Saturday, November 23, 2019

"A Bird Of A Feather Without A Flock To Gather"

Pretty colors not showing in picture. This bird looks like a captain with a hat on. But it's only a bird. 11-23-2019 Perryton, TX
It's time to talk about the birds, and the bee's for a change. I am so tired of trying to work out the world's problems from my recliner. I'm starting today to prepare for Thanksgiving next week. I will be having company, and I'm excited. Thank goodness the House Intelligence Committee has taken two weeks off for Thanksgiving, so now I can have two weeks to think about something else. I am even tired of hearing all the opinions of so many pro's and con's till I am glad I have something else to interest me for awhile. No doubt my family is going to have a great time together when we gather for Thanksgiving. I love to cook, and am very excited about preparing lots of good food to last us for several days. The turkey, and the pig will both be sitting on our table. I saw a cartoon today of a big fat pig. It said “I'm so glad I'm not a turkey.: Ham is always a second choice for meat on holidays.

When I stepped outside awhile ago I was surprised to feel the nice warm sun after the light snow we had last night. Today is such a beautiful one, I have to wonder what's going on with Mr. Weather Maker. I so hope he lets it continue until after the holidays. My company will be traveling long distances. I also heard on the news today that five million travelers will be either driving, or flying this year for the holidays. They also said that was the most that's ever been recorded. Sounds like the world is becoming overly populated. My first attention when I stepped outside was this pretty bird so gracelessly perched in a tree. It was a pretty sight just to watch for a few minutes. I think it was waiting for a girlfriend to join him, but I didn't fit it's fancy. He flew away when I started walking closer to him. That's o k, I wanted a real boyfriend also. Time must be running out, because I have not even been impressed at all with the many single men I meet every day of my life. I think they are like me, they like their freedom, except the ones who are still married, and they sure do not interest me. I never guessed single life could be so peaceful, because I was married to the same man for 63 years. He loved me dearly, and I loved him, but when it was all said, and done, he was the boss of the house. Now I am my own boss. Only I do need someone to tell me what I want to do when I can't make up my mind. I'm sure God knew what He was doing when He created man, then took a rib from him, and created woman. Yes, the man came first, but with instructions to treat his wife with love. Sorry to hear today that gender is being changed so one never knows what they are dealing with when it comes to male, and female. I am thankful I have lived long enough till I won't be troubled with that reality long.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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