Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"From The Bed To The Battlefield"

A fighter protected by the Heavenly Giant, is partly showing her face. She is cheering the brave fighters on. 11-20-2019 Perryton. TX

I just crawled out of bed this morning, turned the coffee pot on, and headed to my recliner. The House Intelligence Hearings were to start shortly. In spite of the exciting Thanksgiving dinner at the Center today, I could not miss these hearings. It was a hard decision to make, but I absolutely am that involved in my country. The hearings have finally adjourned for the day, but the demons are still at work to destroy our country. I witnessed a man on trial today, Ambassador Sondlard, being drilled to the core by both parties. No human should have to go through such torture as he did. However, it finally become clear that the Ambassador was determined to keep the House members, and the audience in the dark about his true wishes, as far as being for, or against the President. After hours of listening to his testimony I came to the conclusion that he was against the President however, the House Majority was not satisfied with everything they heard. This poor witness went through more torture than most people could have endure. But, I have to say I would have been upset also with the refusal to answer the questions clearly. He had a way of dodging the questions with what he called presumptions. Yet he left the impression that he favored the Resistance. He just made sure his testimony could not free, or convict the President. I wish I could say I know the reason, but I will keep trying to unravel this mystery.

I will again say I believe we have a man of God in the White House, and no man, or woman, are going to take him down, but in the mean time we are seeing the devil at his best effort trying to do so. The people against President Trump have already sold out their inheritance to Satan. They are now fighting to keep themselves out of prison as well as the millions they got from hard working American tax payers. They have no conscience, so long as they can stay out of prison, and keep sending others, who have done much less wrong than they, in their place. I hope I live long enough to see all these evil demons have to suffer their consequences. I am not a hardhearted person, but I do have deep feelings for true, innocent Christian followers being wrongly demonized. They are crucifying Jesus all over again, which God the Father, will not allow. In any war good people are killed, but those fighting evil will reap a great reward, while the other fighters will go down in the pit. Those are exact words coming from God's Holy Bible, and I wish more people would be more knowledgeable of the most powerful truth in the world. As I took advantage of my greatly, blessed life this morning, I am thankful for giving up my pleasure for a more important event taking place that affects the entire world.

 God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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