Sunday, November 24, 2019

"Thank You Vine For Being So Kind"

This vine will not die because it knows I am still watching it. It will give me fresh berries again next spring. 11-24-2019 Perryton, TX

I appreciate this blackberry vine hanging onto dear life when every one of the other plants have long been dead. It stretches across my fence for about 10 or 12 feet. It has such pretty color although it doesn't show in the camera. I think it was because it was in the shade when I took the picture. Fall is not my favorite season even though I dislike winter the worst. When I was a child it didn't matter what season it was I liked them all. Funny how age can change a person's attitude. I haven't seen a lot of other change in my life except I don't have the flexibility I use to have. Sometimes when I bend over I can't straighten back up. I have learned to deal with it, and have just stopped bending over, I squat instead. As long as that is the only thing that slows me down I'm always good to go. It really doesn't bother me if I have to let things go undone. I don't have to have everything perfect as I learned that quite some time ago. I understand my bible to say someday after this life is over, we will live in a perfect world where no pain, nor worry exists. I can wait for that day.

I have a thousand other things to be thankful for. Jesus is my best friend, and He is the King of all Kings. He is with me every minute of my life. If I cry He immediately cheers me up. If I ask for something He always gives it to me. If I don't respect Him, and act like I don't need Him, He will answer that prayer also and walk away. That will never happen in my life. Only a fool would do such a thing as that. Jesus speaks to me every day through His Holy Word. His Word is the living Word, and as many times as I have read the bible through I still read something that I don't remember reading before when I have my bible reading every night. I have many scriptures high lighted in my bible. When I come across them now I wonder why I marked them long ago. I don't see anything about them now that would make me think they are keepers in my heart, although all scriptures should be keepers. I just know that when I high lighter a scripture it was a message to me that I needed badly at the time. It was a direct answer to a prayer I had given to God. So as I noticed the colorful, but lively leaves on this long blackberry vine today, I can relate to it because I too am colorful, lively, running over with long, growing ideas, and enjoying every minute of my life. And like the blackberry vine I should be dead, but not so, I am still very much alive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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