Sunday, November 17, 2019

"Gobble Gobble The Turksy Speaks"

                              Happy  turkey day. Says this fat turkey. 11-17-2019 Perryton, TX

I don't know about everyone else, but I am so ready for Thanksgiving. So far this season I haven't had turkey and dressing yet. However, this coming Wednesday we will be served the full Thanksgiving dinner at the Senior Citizen's Center. We have very good cooks there, and I am so anxious to indulge in the delicious food the cooks will prepare. Then on Thanksgiving day I will be cooking the traditional Thanksgiving dinner for some of my children who are coming to share the holiday with me. I took this picture of a turkey my neighbor always places in her yard every thanksgiving season. It makes me laugh, and actually makes me feel sorry for the turkeys. But God gave us meat to keep our bodies strong, and healthy. That is not a joke, although we like to make jokes out of almost anything God has given us. We need the laughs as mush as we need the meat.

I have been real busy again today, and yesterday too. Just can't seem to crowd all the things in that I usually do in a day. I'm sure it's because of all the ridiculous news the impeachment hearings are making, but even though they are nonsense it still keeps us on our toes because we are living in such evil times. Anything can happen to destroy America, although most of us believe God will not let that happen. It will be only by His mercy if we regain our laws, and get to keep our Constitution. As far me I am taking every day very seriously, and would not feel honorable to God, and our country otherwise. We all have a part to play in this evil world, and I will always be on guard against lies, and deceit. I will be watching every trial, or investigation, that is open to the public as long as it takes to win this battle against evil.

Again I am running out of time so I must cut this short, and get it posted. Although I will say my country, and our President comes first. I will never let them down, even though I have to miss my blogs that I've been writing for several years. I have a host of viewers, and I'm thankful that I can share my thoughts, and some people read them faithfully. I count that as one of the things I do for God, and country. But if I can't stay informed on the latest happenings I have nothing to write about.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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