Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"Garden After politics"

              Chives for baked potatoes anybody. I have plenty. 4-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Chives are blooming in my garden. They make a good topping for baked potatoes. I cut another mess of asparagus, and it is so delicious. Almost every day I find a new growth of something exciting in my garden and flower garden. Chuck and I found a little pecan tree about 6 inches high yesterday. Its right in the middle of my flower garden. It will be ready to transplant in a few weeks. I still haven’t identified some of the new sprouts of green stuff coming up in my yard. I’m always amazed at how some stuff gets buried under my yard soil and decides to grow into a big something that I don’t always want after it finally gets big enough to identify. Most usually it turns out to be a tree of unwelcome arrival.

I watched Donald Trump give his speech this morning on foreign affairs, and I got so excited I wanted him to get elected today. That man can do the impossible if he gets the chance to prove it. I truly believe he has the delegates already to be the nominee, they just have to be put in place. I am confident, and have been from day one that he will be our next president. Look out some of you crooked democrats, and republicans who have been pulling the wool over peoples eyes. You are fixing to be exposed to a lot of things you are trying hard to keep covered. I am so ready for our country to be great again. It is coming sooner than you think. I will spend at least an hour this evening on the computer casting my vote for all those who are backing Donald Trump. I want to strength all the tiring effort they put out so they can keep hammering the truth into weak peoples mind. There are a lot of high ranking individuals supporting Mr. Trump, and I want to commend them all. Many of them have taken a lot of flack from those who want to stop Donald Trump from becoming the nominee, but they just bounced right back and starting swinging again. I thank God for them all. They are greatly to be praised. Some people have been quoted as saying they are on cloud nine when they are happy. I am now saying I am on cloud ninety-nine. One cloud away from heaven.

I will leave this bit of propaganda with you, and may you know for sure it is all about the truth and no rumors. Be careful how you analyze  your thoughts, because mistakes cannot be corrected easily in this election situation. It is very critical that we make the right choice, or lose our entire freedom, and security. I hope everyone will realize that second guessing is bad for your future. Make sure you know what is best for you, your children, and your grandchildren before you move or not move to make an important decision.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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