Monday, November 4, 2019

"Heavenly Sunlight Flooding My Soul With Glory Devine"

             Another day is gone, have I done my best for Him? 11-4-2019 Perryton, TX

The sun has been nice today. A little chilly, but comfortable with just a light jacket. I shot this picture as it was lowering beneath the top of a house. Yes, the day is almost over, and I have not slacked off. I feel proud of all the things I accomplished today. There are not many days that I can boast of that anymore. I watch a lot of news every day, and I do boast about that, but other things that really need attention, has to get put on hold a lot. I can truthfully say I don't know anything new that happened today in the way of news. Hopefully I can catch up this evening when I relax in my recliner, and never leave the television except briefly. After I paid bills today, and grocery shopped, I did some cooking and put portions of meat out in baggies to freeze. I spent two hours on my portrait, and made a frame into a more perfect addition to the portrait. I am truly nearing the finishing point, and whether I am completely satisfied with it or not, it's going in a frame. That's not saying it will not go in a dark storage place somewhere, but I've giving it my last hope. I will bring out another portrait that has been hiding for nearly a year, and make that face as beautiful as she really is. First Lady, Melania Trump, is ready to show all but that certain smile that barely shows. I swear to get it right this time. Everything but the smile is finished. It will be at least four days before I can start on the family portrait again, because I do have a job on the side.

I have learned that I will be having company for Thanksgiving so that means some of my fun things will have to wait till after then. However, I am more than excited to have my daughter, and her husband, coming to spend some time with me. I will be counting the days, since it's been quite some time since they have come to my house to visit for a few days. I have spent time with them at other places, but not at my home. I only have one daughter, and she is the joy of my life. My boys, and my grandchildren, add to that joy, and I feel so blessed to have them all still living even though all but one lives a far distance from me. We keep the telephone busy a lot. If I ever need them they are always there for me. If that is not something to be thankful for I don't know what is. God has truly blessed my family, and I can never thank Him enough. If only I could show my appreciation to my Lord more, I would be even happier. He has worked miracles for me more than once. At least He hears me every night telling Him thanks. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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