Friday, April 29, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Showers Of Blessings I pray"

Jean's Comment's: "Showers Of Blessings I pray": Showers of blessings. Flower beds and streets are standing in water. Thank you Lord for the nice rain. 4-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.      ...

"Showers Of Blessings I pray"

Showers of blessings. Flower beds and streets are standing in water. Thank you Lord for the nice rain. 4-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                        Its so nice to see everything looking so green. 4-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was awaken this morning at 4:00 by hail beating on my roof. I looked out to see slight hail mixed with rain. It was thundering and lightening. I just said, “thank you Lord,” and went back to bed. We have had a nice rain, but the sun is shinning now. What a blessing it has been. The grass was getting dry, and I was fixing to water today. I love all the blessings God gives us, and I truly let Him know it. He deserves our thanks, and praise. We deserve nothing. Every day is a challenge for me. I wait patiently for another blessing to happen. I was also blessed this morning with a call from a dear friend who lives in another city. I always enjoy visiting with her because she has a way of lifting my spirits. Later I called my sister in Oklahoma City. That was another blessing to me. She has such a positive attitude in spite of a lot of hardships she endures daily. I look forward  to the times when I can spend some time with her. I have a very good friend who lives in Oklahoma City who I enjoy visiting with also. She is suppose to call me later today when her company leaves. She is always on a victory note, and her words bring joy to me. Nothing can do one more good on a wet, cloudy day than to have friends and loved ones to chat with awhile.

I can say that I also share my blessings with others. I am so happy when I have shared a few dollars with hungry families. We don’t have to look far to find such a case as that. The Lord told us to divide our bread with the hungry, and to cover the naked. I love doing these things because Jesus said, “as often as you do this unto the least, you do it unto me.” This life is all about giving, and receiving. Nothing else is as important as that. I like to give, and I like to receive. When this life is over, and we enter into the gates of heaven we will be shown all of the good things we have done for others. Unfortunately we will be shown all the things we failed to do also. “Work for the night is coming when man’s work will be no more.” If everyone was smart and didn’t make mistakes, there would be no hungry of clothe less. That is to say Jesus knew everyone would not be perfect, and even though we were to share. Ourselves are included in that group. We all lose a game now and then. Some lose more times than others. Then there are some who seem to have the game mastered. Where ever I fit in, I want to share with the biggest losers. They just didn’t have the Excellency to win. Jesus loves them anyway. Let us love them too. We must love the sinner, but hate the sin.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Garden After politics"

Jean's Comment's: "Garden After politics":               Chives for baked potatoes anybody. I have plenty. 4-27-2016 Perryton, Texas. Chives are blooming in my garden. They make a...

"Garden After politics"

              Chives for baked potatoes anybody. I have plenty. 4-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Chives are blooming in my garden. They make a good topping for baked potatoes. I cut another mess of asparagus, and it is so delicious. Almost every day I find a new growth of something exciting in my garden and flower garden. Chuck and I found a little pecan tree about 6 inches high yesterday. Its right in the middle of my flower garden. It will be ready to transplant in a few weeks. I still haven’t identified some of the new sprouts of green stuff coming up in my yard. I’m always amazed at how some stuff gets buried under my yard soil and decides to grow into a big something that I don’t always want after it finally gets big enough to identify. Most usually it turns out to be a tree of unwelcome arrival.

I watched Donald Trump give his speech this morning on foreign affairs, and I got so excited I wanted him to get elected today. That man can do the impossible if he gets the chance to prove it. I truly believe he has the delegates already to be the nominee, they just have to be put in place. I am confident, and have been from day one that he will be our next president. Look out some of you crooked democrats, and republicans who have been pulling the wool over peoples eyes. You are fixing to be exposed to a lot of things you are trying hard to keep covered. I am so ready for our country to be great again. It is coming sooner than you think. I will spend at least an hour this evening on the computer casting my vote for all those who are backing Donald Trump. I want to strength all the tiring effort they put out so they can keep hammering the truth into weak peoples mind. There are a lot of high ranking individuals supporting Mr. Trump, and I want to commend them all. Many of them have taken a lot of flack from those who want to stop Donald Trump from becoming the nominee, but they just bounced right back and starting swinging again. I thank God for them all. They are greatly to be praised. Some people have been quoted as saying they are on cloud nine when they are happy. I am now saying I am on cloud ninety-nine. One cloud away from heaven.

