Monday, November 11, 2019

"Turkey Dinner Spider Soup Appetizer"

Here it is, Thanksgiving menu ready to cook. The spider is already skinned. 11-11-2019 Perryton, TX

I'm getting too anxious for Thanksgiving to get here. I have some children coming to visit me, and that has been making me over joyed. I'm baking a turkey for dinner, and having spider soup for an appetizer. I bought the spider for Halloween, but now I need to get rid of it. Just thinking skinned spider soup might make a good appetizer. I don't believe in wasting anything. But the rat I bought for Halloween will have to be turned loose to find another home. We won't need two appetizers. I am reminded of when my mother told me this story. When my brother, the oldest child, was 2 and 1/2 years old a real rat was seen in the house. My mom quickly killed it. But when the next meal was served my brother looked all over the table and asked, where is the rat? I am the second child, but I wasn't born yet. All of my brother's life he heard about the dinner rat. It's kinda funny, but you must have a strong stomach to hear these kind of stories. How can I ever partake of a Thanksgiving dinner without thinking about my mother, my brother, and the rat? I am sure never to tell that story at my Thanksgiving dinner table. Sometimes my bad side has to come out, but not too often. Just today I made a boo-boo. I mentioned at the Senior luncheon that I needed to loose ten pounds. Of course my friends all said I didn't need to lose any weight. I said, I look awful in my cloths. Another friend said, I look awful out of my cloths. What could I say? Yep, I look worse out of mine too.

Happy are these golden years when you're not being given a check mark at every mistake you make. It feels good to have a perfect score at every test paper you are handed back. I suppose retirement makes us perfect now. At least I like to think that. However, we do know the only real teacher that matters at all is never going to give us a pass unless it's legitimate. We may be gold, but not priceless. The eternal life we all are planning for must be legalized by the blood of Jesus Christ. His blood was not given to be laughed at, or even taken lightly. There is a line we all must never cross if we expect to have eternal joy, peace, and happiness. I trust all of us has learned that part of our educated process. And education is a process. We never quit learning till the day we die. That's not saying we never forget some things we've learned, but hopefully we know enough to remember that. If something is not working for us that has been all along, let us check our memory card. Let it not go until you cannot remember where your memory card is. We have a far piece to go yet on this journey.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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