Sunday, November 10, 2019

"A Rub Board Experience"

                 Not much to see you say, but a lot to read about. 11-10-2019 Perryton, TX.

I have missed three days this week of posting a blog. It seems as thought I went blank on what to write about. This morning I just asked God to give me something to write my blog about today. I took my camera and went outside to see all these rub-board style clouds then the message came to me. “ Life is like a rub-board.” For those who are not old enough to know what a rub-board is I will explain. My grandmother used to do all of her laundry in a large tub of water that had been heated over hot coals with this hand-operated machine called a rub-board. It was approximately 18” wide, and about 3 ' long made from wood with most of it being a metal tool with ribbed devises all across it. The rub-board was put in the tub of hot water with a bar of home-made soap to do the laundry with. The washing lady had to rub the cloths up and down on that metal-ribbed tool until her hands were red as blood, and often had blisters to deal with later. Wash day was a day of torture back then. Although the day of rub-boards are over, the day of rough life is not. By the end of most days some of us feel like we have been pushed up and down over a rub-board. Right before I asked God for something to write about today I had just read a message a friend had put on face book while she was sitting in church this morning. I will briefly try to relate this story to you.

This friend, and her husband who was a lobbyist, moved to Washington DC a few years ago. She was met there with constant demon attackers, mostly one, who completely destroyed her beautiful, honest, respectable life. She finally left DC and came back home to Texas, but too late to ever find peace of mind. She wrote a book thinking it would help to regain her dignity, but for several years her book didn't accomplish what she had hoped it would. I read her book, and I was so moved by it I wanted to go to DC and find that witch who did this awful stuff to a wonderful person. Of course there was no way I could do that. I had an awful hard time believing that what I read could possible be true. However, this friend swears every word is true, and she is still suffering from the results. She has finally sold the rights to a movie company, and it is now in the process of being put into a movie. However, nothing can bring back the pride, and success this wife, mother, and ex-beauty queen once knew. She is still struggling with, these past memories, and I don't see how this movies can have a good ending. She is at present the Senior Mrs. Universe, and tries to fulfill her need to encourage all senior women to be their own self, and not be discredited no matter who you are.

This movie will be titled “False Victim” by Kathy Truitt. Watch for it because I promise you will be glued to the screen the whole time. This heroine has been finally given the opportunity to spread her unusual story, and help others who are being used like cloth on a rub-board. God Bless her.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

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