I will leave this bit of propaganda with you, and may you know for sure it is all about the truth and no rumors. Be careful how you analyze  your thoughts, because mistakes cannot be corrected easily in this election situation. It is very critical that we make the right choice, or lose our entire freedom, and security. I hope everyone will realize that second guessing is bad for your future. Make sure you know what is best for you, your children, and your grandchildren before you move or not move to make an important decision.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Sermon To Myself"

Jean's Comment's: "A Sermon To Myself": Bachelor buttons are blooming now. I will be having a lot of them as they come up voluntary every year. 4-24-2016 Perryton, Texas. I jus...

"A Sermon To Myself"

Bachelor buttons are blooming now. I will be having a lot of them as they come up voluntary every year. 4-24-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I just finished watering the flowers and asparagus. The bachelor buttons are blooming beautifully. The natural beauty that just happens with the arrival of spring can be so refreshing. The birds have started building their nests, and they stop by the water flow often to drink it up. The nest I see perfectly from eye level is definitely a blue print job. It is a Robin nest, and the straw is so neatly stacked, and woven, till I have to be made amazed. Then I saw a honey bee moving through the blooms on the plum trees trying to collect some nectar for their honey combs. My crepe Myrtle tree is sprouting tiny leaves, and looking so healthy. I love that tree. The rose bushes are all greened out with buds barely showing. Yes, spring is the time for peace and joy with a glass of lemonade in hand. I had an hour or two with all of the above. I even visited with a friend by telephone for an hour or so before coming inside. I dread the hot summer days ahead. Spring is my favorite season of the year. It seems to put new life back into my own body. I really need to bloom, but I’m not expecting that to happen.

I have talked to all three of my sisters today. That is always a joy. They are so dear to me, and I wish I could live closer to them. My husband used to tell people that when he was down I picked him up, and when I was down he picked me up. He said we were never both down at the same time. That is so true, but now that he is gone I have no one but my sisters to pick me up. How thankful I am for them. We talk about how much we miss our husbands, our mom and dad, our brothers, and other precious family members whom have been taken away from us. Just sharing our loneliness helps to perk back up, although life is never the same.

I know life is what we make it to be, and I have always been able to deny sadness to overtake me, but it gets harder every day. We have to change with time and decisions are the worse thing people have to face. Without the help of God I would be completely lost. I want to be willing to accept whatever my Lord asks me to do. The fact is sometimes we are just not sure if it is God speaking to us or our own foolish thoughts. Any change one makes takes a great deal of force, and a lot of patience to make it work, however the faith we can claim by the promise of God will always prove to be right. It is those who wait for a clearance before making the move that always gets through. “I am thine oh Lord, draw me closer to Thee.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Robin's Nest Is Being Built For Me"

Jean's Comment's: "A Robin's Nest Is Being Built For Me": This is a picture of a robin's nest being built in one of my plum trees right outside my kitchen window. I hope I can take pictures of...

"A Robin's Nest Is Being Built For Me"

This is a picture of a robin's nest being built in one of my plum trees right outside my kitchen window. I hope I can take pictures of the baby birds when they hatch. 4-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                         This is the full tree that the robin nest is in. 4-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

How exciting this morning to find this little Robin’s nest being built in a plum tree just outside my kitchen window. Chuck climbed upon the ladder and took a picture of the inside of the nest. No eggs have been laid yet. I hope we didn’t molest the bird’s privacy enough that she won’t come back and lay her eggs. I am puzzled to see such a happening in such a small tree so close to my window. I do love Robin Red Breasts, and maybe the good Lord led the Robin to build her nest there. This is a lovely day with just a slight breeze. I cut a mess of asparagus and will fix it for dinner this evening. Pork chops are on the menu also with mashed potatoes and gravy. I can’t even think of moving from my home into an apartment, which is being discussed at this time. My doctor says I must get closer than 260 miles from him. I have been considering several options, but none of which I want to trade my home for. I like my cardiologist and don’t want to change again. He is in Oklahoma City, and I live in Perryton, Texas, 260 miles away. God will make that choice for me in due time. I have committed it unto Him. I would be giving up a lot if I moved, but sometimes we have to do what we must do. Life does require changes from time to time.

