Friday, November 8, 2019

"Six Pound Fruit Cake Ready To Serve"

   Fruit cake now ready to eat. Look out diet, you're in trouble. 11-8-2019 Perryton, TX
Working steadily getting ready for Thanksgiving. I made the holiday fruitcake last night. It weighed in at 6 ½ pounds. Other desserts I plan to serve are pumpkin pie, coconut cream, and German chocolate cake. My daughter and son-in-law are coming for sure, and maybe my son and daughter-in-law. My older son, Chuck, will be here, and not sure who else. We are anticipating a good time. I am so glad to get to cook again since I don't have much company after I became a widow. I usually get invited out for the holidays. This one will be exceptionally nice since we have made plans to take a short, quick trip to the Golden Mesa Casino in Guymon, Oklahoma the day after Thanksgiving. It's just been recently opened, and my children want to see what has been added to our community. It is 58 miles from my house to the Casino. I have been there twice, and both times I have met a lot of my surrounding neighbors from other towns. It's a great place to go for pleasure. Believe me there is nothing else near that close to go for fun, and entertainment. I believe my kids will be impressed with it. I will be spending Christmas with my youngest son, and family, so I need to make Thanksgiving special this year. I have been going to be with family at Christmas almost every year, but usually spent Thanksgiving at home alone since they are only a month a part.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. Fried fish with cold slaw, and fried potatoes, was just what I was craving. We had a nice conversation going on at our table the whole hour. We just had seven today at our table, but it was nice. Others stopped by to chat with us also. It's a time when you hate to leave to go home and get to work. I am naturally slow in my olden days, so I have to wast a lot of time trying to make myself get started. The fact that I'm working for myself, and no one else sure makes for a lot of laziness. I think every day about all the years I didn't have this easy go, easy done, time. I sure would not want to go back to those days. Some of my friends have had to give up part of their freedom because of health issues, but so far I am still going strong. I'm very thankful for that blessing in life. However, I know the time is coming when I will either be less active, or not here in this earth one or the other. That is all up to God, but I think it depends upon my attitude a lot. I truly believe when I am ready to depart this earth He will take me up. As far now I am not in any hurry. I will just keep enjoying my laziness.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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