Thursday, November 14, 2019

"Another Sunshine Day"

                   The rays of light are still shinning in my soul. 11-14-2019 Perryton, TX

So after several days of way below freezing we get this beautiful, sunny, warm day today. November 14, and summer like weather. It just so happened I had a lot to do today, and couldn't work in my yard. Hoping for another nice day tomorrow. I did my son's house work today. Went to the grocery store, then to another store for things I couldn't get at the grocery store, so it has been a busy day for me. I couldn't risk the chance of maybe another freezing day tomorrow. I had to buy a lot of things that was important right now. I had waited several days for a nicer time to go shopping, so I had to make it happen today. I am grateful that I got to watch the House Impeachment Hearings yesterday. I spent most of the day sitting in front of the television. I don't have to take someone else's opinion, I have my own. It was the biggest joke I had ever heard. Poor Democrats have lost everything they ever had in the way of respect. I wonder if our Congress is coming to a non Democrat party in the very near future. Of course there will always be the crazies as long as there is life on earth. I have to love them in spite of their foolish ways. There is always hope for change.

It's too late in the evening for me to get my word quota today, so I will have to make this short before my time is up. I try hard not to miss a single day of posting something, but there are a few days I just have to miss. My mind is always full of thoughts, but it takes a lot of time to get them on the computer. On top of that there are a lot of times my computer is so slow I lose a lot of time waiting on it. I am still in the business, and everything is going great for me. Looking forward to Thanksgiving, and spending time with my children.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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