish the meaning of St. Luke's Gospel chapter 1, verse 1-4.' When we don't understand why things are going 100 percent against us, just remember first hand witnesses, and ministers, have already set the proper instructions in order, and we do not need to argue with the false witnesses. Proof that victims have already been justified. The good part of the day ended with an Angel giving me an angel gift that she had ready for such victims as I. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, October 17, 2021

"The Restored Church Of Jerusalem"

“The Restored Church Of Jerusalem” Church was over, lunch is over, and now my nap is over. I had a special invitation to go to one of the church members home after church for a cook out to celebrate Pastors Appreciation Day. I was too fearful of the cool, breezy weather to stay for the cook out. I always take a bad cold if I spend more than a few minutes in cool, windy weather. I would liked to have gone, but just didn't want to get sick. However, I do appreciate our wonderful Pastors. They work hard along with their three children to keep our church a great place to worship, and keep our faith in action. Many ex members don't know what they are missing since they left during a time of painful confusion. The church has since been restored back to it's original place of blessings. I have many years of precious memories behind me of the raising of my children in this church. They also share those same memories. I could name several of past children who grew up in this church who have become very successful, and have made their parents so proud. They have not forsaken their upbringing, and it is being passed on to the newer generations. Let us be reminded of the people of Jerusalem when they were carried away to Babylonia and became slaves for many years. It was because of their failure to keep God's orders, and He finally let them be captured. God's redeeming grace eventually brought them back, and they rebuilt the Temple. I feel like I am one of those redeemed failures, and I am trying to help build back the Temple of Jerusalem. By the grace of God I believe it will be fully restored. Never, never give up on God. As I keep traveling down this road to Heaven, I pray I will not look for an easier road. I want to be faithful in all God' expects of me. “In which much is given much will be required.” I haven't been fired yet, and hopefully I will never be given my dismissal papers. I feel so blessed to be protected from many close calls. I can never thank my Heavenly Father enough. He gave me good earthly parents, and a good life to be thankful for also. I still have a few childhood friends living. I am thankful for those also. We understand each other because we were raised in the same church with good parents. I love, love my childhood friends. No other could ever replace them. Although I do have many wonderful friends living close to me or have been close to me for many years. Some have moved for different reasons but we still make contact often. Keep counting your many blessings. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp .

Saturday, October 16, 2021

"Coasting In Slow Motion"

“Coasting In Slow Motion” Saturdays are one of the slowest days of the week for me. I am at home all day most of every Saturday. About all of the people I talk to by telephone are usually gone on Saturdays. That leaves me a home loner. However, that's because I choose to stay home on Saturdays. I need that time to be alone, and consecrate on a new week. I do get a few calls, but like I said most people are busy with their own business on week-ends. By the end of the day I have done everything I needed to, but that was not much. My anxiety keeps me creeping like a crippled bird. Sundays are a little better, but after church I go back to being anxious for Monday to come. My week days are usually filled with things I have to do in order to stay independent. I have set aside certain days for fun, and fellowship. I'm so thankful for those days. It is now 5 o'clock and my two most important jobs have yet to be done, making a coconut cream pie, and doing my hair. That will be all for the day. Bedtime prayer will put me to sleep for the night. There will be no time to coast in the morning. I have to get it in gear to be ready for church. I don't dare skip my balanced breakfast. A good breakfast is my fuel for the day. My son did call me this morning before he started his busy day. That call was as good for me as a balanced breakfast. I must say God furnishes me with all my needs, even in the slow motion days. The past two months has handed me some huge shocks, but slowly I am recovering from them. We cannot even imagine just how big our God is, nor His love for us. I wish I could do more for Him. The least I can do is tell people how Great He is. He warned us that we would have to fight many battles in life, but that was why He saved us to work for Him. We are His hands, and feet, the voice that people can clearly hear. His Holy Spirit speaks through our voice. The Bible says My sheep know My voice. How often do we hear that voice? Are we yielded to that Godly voice? “Speak my Lord and I'll be quick to answer Thee.” Are we failing to tell Jesus that? Sometimes I wonder if I am the worst servant Jesus has on earth. I even worry about this. I need to honestly say, “Not my will God, but thine be done.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, October 15, 2021