I would be satisfied to move to Oklahoma City or near by if I could have the same conveniences that I have here. I could give up my yard, but I need a place to live with room for my art studio. I need space for overnight company also. I must have family and friends visit me as long as I am in good health. This has always been my life, and I cannot trade it for one selfish me. I have given my preference to God, and I know He will honor it. In the mean time I will keep enjoying my long-time home, and wait for an offer to fit my desire. Whatever happens in the next few weeks will be the final decision in my future. I am excited about moving, and also excited about staying put where I am. Can anyone explain that? I am thankful I am not having to make a quick choice like so many people I know have had to do. I am trying to follow good advise and trust God for a better way of life. I have no family in Perryton but one son who is handicapped. He is my dependant and will be following me wherever I go. I have been extremely lonely since I lost my husband three years ago. All my other children live four hundred miles or farther away. I have a lot of family in Oklahoma City whom I am very close to. I don’t like big cities, nor do I want to live within city limits, but I must compromise if I get closer to my doctor. I trust all my friends, and readers of my blogs will keep me in their prayers for what is best for me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Strive For Peace And Happiness"

Jean's Comment's: "Strive For Peace And Happiness": The apartment complex where my sister lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 4-22-2016 Perryton, Texas. After a few days of vacation its good...

"Strive For Peace And Happiness"

The apartment complex where my sister lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 4-22-2016 Perryton, Texas.

After a few days of vacation its good to be back home. I visited two of my sisters in Oklahoma City and made a visit to see my doctor. All was well with my doctor’s examination, and I do not need to see him again for a year. I enjoyed playing the slots with my sisters at River Wind casino in Norman, Oklahoma. I was needing to get away for a few days, and I feel completely relaxed after getting back home. This place will never be the same after losing my husband and  several other family loved ones the past few years, but with the help of God I am getting through day by day. It seems as though there is a veil over my eyes, and I keep looking for a way to pull it off. I am not sure of which way I’m headed some of the time. I guess it might be called, “lost in the storm.” I do feel better now after returning home, and I believe I will be seeing more clearly in a short time. We are built to take the storms of life even though it takes a lot of self-denial. I am thankful for family and friends who are always there to help me recover from all the discouragement that seems to visit me every day. I never fail to ask God to bless them all before going to bed at night.

A lunch at the Center was nice for my appetite today.  It was just what I needed to satisfy my taste. Salmon patties, fried potatoes, black-eyed peas, cold slaw, tossed salad, pickled beets, garlic toast, and lemon pie for dessert. The cooks at the Center are especially good. They know how to put that extra goodness into every dish they prepare. The meals are worth the $8.00 we pay for them. The fellowship is free, and is as enjoyable as the food. I just wish more people would start coming to take advantage of the, spirit-lifting hour or two that several have found to be real. Someone is always there to make new comers feel welcome. A sweetheart of a hostess is more than happy to see a new face just like seeing the old faces. For anyone who may be in a rut you need to spin out and come visit the Center. May the 8th is a special Mother’s day dinner with the price per person $20.00. There is usually about 100 + people at these special occasions. It will be worth it to have a wonderful meal and be able to see so many friends and acquaintances. Put it on your calendar now. Everyone needs someone, and the Center needs you. It is supported solely by donations and lunches served to members, and non-members. Perryton is fortunate to have s nice place like the Center to offer so many good things besides food. Give it a try, and see for your self.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 15, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Why Does One Doubt"

Jean's Comment's: "Why Does One Doubt": Windmills used for generating electricity in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 4-15-2016 Perryton, Texas.  I made a trip to Liberal, Kansas toda...

"Why Does One Doubt"

Windmills used for generating electricity in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 4-15-2016 Perryton, Texas. 

I made a trip to Liberal, Kansas today. Liberal is a  city about 45 miles north of Perryton, Texas where I live. A strip of the Oklahoma Panhandle divides Kansas from Texas. A few miles into this strip are recently installed windmills being set up for generating electricity. I have no idea how many are already operating, but as far as I could see both ways driving down highway 83 there was windmills. They are situated in a straight row not too far apart. The landowners whose land these windmills are producing on are getting a good price for a lease from the power companies. Thousands of these windmills are constructed in a two hundred mile radius from where I live, including Oklahoma, and Texas. I don’t know how many other states have these power machines, but one thing for sure the whole theory of the idea is a far-fetched one to me. Billions of dollars are being spent on this hopeful means of changing the way our current electrical system works. It has always seemed like a bad idea to me.

