Sunday, April 24, 2016

"A Sermon To Myself"

Bachelor buttons are blooming now. I will be having a lot of them as they come up voluntary every year. 4-24-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I just finished watering the flowers and asparagus. The bachelor buttons are blooming beautifully. The natural beauty that just happens with the arrival of spring can be so refreshing. The birds have started building their nests, and they stop by the water flow often to drink it up. The nest I see perfectly from eye level is definitely a blue print job. It is a Robin nest, and the straw is so neatly stacked, and woven, till I have to be made amazed. Then I saw a honey bee moving through the blooms on the plum trees trying to collect some nectar for their honey combs. My crepe Myrtle tree is sprouting tiny leaves, and looking so healthy. I love that tree. The rose bushes are all greened out with buds barely showing. Yes, spring is the time for peace and joy with a glass of lemonade in hand. I had an hour or two with all of the above. I even visited with a friend by telephone for an hour or so before coming inside. I dread the hot summer days ahead. Spring is my favorite season of the year. It seems to put new life back into my own body. I really need to bloom, but I’m not expecting that to happen.

I have talked to all three of my sisters today. That is always a joy. They are so dear to me, and I wish I could live closer to them. My husband used to tell people that when he was down I picked him up, and when I was down he picked me up. He said we were never both down at the same time. That is so true, but now that he is gone I have no one but my sisters to pick me up. How thankful I am for them. We talk about how much we miss our husbands, our mom and dad, our brothers, and other precious family members whom have been taken away from us. Just sharing our loneliness helps to perk back up, although life is never the same.

I know life is what we make it to be, and I have always been able to deny sadness to overtake me, but it gets harder every day. We have to change with time and decisions are the worse thing people have to face. Without the help of God I would be completely lost. I want to be willing to accept whatever my Lord asks me to do. The fact is sometimes we are just not sure if it is God speaking to us or our own foolish thoughts. Any change one makes takes a great deal of force, and a lot of patience to make it work, however the faith we can claim by the promise of God will always prove to be right. It is those who wait for a clearance before making the move that always gets through. “I am thine oh Lord, draw me closer to Thee.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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