Friday, April 15, 2016

"Why Does One Doubt"

Windmills used for generating electricity in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 4-15-2016 Perryton, Texas. 

I made a trip to Liberal, Kansas today. Liberal is a  city about 45 miles north of Perryton, Texas where I live. A strip of the Oklahoma Panhandle divides Kansas from Texas. A few miles into this strip are recently installed windmills being set up for generating electricity. I have no idea how many are already operating, but as far as I could see both ways driving down highway 83 there was windmills. They are situated in a straight row not too far apart. The landowners whose land these windmills are producing on are getting a good price for a lease from the power companies. Thousands of these windmills are constructed in a two hundred mile radius from where I live, including Oklahoma, and Texas. I don’t know how many other states have these power machines, but one thing for sure the whole theory of the idea is a far-fetched one to me. Billions of dollars are being spent on this hopeful means of changing the way our current electrical system works. It has always seemed like a bad idea to me.

The big question is this. When God created the heaven and the earth did He know that the man and woman He created to take care of it would be the inventor of all the ballistic development that would follow forever? Is the technology that is so prevalent today specified by the initial element? It had to be. No man could ever with his own mind develop a world of living fantasy such as we witness today. How could anyone say there is no God?  I am so glad God chose to give me peace, joy, and happiness, instead of a brain full of turmoil and confusion. Money nor fame could never replace the riches I possess. I’m sure I will remain in puzzlement every time I see an unbelievable invention, but I will never envy the person who gave it reality. I owe millions that I can never repay to those whom have made my live worth living. What a blessed world we live in today even though I have done little to help make it that way. I think I have been labeled as weird, but I can’t change who I am, neither do I want to. If I can please God, nothing else in the world matters. I love all weird, and all brilliant people alike. I have always believed I am no better nor no worse than anyone else. God made that clear to me when I first met him as a young mother. He has always been there for me when I call upon Him.

So the windmills turn, and the power makes progress, so is the days of my life turning and making progress. When they stop I will be forever with my Lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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