Saturday, April 2, 2016

"I Can't Believe The Change In Me"

Nice picture of the sunset reflecting on the house across my alley. Puts a joy in my heart. 4-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This late Saturday evening is putting blessings in my heart. I have been watering the yard so I can put weed and feed on it tomorrow before the grass gets any taller. It is already green and growing fast before I have even put fertilize on it. Then I noticed this lovely sunset across the alley making it look like my neighbor’s house was so fire. I had to get a picture of it. I had been watching the Lawrence Welk show while I was running in and out watering the yard. Even though this show is reruns from many years back It was so interesting to see the dancing, and hear those good old songs. Then the Gather’s show came on, and again the old-time hymns were such a blessing to me. I believe I am making progress in recovering from all the grieving I have had to deal with. I have shed enough tears the past three years to float a battleship. It has been a constant loss of loved ones and close friends many of which were unexpected. I had been staying home almost every day for several weeks. It seemed as if I had lost interest in everything. Then finally today I went to visit an old friend whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. She and I recalled old times and shared our grief as she also has lost several loved ones the past few years, even a daughter just recently. When I left her house I needed to take something by another friend’s house, and there I visited for another hour or so. Same situation with her as myself and my other friend. This day made me realize that others are struggling with grief just like I am. This evening made the day perfect by listening to wonderful old hymnals, and watching the great dancing of olden times. The Glory-Halleluiah kind. Then the grand finale was the flaming sunset reflecting on my neighbor’s house. I feel peace at this time. I thank God for that. I am still going to bed every night expecting something good to happen tomorrow. Most of the time it does, but not until we recognize it as something good. I believe we must make the best of what God has given us, and that is not to refuse to get up and find something to satisfy our loneliness. Too much of a bad thing is certainly not good for the soul, and if we don’t change things up we will find ourselves in deep trouble without enough faith to pull us out. Nothing in the world can replace friends. I have many, and I pray every night for all of them. Many are living in other states now, and many I don’t see often, but I still count them as precious. God has given me a very good memory, and I never run out of things to say because of it. I have several good friends at this time who are in Alzheimer’s wings at nursing homes. I can hardly stand to think about them, but again God is giving me peace over all bad things. I have so many good memories of them, even though they cannot talk with me. I know we will understand it better bye, and bye.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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