Friday, November 1, 2019

"What Does It Mean"

I see the light. I feel like shouting the glory. "Come forth Almighty God." Revive us again.

Yesterday, and today have been dark days for America, and President Trump. Somehow the House has managed to ignored most of the laws America was founded on, and replaced them with their own rules as a last resort to take our President, and our country down. They have made up lies, that everyone has seen, and heard with their own ears. They have dictated to the agreement they so hard tried to avoid, and will not allow any questions to be asked by the GOP members unless the Democrat, demon leader o k's them. This kangaroo court should never have been allowed to go that far, not in America. We are totally under dictatorship now. President Trump does not have a chance unless his elected representatives stand up and fight for him. Everyone knows that the majority of Americans are fully behind our President, and that's why the Democrats are playing the Satanic role. The very most helpful thing to our President (outside of God) was being able to speak to the people through twitter. Now that supposedly uncensored, equal to all citizens, has been taken away from him. Where on earth is our Justice system, and why aren't they doing their job? I have always been positive about Our President being impeached. I believed it would never happen. I believed in God just that much. I believe it is God leading this war of good against evil. And when the evil gets uncontrollably, that's when we will see the blood start to fly. I was taken back a little today when I believed some of our strongest, Godly fighters had given in to the fact that Congress would impeach the President. Up until now I had been believing that it didn't matter that much, for so many of our intelligent leaders stated that it would never possibly pass in the Senate. But if the demons are getting away with their unlawful tactics in the House, who is going to stop it in the Senate?

I know the bible is true, and I know it says “beware when men declare peace, and there is no peace.” Ezekiel 13:10. However, I fully believe that time hasn't arrived yet. The little bit of light I have posted in this picture today was a message sent to me from God. Although darkness may be positive today, there is still light to be seen. I believe with all my heart before it's over, God is going to give the greatest, the most miraculous wisdom to our President than any man has ever had outside bible times. “Not by power, not by might, but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord.” I tremble at the thought about what is going to happen to those evil doers who have gone against God, and caused President Trump so much misery. Their time is definitely coming. The swamp is being drained by the help of God. Glory, and beauty is shinning upon all who trust God, and not man. Victory is just a step ahead.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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