Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"New York City Central Park"

   Pray for New York City. the demons are at work to destroy it. 11-12-2019 Perryton, TX
Some of the things I had heard, and read about the Central Park of New York City gave me a great deal of interest so much that I wanted to do a painting and hang it in my home. I found this picture in a magazine, and liked it enough to enlarge, and copy the landscape on a canvas. I did some research on the huge rock, and learned it was moved into the park location several years ago. It was a major task to move it, but thousands of people each year climb a few steps up that rock. I have learned that Central Park of New York City is part of a 750 acre park area. I cannot imagine. It cost as much to build this park as the entire state of Alaska. There are many interesting stories written about this park that can be found on the internet. They can really sir up the excitement in one's gizzard. I have posted my 16+20 inch painting which hangs in one of my bedrooms. I almost feel like I'm on vacation every time I walk into that bedroom. Most of you know, but you can click onto this picture a few times, and get a much clearer view. The little boy climbing on the rock is wearing his football Jersey. Possibly to antagonize the new York Giants. Football starter uppers are known for that. Leave that little boy alone, he may be playing on the Giants team someday. According to how old the picture was, the boy could possible be on the team now.

I'm writing this story to emphasize the fact that New York City is not what it used to be. The streets of Manhattan are lined with homeless people, and the whole City is described by visitors as being dirty. Our President Trump is selling the famed “Trump Towers,” and moving his home place to Florida. That is one hard pill to swallow. Several large, major companies have recently refused to take their companies to New York because of some of the leaders there. I believe this state has crossed over the line of being the Trade Center of the world. I pray our President can rebuild it in time. It would be a sad, sad day to see it completely fall like California, however I do think it's almost there. Central Park in New York City may not be thrilling much longer to have hanging in my home, but it will always hold good memories. The United States of America is just about as near to falling as any one state it claims, but for God's sake keep those flags flying high until the last cat is dead. As long as President Trump lives, America will live, but after that will there still be hope? I think there will be, but only God knows what is in store. I will keep my thoughts secret for now.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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