“Rise And Shine” One of the reasons I know God is “unimaginable Love” is when I see Him take part of my heart when He takes one of my precious loved ones. No one has ever loved me like Jesus because He has showed me over, and over again just how much He cares. I know, without a doubt, it was as hard for God to take my son and nephew away from me as it was for me to give them up. I heard about the lady who lost a son, and asked God where was you when my son died? God answered her and said “I was at the the same place I was when My Son died.” Is this not proof that God is grieved when our loved ones die? But the Amazing Grace that God has waiting for us is Amazing indeed. I am growing stronger every day, but I'm sure I am living with another part of my heart missing. Soon this body will be gone also, and my work on earth will have been complete. I wouldn't dare try to tell you everything that will happen after death, but I will say Jesus said our tears will forever be wiped away. I will not say everyone is going to heaven contrary to what many believe, but those whom have accepted Jesus as their Savior, and repented of their sin, will surly be there. I trust God for all decisions He makes. He is a just God, and has no favorites, but He is also a God of His Word. I will keep praising Him, just like He asked us to do. He will lead us through every dark tunnel we are forced to enter. I enjoyed being with friends again today for lunch at the Center. What a great place to go and share our troubles while laughing at our silly little worries. Togetherness puts these worthless worries to rest. It is with this refill of God's blessing that we can cope till we meet again. The food that the cooks prepare is always something to look forward to. I don't believe any person who has ever been there has ever eaten and left without a laugh or two. It's like two for the money. However, with all of this being said I have to warn you with every good thing we meet up with the enemy will come full force and try to stop it. That evil one wants to keep us low, and without hope. It does take a fighter to keep the faith, and turn your back on that enemy. He sometimes appears as a sheep in wolves clothing. Do not be deceived. You are no better than anyone else no matter how much this evil one tries to make you think so. Neither is anyone else better than you. This is God's Word repeated. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, October 11, 2021

“No Question For God” I want to thank all my readers for being patient with me while I was absent from blogging posts. I have had an awful bad month to deal with from losing two of my precious loved ones, and several close friends. I am back home as of yesterday from a funeral service for a spacial nephew who died suddenly from an unexpected heart attack. His death happened one week after we laid one of my loving sons away. By the continuing grace of God I will be back to normal soon. He never fails to give me strength to keep pressing on. I can't tell you how many tears and grief pains I have endured, but it was far too many for a quick recovery. I would like to remain positive, but I believe in speaking the truth only. I do not feel positive about our loving country. I can only say I feel positive about all the Christians who are trusting God with all their heart because the Word says those are the ones whom God will never leave nor forsake. But I also believe we will be tester, and tried, for our faith in Jesus. There may be times when we will feel forsaken like Jesus felt when He was fixing to be crucified, but it had to be the worse kind of pain one can feel in order for God's love to be spread all over the world. That same love must be spread by you and I. Jesus did not die in vain. There is a praise song that says, “God Turns Graveyards Into Rose Gardens.” He turns seas into valleys, and He turns death into everlasting life. Let us never entertain a doubt but what this will happen. Let us comfort one another with out stretched open arms of love. Since I've been home just one day I have experienced a new outlook on life. The sun has began to shine again in my life. I don't know for how long, but I am rejoicing for now. I just told several today that God worked a miracle for me this morning. A big burden has been lifted. And to tell the truth I was shocked. I just didn't think it would happen. That is how low I was when I returned home. I guess I was feeling unworthy, but God knows our heart. I can never understand God's mercy, and his Almighty Power. I am now going to my kitchen and whip up some home-made rolls, and a loaf of bread. Before yesterday I thought I would never make another loaf of bread. I just wanted to continue to grieve. What happened? You guessed it. God changed my mind. He made me hungry for home-made buns, and bread. “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you may die.” Thank You Jesus. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp