Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"Hoping To Have Plenty Of Company"

                               Waiting for the bird picnic to start. 11-5-2019 Perryton, TX

Chuck gave me a bell made from bird seed today. I hung it where the other bird feeder was, because I could not keep seed in it. The birds ate too much for me to afford all the time. I'm anxious to see how well the birds will accept this new feeder. I really enjoy sitting in my recliner in front of the big picture window in my living room, and watching the birds feed. They are always willing to share, although sometimes there is no more room when other birds try to land on the feeder. It is then when the birds hold their own. That can be an interesting moment for me. Chuck has always liked birds from talking ones to humming birds. He has attempted to raise some several times, but has not been successful at that. His passion has always been to raise talking parrots. He thought he could teach them to talk if he could just raise some. He gave up on that idea long ago. He has raised peacocks in an incubator with great success, but to his surprise no one wanted a white peacock. I must say they were beautiful but he had no way to market them. He opened the gate, and let them go wild. One or two people caught some, and brought them back to Chuck. Such a thrill he experienced for awhile turned into a nightmare. If he had of lived in the country it would have been different. He also raised ducks in the incubator. But again living in town is no place for pets such as these to be living. Chuck lives alone with not even a dog or cat around. Television is his constant companion now. When I have to miss out on a lot of the news, Chuck always catches me up on it. He knows what's going on all over the world. His predictions are pretty accurate also. When I get anxious as to what is going to happen, Chuck can usually calm me down.

My work for today is over. I will just be resting, and watching news the rest of the evening. It doesn't take much to tire me out any more, but I can manage to stay active most of the time. Tomorrow is lunch at the Center, and if nothing happens to change my mind I plan on attending that. I really should stay home and do some things here, but I feel like it's so necessary to keep in touch with friends. If only I had the lasting energy I use to have it would be nice. I keep telling myself I need to be spending more time playing than working. It doesn't seem to tire me as much. Just the same I am satisfied to be as healthy as I am, and enjoy myself most of the time. I truly am a blessed soul. My tears are mostly tears of joy, because I have so many precious memories.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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