The big question is this. When God created the heaven and the earth did He know that the man and woman He created to take care of it would be the inventor of all the ballistic development that would follow forever? Is the technology that is so prevalent today specified by the initial element? It had to be. No man could ever with his own mind develop a world of living fantasy such as we witness today. How could anyone say there is no God?  I am so glad God chose to give me peace, joy, and happiness, instead of a brain full of turmoil and confusion. Money nor fame could never replace the riches I possess. I’m sure I will remain in puzzlement every time I see an unbelievable invention, but I will never envy the person who gave it reality. I owe millions that I can never repay to those whom have made my live worth living. What a blessed world we live in today even though I have done little to help make it that way. I think I have been labeled as weird, but I can’t change who I am, neither do I want to. If I can please God, nothing else in the world matters. I love all weird, and all brilliant people alike. I have always believed I am no better nor no worse than anyone else. God made that clear to me when I first met him as a young mother. He has always been there for me when I call upon Him.

So the windmills turn, and the power makes progress, so is the days of my life turning and making progress. When they stop I will be forever with my Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Story Of Both Natural And Spiritual Fruit"

Jean's Comment's: "A Story Of Both Natural And Spiritual Fruit":                The rhubarb is blooming and ready to be made into pies. 4-10-2016 Perryton, Texas. We just had our first mess of asparag...

"A Story Of Both Natural And Spiritual Fruit"

               The rhubarb is blooming and ready to be made into pies. 4-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

We just had our first mess of asparagus this past week. It was so much better than the store bought kind. Now the rhubarb is ready to be made into pies. Except for fruit the asparagus and rhubarb is about all the vegetables I will have this year. Maybe a few tomatoes, but I don’t do garden anymore. Most of it was going to waste when I was growing garden stuff so I quit doing it. I do miss it though since I love fresh vegetables so well. I will just work with the flowers and enjoy the beauty they show off. The many roses I have each year bloom all summer and into fall. They are super beautiful.

The clouds this evening are looking like rain is coming. I haven’t heard the weather forecast, but I believe it is going to rain. That would be so nice. It is very dry here now. I have been waiting for rain before I put the weed and feed on my back yard. I watered in the front yard, but the back is too large. The grass is too thick to water enough to put the fertilizer on. Its also real dry. The weeds do not need water. They are growing by leaps and bounds. Chuck has sprayed them twice, but I still have to pull up weeds nearly every day. They grow in the alley and where my garden spot is.

I have more time than I have energy now a days. That is a sign of too much wear and tear on this old body. I have no other choice but to chug along and endure the stress. A friend told me today that a little pain is better than moving a wheel chair. I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I have had a rough past year taking care of my ill son, but now I am alone again and becoming stronger both spiritually, and physically, every day. We shall always reap the good if we don’t faint. I didn’t faint and I am now reaching out to a better time of my life. I am very excited about my future. I am sure some great things are going to happen before I peter out. I’m making plans now to do something to help the process. I already feel my youth coming back. Not too speedy, but surely so.

I learned a lesson today. I’m sure I already knew what I think I learned today, but I had forgotten. I became quite up-set with a person whom I have had much patience with for years. This person is one whom I could not forsake if my life depended on it. She made me very unhappy yesterday, and I decided to write her a nasty long letter. I felt as though it had to be done, finally. I copied off the letter, placed it in an envelope and went to bed. I was sure I had done the right thing. I had previously written letters to her, but always tore them up. This letter was not going to be torn up. This morning when I awoke, I had a different feeling about my smart aleck loved one. I thought to myself, oh no here I go again. I had spent several hours writing that letter, and I was going to send it off. I even wrote some more to go with it. I hadn’t made it nasty enough. I addressed the envelope and was ready to place the stamp on it, but I wasn’t sure how much postage I would need, so I left it off until I went to the post office tomorrow. I really had done a good job this time I thought. Since today was Sunday I couldn’t mail the letter until tomorrow so the good Lord had time to get my attention. The letter was to be torn up just like all the rest. I kept arguing, but in the end I was the loser. I still haven’t torn it up, but I feel sure I will tomorrow. The moral of this story is when hurt mingled with frustration over takes you  go to the computer and write half the night about how you feel. It nearly always relieves  you of all anger without having to mail it. A very bad situation was corrected before it became full-blown. But I think I have a very good letter that needs to be read. It is not mean, nor threatening. I think it will help the ignorant one to see themselves like everyone else sees them. But know, the letter must not be sent. All my intelligent advise, and suggesting is just wasted. What will the next live be like?

God Bless
Myrtle jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"The Wind Is Blowing Not Me"

The pecan in the middle of the planter is the squirrel's left-over food from last winter. I found it today when I cleaned out the planter. 4-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

If the wind wasn’t blowing hard it would be a wonderful day. I did a few things in the yard, but it was just too windy to do much. I found the pecan in the planter when I cleaned some leaves out. I have only seen one squirrel in the past year since my neighbor got rid of five of them. I fear some more may be fixing to move in. I cannot allow that. The pecan tree next to my yard is all too tempting for the squirrels to ignore. Although those pecans are the best tasting ever, I would still cut the tree down because of the pestersome  creatures they draw. There are some things worse than squirrels that people have to deal with so I should not be complaining  too much.

I am learning to live alone again. My son, Rick, has been gone 11 days now, and I am shedding less tears every day. I have talked to him several times since he left. He seems happy to be with his daughters and grandchildren. They are glad to have him with them, and are feeding him lots of exotic food. They all enjoy watching home movies together, and bless one another with humorous extras coming straight from the twisted brains. One needs to laugh a lot, but somehow age slows down the better things in life. I live on serious street now, and humor is a distant neighbor. I am thankful though for all the fun my children are having. We are hoping that Rick can find a good doctor in Houston that can find, and correct his health problem. He left his heart here, but maybe he will come back for it someday.

I will be spending the evening watching very serious, nerve shattering, poll results. I am living in a time of ever-changing earth matters. Never has there been a motion picture produced that causes more excitement than the gruesome comments coming from both the presidential candidates, and the news reporters. Its all real, and that’s what makes it so spellbound. Who is going to lead our country out of this dangerous, surface and air blasting from mean spirited devils of Satan’s empire?  One must be wise to a master’s degree if they get this one right. It’s like a million questions, but only one answer. “Who can stand the test?” Each of us are required to fill in the blanks, but what if all of them are wrong? I am studying hard to choose the right person to blast the enemy away. I have made up my mind, and of course I might be wrong, but so I feel all of the above are wrong also. I am pretty sure none of us voters will have a chance to put our pick in the White House. That day is over, and we will be ruled from now on by the evil dictators. I am saying we still must try to put the Man of God, and not a woman, in the highest position for America. The race is not over. Keep watching for every clue you can get to out smart the demon majority.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Can't Believe The Change In Me"

Jean's Comment's: "I Can't Believe The Change In Me": Nice picture of the sunset reflecting on the house across my alley. Puts a joy in my heart. 4-2-2016 Perryton, Texas. This late Saturda...

"I Can't Believe The Change In Me"

Nice picture of the sunset reflecting on the house across my alley. Puts a joy in my heart. 4-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This late Saturday evening is putting blessings in my heart. I have been watering the yard so I can put weed and feed on it tomorrow before the grass gets any taller. It is already green and growing fast before I have even put fertilize on it. Then I noticed this lovely sunset across the alley making it look like my neighbor’s house was so fire. I had to get a picture of it. I had been watching the Lawrence Welk show while I was running in and out watering the yard. Even though this show is reruns from many years back It was so interesting to see the dancing, and hear those good old songs. Then the Gather’s show came on, and again the old-time hymns were such a blessing to me. I believe I am making progress in recovering from all the grieving I have had to deal with. I have shed enough tears the past three years to float a battleship. It has been a constant loss of loved ones and close friends many of which were unexpected. I had been staying home almost every day for several weeks. It seemed as if I had lost interest in everything. Then finally today I went to visit an old friend whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. She and I recalled old times and shared our grief as she also has lost several loved ones the past few years, even a daughter just recently. When I left her house I needed to take something by another friend’s house, and there I visited for another hour or so. Same situation with her as myself and my other friend. This day made me realize that others are struggling with grief just like I am. This evening made the day perfect by listening to wonderful old hymnals, and watching the great dancing of olden times. The Glory-Halleluiah kind. Then the grand finale was the flaming sunset reflecting on my neighbor’s house. I feel peace at this time. I thank God for that. I am still going to bed every night expecting something good to happen tomorrow. Most of the time it does, but not until we recognize it as something good. I believe we must make the best of what God has given us, and that is not to refuse to get up and find something to satisfy our loneliness. Too much of a bad thing is certainly not good for the soul, and if we don’t change things up we will find ourselves in deep trouble without enough faith to pull us out. Nothing in the world can replace friends. I have many, and I pray every night for all of them. Many are living in other states now, and many I don’t see often, but I still count them as precious. God has given me a very good memory, and I never run out of things to say because of it. I have several good friends at this time who are in Alzheimer’s wings at nursing homes. I can hardly stand to think about them, but again God is giving me peace over all bad things. I have so many good memories of them, even though they cannot talk with me. I know we will understand it better bye, and bye.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp